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Dr. Hive, I have a thyroid question.

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First of all, my dh is wary of doctors and medication. The only reason that I got him to have a physical was to get a dermatologist referral. He has a cyst that needs to be removed.


Anyway, here are the results.

T4: 7.3

T3 Uptake: 32.1

Free Thyroxine Index: 2.3

TSH: 5.039


The doctor has prescribed 0.05 mg of Synthroid. He is supposed to get more bloodwork in 6 months.


Dh has no symptoms of hypothyroidism. (The irony is that I have most of them.) He is hot all the time, but he has always been that way. He has lost some weight recently, but he attributes that to eating more fruits and vegetables.


Right now, dh wants to ignore the doctor, not take any medication, and see what the results are in 6 months. Of course, I am worried. Dh is the type that if he feels fine, he is fine. I don't want him to do anything that damages his health. So, what says Dr. Hive? Thank you in advance.

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What is his objection to taking the medicine? Its a really low low dose of Synthroid.


I have had thyroid issues for 30 years (starting when I was 15). I only went on Synthroid about 3 years ago.


I had and still have no symptoms (unless I have them and have lived with them for so long I do not consider them symptoms).


Why don't you have him visit an endocrinologist for a second opinion?

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I'm horrible with numbers and can't remember which of the ones you listed are supposed to be what.




These are symptoms of HYPER-thyroidism......


He is hot all the time, but he has always been that way. He has lost some weight recently, but he attributes that to eating more fruits and vegetables.



HYPER--means that everything runs fast. Too much thyroid stuff. Fast metabolism (weight loss), fast digestion (diarrhea), heart palpitations.


HYPO--means that everything runs slow. Not enough thyroid hormone. Digestion runs slow and causes constipation. Get cold. Weight gain from slow metabolism. Dry skin and hair loss are also common.


As a comparison, I'm on .075 MG of Synthroid and that dosage is comparable to what friends are on (it has had to be tweaked up and down some over the years.)


If you NEED thyroid medication, it is only replacing what your body isn't making.....so it's not adding anything to your body that isn't supposed to be there.


I won't comment on whether I think he needs it really, except to say that I put a lot of stock in how you are actually FEELING as opposed to what blood tests say. However, I do also get regular blood tests and my doctor does use those in her decisions. But, I often hear of people who say they feel better when their blood levels are outside the limits of what is supposed to be "NORMAL."

Edited by snickelfritz
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When I started with my hyperthyroidism my GP thought I has Hashimotos. Hashimotos is the exact opposite of what I have.


The "symptoms" you described are what I experience with Grave's Disease (Hyperthyroid). Synthroid would only make your dh worse if he is hyper.


As always if there is ever any question get a second opinion. The specialist to see for thyroid problems would be an endocrinologist. IMHO I would not (and did not) take meds for this until seeing a specialist.

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IIRC, the optimal number for T4 is 10. But I have HYPER-thyroid and feel terrible when it's that low. When my T4 is in the low teens I feel like myself. For many people with HYPO-thyroid, it can be difficult even with Synthroid to get them to 10. Like Erica, I put a lot of stock in how you are feeling. Seeing an endocrinologist for a second opinion, or at least running another test in 6 months, both seem like reasonable options to me.

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