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Is anyone else just sick of summer?

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SICK TO DEATH OF SUMMER!!!!! I grew up in CA LOVING hot summers! Now I HATE summer. There are TONS of bugs. In the spring we get the swarms of black flies. Then they go away and it's the deer flies attacking you. Let's not forget the ticks and abundance of lymes disease. Oh, and what about those bird-like-looking-bugs that draw blood from my animals???


The heat - it just sucks the life out of me. Actually, I think it's the humidity. Still, heat makes me want to relax. It also makes me tired, but that may be the humidity sucking all the juice out of me to hydrate the air. ;)


Fall and winter? LOVE IT. To be outside in the cooler weather is SO REFRESHING. INVIGORATING. My favorite thing is to go on moonlit walks in the woods with snow on the ground. You can see all around you with no light other than the moon and stars.


Of course sub zero temps and biting winds are awful, but thankfully they don't happen all the time, and they don't last long.

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I am thisclose to being done with summer. Fortunately, it hasn't been ultra hot here in my little circle of Texas. No 100 degree days yet (knock on wood!!) and lots of time spent at the pool. No electric bill over $400 yet either! (again, knock on wood!) I don't want to jinx Texas by crowing about this!LOL

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This thread is making me question why we take off for summers. We're just confined to the indoors with the intense heat anyway, we might as well be doing school. Maybe we'll rethink next year's schedule. Taking lots of time off in the beautiful spring and fall might be a better way to go. Hmmmmm ...

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But summer just started yesterday...literally! We've had almost nothing but cold weather and rain until this week.


The early tomatoes I planted two months ago don't even has baby tomatoes on them yet, let alone the nearly mature fruit they are suppose to have, The cucumber plant that I planted two months ago is only 4 inches tall. It's not dead, just stunted by the lack of sun, and finally showing signs of growth.

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Our peaches are ripe as are the zucchini and yellow squash. Tomatoes have not come on yet, nor have the green beans or beets due to a late, wet spring. Summer can't be over before I get tomatoes!!


I am not finished painting the outside of the house, and at the rate I am going, I will need 3 more months at least. So, NO! I am not sick of summer yet (even though the heat and humidity are getting old). Too much to do and too many good things yet to eat!

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For the first time in about 10 years, no! We had an unusually long, cool and rainy spring, and the summer hasn't been very hot so far. Normally by this time it's been over 100 for a couple of months, but not this year. We've hardly even had a chance to play in the creek much! And the tomatoes and corn aren't even ripe yet!


School starts in a month and I'm not ready yet! It's very weird.

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We have about a week of heat in June and a week of heat in July (on the down slope of it now). I despise those two weeks.


Temps over 75* set me on edge. I do not perspire prettily. I sweat like the proverbial pig. For two weeks of hot is is not worth getting A/C. So I suffer and complain often during those those times.


I'm very impatiently waiting for the middle of August.

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I am loving my garden. It's so lush and yummy. I am just getting going. We don't have long summers, so I enjoy them very much. Even with the heat and humidity. And it's like 97...and has been for days. I stuck my head under the hose this morning as I was watering. Ahhhh...lol


I complain about winter from Jan to April, so I do understand not enjoying a season. Hope it goes by quickly for you, and I hope Superman comes here and slows down the earth's rotation in my corner of the world.

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Joann beat me to the punch. Those of us in Western WA endured a seemingly endless, dreary spring and early summer with unusually cool temps (we lit the wood stove on July 4th!). We're finally experiencing summer and it doesn't last too terribly long, so we enjoy it while we can. By mid-September, I'm happy to see signs of autumn, my favorite season.:)


But summer just started yesterday...literally! We've had almost nothing but cold weather and rain until this week.


The early tomatoes I planted two months ago don't even has baby tomatoes on them yet, let alone the nearly mature fruit they are suppose to have, The cucumber plant that I planted two months ago is only 4 inches tall. It's not dead, just stunted by the lack of sun, and finally showing signs of growth.

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YES!!! I usually LOVE summer, but this year I am already over it. We have been going non-stop for the past 5 weeks. Between playdates, camps, vacations, more camps, etc....I am exhausted. I just want to stay home! I thought summer was supposed to be my break?!?!? Plus, the heat and humidity have drained all my energy. I can't wait to start school again next month and get into a less stressful routine.

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Fall is our favorite time of year


We school through summer because of the 100 degree days.


The boys finish up school work then we go jump in the lake and swim. I do love the boat rides around 10:00 pm at night. I love the night time summer sky.


Today is so hot! I went to hang a load of clothes and the clothes probably dried in 10 minutes but I want get them off the line till sunset.


I do all the yard work and gardening around 8:00.


I love sitting on my porch late in the evening. So I love summer nights.


Oh the song, from the 80's the Those Endless Summer Nights.



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No, ours only just started on July 5... seriously. Give me another week or so before I start craving autumn. :tongue_smilie:

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But summer just started yesterday...literally! We've had almost nothing but cold weather and rain until this week.
:lol: I didn't get far enough down before I responded.
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YES!!! I usually LOVE summer, but this year I am already over it. We have been going non-stop for the past 5 weeks. Between playdates, camps, vacations, more camps, etc....I am exhausted. I just want to stay home! I thought summer was supposed to be my break?!?!?

Take a break if you want a break. Say no to over-scheduling. Your kids will survive (and perhaps be better off without the frenzied activity).


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I thoroughly dislike summer because I really can't stand being out in the heat. I would love it if our summers were way more wet and cloudy here. After the heat wave this past week, I would so much rather be out having to shovel the snow than deal with the uncomfortable heat.

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Oh my goodness...NOOOOO~!!!!!!! I have had abroken wrist for three weeks and will be in a cast for at least 3 more weeks. I wish summer was 6 weeks longer this year! I wanna swim!



Same here! I broke my ankle on June 5, and still have one more week before I can even put weight on that foot. AARRRGGHHH!! I'm missing

out on summer! icon9.gif

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I was sick of summer BEFORE it started!


I think that's why I don't like spring because I know what comes after...


I must say, there is great comfort in knowing that I am not the only one counting the days until Labor Day (in my mind, summer is winding down then and I get my happy face back).

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I think that's why I don't like spring because I know what comes after...


I must say, there is great comfort in knowing that I am not the only one counting the days until Labor Day (in my mind, summer is winding down then and I get my happy face back).


Where I live September is still HOT HOT HOT - I don't count on it being cooler until October!

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We finished up school early this year..April 30th due to Dad coming home from Iraq. I'm so ready to get back into the routine, but we move in two weeks and other than reviewing and reading each day...I'm bored. I like being busy with my school routine and having little breaks each month...not months on end. Come September....I'll be so happy again. :D

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For the first time in about 10 years, no! We had an unusually long, cool and rainy spring, and the summer hasn't been very hot so far. Normally by this time it's been over 100 for a couple of months, but not this year. We've hardly even had a chance to play in the creek much! And the tomatoes and corn aren't even ripe yet!


School starts in a month and I'm not ready yet! It's very weird.


:lol: This is my kind of summer. Cool temps until end of June, then a little bit of heat (for the tomatoes to ripen) and then back down to F80 or so until September/October when I like to see some juicy storms and a cool breeze.


The part about storms and cool breezes in October is me dreaming but perhaps just once it will happen?!


Usually it's F100 from somewhere in mid-May until October and then - from one day to the next - it's winter, not even fall.

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I HATE summer...the heat, the nasty bugs, simsuits :)


I LOVE Fall...pretty scenery, cool weather, jeans


I LOVE Winter...pretty scenery, cold weather, no bugs, Christmas, jeans and sweaters


I LOVE Spring...pretty flowers, cool-ish weather, rain, jeans and a tee shirt


Did I mention how I HATE only Summer? I want to move NORTH!

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No how!

I love the freedom of schedule, playing at the pool, eating homegrown tomatoes and watching my kids catch fireflies at night (staying up much later than they really should!). I'll be ready for fall when it get here - it is my favorite season, but this is fun too.

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Autumn is my favorite season but I am waiting to enjoy summer. We have had so much rain and so far the weather hasn't been all that bad. High humidity but not hot, hot, hot like it has been in the past few years.

With me teaching a summer class my summer hasn't really started yet. My break will come in August, just in time for the State Fair.


I haven't even been to the pool yet.

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