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What are your thoughts on fireworks bans?

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So I have lived the last four years in FL and in VA. In Florida, you could by ground fireworks legally and sparklers but rockets and things like that only if you were taking it out of state or for agricultural uses. On my island and in my neighborhood, there was no agricultaral use and it was very annoying since we had it happening right next door and they didn't clean up. (Single men of an uncertain age who acted like teens). Here in VA we have also ground firework sales but no rocket types. I think they go to PA for that. THose are illegal. Fortunately, I don't have any young single male house holders as neighbors and everyone had a nice time just setting off fountain types and such like. We went to a huge display in Fairfax City which was really nice on the 3rd and just stayed home with our little display on the 4th.

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I live in an inner city, with a fireworks ban. It does absolutely no good here and the police do nothing. Last night, we had extremely loud, shaking my windows booms until after midnight. My children had a hard time sleeping and my nerves were on edge. I don't usually care about the smaller stuff but that big stuff should not happen. It is rude to your neighbors as well as dangerous. Unfortunately, we have been hearing them for several days already and if pattern holds as in the past, fireworks here will be a nightly thing for another month or so.

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And when the house burned down is the neighbor's and not the person who was doing the fireworks?


A few years ago some college students were renting in the neighborhood. They were shooting off fireworks and set a neighbor's roof on fire. Fire department put it out before it spread, but apparently there wasn't clear enough information of where the fireworks came from. The neighbor whose house was set afire had to have her homeowner's insurance pay to repair things. She wasn't even home at the time.


We don't have a ban, but I'd sure like one.

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If this works, here is a site that I uploaded a video to of our fireworks display across the street. This isn't the finale....this is just a random minute. This goes on for 2 hours!


It is hard to tell but this is over the top of a two story house. It is about 200-300 feet away from were we are. They do this every year. In our neighborhood you can look around and see similar displays Every Where.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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dh buys them and sets them off every year on the 4th. I hate it. Every year I can't wait for it to be done, and every year I'm thankful that we've made it one more time without fires or injury.


This year it's very dry. We haven't had a good rainstorm in weeks. I was nervous for fires but still more nervous that dh, or someone else, would get hurt.


And I hate that it spooks my horses.


Sssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, but I wish they were banned in my town. ;)

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We live outside the city limits and it seems nothing can be done. It also seems that all of our neighbors set off fireworks last night. We live outside the city limits but in a subdivision. We hung out last night as long as we could (until the smoke made us go indoors) because last year we had some kids send bottle rockets into our yard.:glare: We all enjoyed seeing the fireworks up close but I don't think it is safe at all. I grew up setting off fireworks but we had several acres and nothing was ever in danger.

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We used to live in an area where you could not light off any and then we moved to the Sacramento area where they were legal. We could not believe it when we first moved here because it is dry this time of year. It is uncommon though to have any big fires though I imagine there are some. I would not want to be a police officer or a fireman this time of year for anything, but I guess that is part of the job description. We went to our city's large display last night and it was fun and exciting. Then we came home and lit off our own in the courtyard with neighbors. It is all part of the celebration. I love the fourth! I even read the Declaration of Independence out loud to the children on our way to the city fireworks.


:patriot: :hat: :patriot:

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I love the displays. Yes, there are bans, but it appears no one enforces them and I'm perfectly ok with it. We go to my in-laws and sit on the shore overlooking a river and watch them all around. We've yet to spend so much as a dollar ourselves, but I enjoy watching the $$ other people spend.


The rare year we stay home we sit on a hill on our property and watch them.


Our neighbors have asked us if we mind them setting them off (we have 16 ponies, so they were concerned about the animals). I told them to go right ahead. I want my ponies "bomb proof" for future showing purposes, etc, so I like it when extra noises are introduced from many different sources. The ponies get their first experience with them when they are babies and never get bothered. I think they learn from their elders. Our dog doesn't mind either. Our cats hide, but they get over it.


If no one around us were to do fireworks we might give in and buy some ourselves, but I'm cheap so I see no need. Free entertainment!

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I'm in NJ where they are completely banned. In a state this densely populated, I think it makes perfect sense.


Every year there are a few illegal shows and every year there's usually at least one report of someone getting hurt. When its some drunk idiot I don't care but I hear too often of children getting severly burned and that is just heartbreaking.

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I prefer them to be banned. There should at least be regulations about not using them in large crowds, having a certain amount of space between the lighting of these things and buildings, etc.


We went to a city display, and in a HUGE crowd people gave their children sparklers. I was seriously concerned about a toddler in our group trying to touch a sparkler! The girl holding the sparkler was waving it about WAY TOO close to other people! And, there was a boy (maybe 6yo) given one in an obviously stunned/scared state...his family was laughing at him and warning him (not so nicely:glare:) to NOT catch the table cloth on fire! I was seriously afraid he'd turn real fast/drop it out of fear and get someone hurt.


On what other day is it OK or funny to give a child FIRE???

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I love neighborhood fireworks!


As do I - they are illegal here so all the dads make a trip to a neighboring state to stock up on stuff - on the fourth we were setting ours off in the backyard, aiming over the neighbor's yard, and they aimed over ours. Then we went over to join the rest of the block in the neighbor's yard, as he simply buys more and bigger fireworks than we can afford. He gets the big stuff that bursts way overhead, above the 100-yr-pld trees and houses.


Our city canceled our professional fireworks show this year due to cost. So, yeah, many streets had their backyard shows! I imagine the overtime cost for police and firefighters was more than the cost of the canceled show.


PS this neighbor learned the hard way a couple years back to 1. not shoot them off in the street and 2. don NOT have all the fireworks out in the yard. An officer stopped by and confiscated the lot. Now he shoots them off in the backyard...and keeps the fireworks in the house, bringing out only what he is ready to set off. An officer can't take all the fireworks since he can't go into the house.

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I really hate the idea of bans! I think it's the one time of the year the government should leave individuals alone. Granted within certain limits....dense populations, droughts. Other than that...let people celebrate freedom, FREELY!

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