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What are your thoughts on fireworks bans?

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Our city has banned fireworks again this year. They do have a city-run fireworks show at a local park but individuals are not supposed to set them off. Some people still do, but it isn't the war zone that it has been in years when it is not illegal. I'm so happy! My neighbors who love to set them off in the cul-de-sac are not happy. How do/would you feel?

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I have never understood the fascination with consumer grade fireworks. They are an irritation, often a fire hazard and they cause a great deal of grief for an awful lot of animals. I am glad for our ban.


I do love the large commercial shows over the lakes!

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I'm much happier to have true fireworks limited to particular places and times. I want to be able to go outside and enjoy sparklers with the kids and a cookout, not worry about my incompetent neighbors with their bottle rockets. There are always still people who shoot them off, but it's not the chaos it is otherwise (not to mention the mad rush on all the local ERs from people doing stupid things)...

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We enjoy setting them off. A lot of people around here do it, and my next door neighbors (who have lived here for many years) say that it's allowed and that the police don't bother anybody who does them on the fourth. Works for me!


On the other hand, if it were banned, I wouldn't be like devastated or fuming over it or anything like that.

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I would loooove it! Our neighbors have caught a house roof on fire (we saw it early and used a hose to put it out), dented my car 2x, left a burn mark in my garage door and sent way ward fireworks into a crowd of people, catching the blankets on fire.


Even though they aren't legal, there are people everywhere letting off fireworks from before the go on sale (the go the the reservation or use left overs) until they run out, usually around the 6th or 7th. We get a solid 10days or so of nightly fireworks. During every break in the pouring rain, people were setting them off Thursday night. :confused: I just do get the enjoyment in that!


We can't leave our house on the 4th due to the neighbor's inappropriate firework use. Roman Candles in the hand of a 4yo..brilliant!


DD3 is terrified of the sound of fireworks. We have had a week of her crying at night, even with her ear muffs used for firing guns. I spend hours each night, 9pm-12am trying to talk her down from being terrified. Last night, I finally got her to go to sleep with a lot of cajoling, the ear muffs AND foam ear plugs in.


One neighbor sells fireworks so he lets off pallets of fireworks each year (not all legal ones). He lets off 4-5 of the large, airborne finale boxes, every 10 minutes or so through out the night. He starts at 9pm and goes solid until midnight. His real finale lasts 5-10 minutes or so and he has a few mini-finales through out the night too. He now uses a field 200 feet from my house, he used to let them off in the street 20 feet away. It is easily a $10,000 display.


Last year we had guests leave mid display because it was so much, that it got boring.



On top of that, there are tons of other neighbors and neighborhoods near by that do the same. We live in a relatively flat area, so we can see fireworks from at least a mile away. There is not a moment on the 4th that there isn't something in the sky from 9-12.


We live 15 minutes from the 'largest fireworks display west of the Mississippi", but haven't seen it in the 10 years we have lived here, in fear of leaving our house. :001_huh:


ETA: a house in our neighborhood burned to the ground last year due to fireworks after the 4th. The kids found left over fireworks. :(

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I think that if an individual wants to get their pyrotechnic license through the fire department, then great! We have a friend with his license and he does a wonderful and safe show in his field.


The downer here in Michigan is that a lot of the municipalities have had to eliminate their professional shows because of money problems. We always took the children to the fireworks on the 4th and thankfully our little local chamber of commerce managed a small display for this year. But, I bet you next year we won't have that.


I am not a fan of our drunken neighbors having anything that can be "lit".



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I don't mind sparklers, little bottle rockets (really little), and those stationary tube things that send up a "show" for about 30 seconds.

I HATE firecrackers and anything else, particularly those black snakes that look like poo being formed before your eyes.:tongue_smilie:

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I enjoy neighborhood fireworks, but am totally on board with them being banned. California is a tinder box by the time July comes around, and after having the experience of being evacuated for a fire, I don't think it's worth the risk. The truth is that people are idiots. While some people use their brains while operating fireworks, way too many don't. I don't want my home and life at the mercy of the stupidest person in the neighborhood.

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I have never understood the fascination with consumer grade fireworks. They are an irritation, often a fire hazard and they cause a great deal of grief for an awful lot of animals. I am glad for our ban.


I do love the large commercial shows over the lakes!

Yep. Although I don't love the large commercial shows, either. I try to zen out and enjoy them. I try not to think about the phenomenal cost and where that money might be better spent. I try not to think about the pollution. In other words, don't watch a commercial fireworks show with me.;)
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The fireworks down in the neighborhoods here are *crazy*!! I've never seen anything like it. There are tons of illegal aerials, and the police have been quoted as not being able to do much about it. It lasts for a couple of days, the whole neighborhood is smoky and hazy.

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I like when they ban the more dangerous fireworks - cherry bombs etc. But I like the fountains and less explosive types.


We started hearing fireworks on Thursday night. For those who have dogs and small children, I just wish people would only set off fireworks on one night.

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I do hate the "consumer" fireworks. I much prefer the municipal displays than the neighborhood ones. When I was growing up, my neighbor blew his hand off. My older brothers used to play with them (even having bottle rocket wars when they were teens.) I was always terrified that someone was going to get hurt. Now, I just hate the all-night noise.

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I would LOVE if they banned fireworks here. The only things banned here are the ones that go off of the ground. However, PLENTY of people still have do those kinds.


Two years ago, the people in our cul de sac nearly blew the thing up! Or at least it sounded like it. They have one of those fireworks launcher things where it shoots them high into the sky and then it bursts in the sky. Well....it burst on the ground! It was LOUD...so loud that my ears felt funny for hours afterwards and the sound made me dizzy. Sparks shot everywhere. I have absolutely no idea how no one down there got injured. They were having a big gathering down there and lots of people were standing around. I thought for sure someone blew their hand off, or even died.


We find so many fireworks on our roof and in our yard after July 4th and New Years Eve. It's much too dangerous in my opinion.


I do, however, love when the city does a display....or Disney. Those are awesome!

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I'd love to see them banned. A week straight of crabby kids (my youngest *requires* 11 hours sleep) because of !&^*@& who can't keep their fireworks to one day drives me to distraction. It's worse than car stereos, which should also be banned, or at least be rigged to detonate past a certain decibel level.

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There are a ton of laws on the use and sale of fireworks here in the UK. Not banning them or anything but restricting their use but they don't seem to get enforced very well.


I do think fireworks should only be available to licensed pyrotechnicians. They are just plain dangerous. I have experience of working with theatre pyros and they are treated with such respect by trained individuals and they are usually pretty small. It just seems mad to make fireworks available to ordinary untrained individuals. Sure a lot of people will be sensible with them but so many people just aren't.

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I wish it was banned here. Last night some fool set fireworks off INSIDE the apartment building (hallway opens to the outside). When they went off last night, I knew it was nearby, but didn't know it was literally right outside my door (found the remains of fireworks this morning). If it happens again tonight, I'm calling the cops. I'm just happy they didn't set the apartment on fire.

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I don't have a problem with reasonable local fireworks. I get a little annoyed when we're at my parents' house and the (drunk) neighbors set them off for several nights, all night. It doesn't get dark in the U.P. until quite late and it keeps the kids, and us, awake. Do they not know that they have missed the 4th? Are they so drunk that they are guessing and want to be sure they have all the possible dates covered? I don't know. It's very irritating.


In our old neighborhood, some people set them off but it wasn't excessive and I didn't mind. I don't think anything ever caught on fire.


I haven't lived through a 4th of July here yet, so I will let you know on Monday what I think about this area and whether they should be banned. :lol:

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There are bans in place here though it varies a bit from municipality to municipality even though we're all one big burb....


Of course they don't get set off on the 4th & we only heard a few on Canada Day. Halloween & New Years Eve can get loud. I'd be happy to only see the large commercial displays. (or the ones set off by the fire department.....)


I do find them boring after a while.


For those of you with quivering, scared dogs (so many animals get spooked and run away &/or get hit by cars during fireworks) melatonin & or Thundershirt can help. http://www.thundershirt.com/


I give my 50lb setter a 3mg melatonin about an hour before I think the fireworks will start & then he just finds a quiet place & sleeps. Otherwise he shakes in the bathroom with his tail tucked the entire time.....(my other dog otoh, doesn't find them too worrying. I think she's just irritated at being kept awake LOL)


I'm thinking of buying him a Thundershirt too as I've heard so many success stories with it.

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For those of you with quivering, scared dogs (so many animals get spooked and run away &/or get hit by cars during fireworks) melatonin & or Thundershirt can help. http://www.thundershirt.com/


I give my 50lb setter a 3mg melatonin about an hour before I think the fireworks will start & then he just finds a quiet place & sleeps. Otherwise he shakes in the bathroom with his tail tucked the entire time.....(my other dog otoh, doesn't find them too worrying. I think she's just irritated at being kept awake LOL)




That is good to know. What's funny is that my big dominant dog is the one who quivers with fireworks and thunderstorms. My submissive scaredy-dog is the one who is just fine with loud noises. My dd thinks it's because she was born on the 4th of July!

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I enjoy neighborhood fireworks, but am totally on board with them being banned. California is a tinder box by the time July comes around, and after having the experience of being evacuated for a fire, I don't think it's worth the risk.



But where I grew up back in Massachusetts I always thought the fireworks ban was indicative of "nanny state". New Hampshire allows their sale so I knew tons of folks who crossed the border to purchase them & I never heard of anyone getting injured or starting a fire.

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They scare the daylights out of me!


I really don't see the point in the flimsy ones that are only sold to individuals. I have never seen truly good fireworks unless run by the city.


All the firecrackers and things along those lines are annoying and *I* just don't get the point.


Take a chance in blowing your hand off (or worse) to see pretty lights. Sure, it isn't often that someone gets hurt setting them off but I sure as heck wouldn't take the chance no matter how slim.

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We love our fireworks (and the rest of the neighborhoods as well!). We moved from an area where they were illegal and were so happy we could do them here. So, I would be really bummed if they were illegal. As would my kids. Now, if we lived in a subdivision with tiny lots like we did prior to this house, I wouldn't be so happy about it. I don't like them to be set off within a few feet of our house:)

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I wish they were illegal around here.


1. We get less than 4 inches of rain a year and have about 15% humidity. So hubby spends the 4th trying to keep the yard wet because of the insane neighbor and their illegal fireworks.


2. The day after the 4th is always a red-air day. Literally we are stuck inside the entire day because the particulate matter is so bad. Horrible air quality.


3. The firework's booths go to help fund various non-profit organizations in town. So additionally, from July 1-4th we are continually hit up to purchase fireworks to support local charities, including our own church. Makes it feel very awkward to say no.


Anyway, I'd be thrilled if they'd just outlaw all of it. As it is, we don't buy them or set them off.

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We have bans within the city limits, but we are just outside the limit of two cities. :001_smile: Last year we just did sparklers, but it had not rained and we have lots of trees. This year it has rained all week, so we might get a few fun fireworks along with the sparklers. We do that after we get back from the local fireworks display.

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Private fireworks have been banned in Australia for many years. I used to love them as a kid, but there are several great monster public firework shows in my city each year and we usually go to at least one- even if from a distance. Thats good enough for me, since so many people are injured by the privately bought ones.

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We love to set off fireworks, but we are out in the county. I understand bans in city limits to protect people, animals and property from dangers and noise. But other then that, I vote for freedom and if they banned us out here, I'd be pretty mad. Not so much about the fireworks specifically, but that another bit of freedom had been encroached upon.

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We always set off fireworks. Some years there have been bans for the foothills near our city due to dry weather. The fireworks that are sold here are pretty tame - nothing big. We're careful and take all the necessary precautions. I don't know if our city has ever considered a ban on fireworks?

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They are legal here for 3-4 days around July 4th, and on New Years Eve. LOVE IT! In the five years we've been in a place were it is legal, not a single fire, injury reported in the news. The one year we were in a major drought, most abstained... no house fires in the news that year either. That said, I'm just a spectator and glad dh and dss only spectate too.

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I'm still really cross about fireworks being banned.


The twice yearly "cracker nights" were a big feature of my childhood. We had them on 24 May and 5 November (both old British dates that we had no business celebrating, but whatever...) First came the excitement of my parents purchasing and bringing home the fireworks. They would be put up out of reach (of course), but every so often we were allowed to get them down and drool over them, thus building a huge amount of excited anticipation. Then on the night itself, we would all bustle around getting things ready for the bonfire and the fireworks. We'd deliberate very seriously about what to let off first. My father would get the first rocket ready while my mother made sure we were standing well back. Finally it would be lit. We'd all ooh and ah for a while. Then we'd be given a sparkler to write our names in the air. Somehow it seemed to go on for hours (probably seemed longer than it was), because even though my parents didn't have much money to spend, we would get full appreciation out of every single one. When the night was finally over, we still had the fun next morning of going out and collecting all the litter, marveling over where everything had landed.


There's no way a public fireworks display can ever compete with my fond memories...


Of course there were always accidents with things being lit in people's pockets, or set off by kids, or drunk people, and lots of people got hurt. But I dunno, it just feels unfair that a few idiots hurt themselves, so something gets banned. Why can't they ban idiots instead? After all, they can still hurt themselves with staplers, or toasters, or whatever?

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I've always lived in places with fireworks bans - I'm in a large city/suburbs area. I'm perfectly all right with it! I don't really think it's safe for individuals to be setting them off around here, private properties are just too small. Plus it's a fire hazard, and much of the time by July everything is too dry. However, I think all the more rural areas around here allow fireworks by individuals. So anyone who really wants to set off fireworks can drive an hour max and be in a place where it's legal.


At the turn of the year 2000, our neighbors across the street set off a couple of small fireworks, though..that was fun. :D

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For PA-

Specifically prohibited: Any combustible or explosive composition prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or an audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration or detonation. This includes, but is not limited to, firecrackers, skyrockets, roman candles, aerial fireworks, or other fireworks of like construction, and any fireworks containing any explosive or flammable compound.


They are, however, SOLD in PA, but you're supposed to only be able to buy them with an out-of-state ID. And then it's illegal to take them over the border into NJ. So figure that one out.


Our private development is 6+ square miles of woods/brush. We're not patrolled by police, but by our private security company. There is a $500 fine for fireworks within our development. And still, they go off all. the. time. I heard them last night!


The neighbors down the street usually have a huge 4th of July party, and they take up a collection from their guests to cover the $500 in case they get caught. :glare:


Because my house sits right in the middle of more than an acre of flammable material, yes, I truly resent the defiance. Especially when most of our houses have wonderful mountain views of 6-10 simultaneous professional shows on the 4th, along with others spread over the summer.

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The fireworks down in the neighborhoods here are *crazy*!! I've never seen anything like it. There are tons of illegal aerials, and the police have been quoted as not being able to do much about it. It lasts for a couple of days, the whole neighborhood is smoky and hazy.


My FIL used to have a job that included enforcing the regulation of fireworks sales. His state was in the process of enforcing much more stringent requirements on the point of sale after about 7 people were killed after someone tossed a lit firework into a fireworks store area. He was very aware of the number of people injured and the buildings lost to fireworks related fires in his state every year.


He was pretty appalled that in Hawaii you could walk into KMart and buy what required a fireworks display license in his state. Personally I've been bothered by the duplicity of the number of states in which sales are legal, if you agree to take it out of the state within 24 hours, but use of fireworks are not legal. I think that FIL once calculated that the nearest state where the actual use of fireworks sold in his state was legal was about 500 miles away. But the legislature in his state had flinched from outlawing the actual sale. I think this is a bit of doublespeak.

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I am originally from NJ where it's illegal to even pump your own gas, let alone set off explosives. :lol: Fireworks were only done by professionals.


Moving to Texas changed that. :auto: I was very, very wary of them. My xh would buy a bunch and set them off. Several neighbors over the years here have done amazing shows. I enjoy the neighbor time.


Once, my xh set one off that mis-fired directly into my leg. I had immediate pain and a massive bruise for a long time.


A few years later, financial circumstances lead us (new DH) to consider operating fireworks stands (under the umbrella of a large company here). We ran 3? 4? seasons. I began to understand the *business* behind it. There are families, jobs, income, usefulness. My kids learned inventory, making change without a computer (a skill I admit I feel is important), marketing, customer service. We spent many crazy, goofy hours together without TV and other distractions.


That doesn't change the fact that fireworks = literally lighting cash on fire. There is danger, mess, odor and inconvenience. OTOH, our family was able to continue/survive and even thrive having been able to accept that role a few times.

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I am originally from NJ where it's illegal to even pump your own gas, let alone set off explosives. :lol: Fireworks were only done by professionals.


Moving to Texas changed that. :auto: I was very, very wary of them. My xh would buy a bunch and set them off. Several neighbors over the years here have done amazing shows. I enjoy the neighbor time.


Once, my xh set one off that mis-fired directly into my leg. I had immediate pain and a massive bruise for a long time.


A few years later, financial circumstances lead us (new DH) to consider operating fireworks stands (under the umbrella of a large company here). We ran 3? 4? seasons. I began to understand the *business* behind it. There are families, jobs, income, usefulness. My kids learned inventory, making change without a computer (a skill I admit I feel is important), marketing, customer service. We spent many crazy, goofy hours together without TV and other distractions.


That doesn't change the fact that fireworks = literally lighting cash on fire. There is danger, mess, odor and inconvenience. OTOH, our family was able to continue/survive and even thrive having been able to accept that role a few times.


Joanne, is your family manning a fireworks stand this holiday?

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Joanne, is your family manning a fireworks stand this holiday?


No, not this time. We let go of our winter stand this year half way through. The last 2 or 3 stands weren't profitable "enough" to justify the work. DH ended up in the hospital after 2 of the stands due to the physical demands meeting the realities of his body. We paid a homeless friend to assist us in the last stand we finished and that was an awful season (a burn ban was in effect). This past season was S.L.O.W. and we decided it was no longer worth it.


We took my FIL out of his nursing home and to a family reunion instead. There, I volunteered to organize and execute the games next year for the kids 18 and under. :lol::auto:

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Well, I'm in NJ, where they are banned statewide. I appreciate the ban. It doesn't stop everyone from setting of various fireworks, but it would be a lot worse without the ban. What does go off, including the big shows the towns around here put on, drives my Aspie son nuts, as well as the dogs. Most of the main routes into PA have convenient places to buy fireworks just for us Jersey folks.:001_smile: We were driving home from a trip into PA for dinner last night and the tents were doing a brisk business at 10:30 pm. We did pick up some sparklers on our previous trip. The police in our town generally won't do anything unless someone complains or it gets too late. On a side note, I heard on the news about some guy in LI blowing his arm off and the drs. not being able to reattach it...

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