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Singapore Math Primary - Standards Ed versus U.S.???

Pam L.

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I am considering using Singapore this Fall and supplementing with CLE & maybe MEP.


I am fairly certain I want the standards edition but would like opinions on both.

I would love to hear from someone who has used both U.S and Standards editions.




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I used the US edition for 1 and then switched to Standards for 2 and now we're in 3 of standards.


From what I've read, the Home Instructor's Guide (HiG) is better for the Standards edition (1 of US is written by same person who did standards versions).


The Standards edition has more review, so that's a plus in many ways. You can also skip the review sections if you don't need it.


There's information here about the differences between the US and Standards editions.


Part of what helped me decide to make the switch was that there's more topics in the Standards edition. I like more in math :) I've been very happy with the Standards edition. We're using the US version of Intensive Practice (since it isn't out for Standards). It's easy to match up with the Standards version.


The biggest difference I noticed is the addition of reviews at the end of each topic.

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My other reason for going with standards instead of US is that I wasn't sure that the US edition would stay around since the standards is now out, once they get all the supplements (IP, CWP) done for it-and I figured it was better to start with standards in the hope that it will stay available until my DD finishes with primary math, whenever that is. While the US scope and sequence isn't all that different, I've seen what happens when schools adopt new math programs mid-way through and the new program expects the kids to know topics that simply weren't in the lower grade levels of the old book, and I wanted to avoid that if possible.

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I am considering using Singapore this Fall and supplementing with CLE & maybe MEP.


I am fairly certain I want the standards edition but would like opinions on both.

I would love to hear from someone who has used both U.S and Standards editions.





If I were starting Singapore now, I would choose the Standards edition because of the additional topics. I never used the HIG, so that's not a deal breaker for me. But if I were, that would be a good reason to choose Standards edition too.


We never used the HIG because my oldest is a mathy kid and I have a math degree. I just pulled together my own manipulatives or examples when I needed to. I might use them a bit with my daughter because I'm starting at a lower level with her (my son didn't start HS until 2nd grade).

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  • 6 months later...

I wish there was someone besides the curriculum writer who could look at all the books side by side and comment. I would love to know if the standards are the exact problems in the US edition, plus more review, or if everything was rewritten.


I switched to Standards this year for 3A and 3B.


FWIW I liked the US edition HIGs. I don't see a huge difference this year. :confused: It seems like there is a little more there to read, but I haven't gained any extra benefit from that. It may be different for different levels.

Edited by Penelope
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I wish there was someone besides the curriculum writer who could look at all the books side by side and comment. I would love to know if the standards are the exact problems in the US edition, plus more review, or if everything was rewritten.



Here's information on the different editions and what was changed & moved for the Standards edition.


I spent yesterday prepping for 4th grade - and I love the additions to the Standards version that wouldn't be in the US edition: negative numbers (although only briefly) and basic statistics.

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I used the US Ed. for 3A/B and have the Std. Ed. for 4A-5A (currently my DD is in chapter 4 of 4A). The SE HIG is *WAY* better. I found the US Ed. HIG to be not very helpful at all.


The extra review in the SE is overkill at the time it is scheduled; however, we are doing them 1 semester behind (i.e. the 3B reviews in 4A) and that's perfect.

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We've been using US. I loved the HIG for 1b and expected the same for 2a...I was really disappointed in the 2a guide. I since then read about how the Standards has the same author for the HIGs as 1b US ed.. I'm thinking about switching to Standards for that reason alone.

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