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Quiet Time with Shared Rooms

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I've heard so much about the wonders of daily quiet time where children go into their rooms and play by themselves or read or draw etc. I'd love to start this in our home - but my boys share a room. How do you manage quiet time with small children who share a room? It seem that it would be anything but quiet, and a big fight isn't relaxing :)



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Thanks! Great plan! That'll work for now.



Just to make things complicated - what about when child #4 comes along in our three bedroom house? Or should I just figure that out in a year or so when that happens.:001_smile:



ETA oh wait - you said my room OR ANOTHER ROOM. I guess the living room would count. Doesn't seem as confining though - likely a small child would be prone to wander. Hmm. Any ideas?

Edited by g.beth12
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When we do our quiet time, one child is on the living room couch and the other is on the smaller couch in the library or playroom. They switch every other day, as they both prefer to be in the living room.


When we get ready for quiet time, they each gather books, puzzles and/or quiet toys to play with. We are currently doing 75 minutes a day.


I normally do quiet time with them, as I enjoy the peaceful time. I normally sit in a chair in the living room and read.

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I tell my 4 and 7 year old boys, who share a room, that they should stay on their beds and read or write/draw quietly. They are usually pretty quiet and quite enjoy their peaceful time. When they were younger I would separate them if they were having "one of those days" or have them play with a toy quietly or look through the pages of a book. They would often fall asleep.


We all still have quiet time, including my 11 year old and I have to say that some of the best ideas and inspiration come out of that hour. My 11 year old writes scripts, plays his guitar or keyboard or reads. I don't allow laptops in their bedrooms during quiet time. It has become a bit of a crutch for us! They love it and so do I.

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I separate them. Usually one in the bedroom and one in another room of the house (either LR or sunroom). If the child is young (maybe 5 or 6 or younger) I put him on a cot. He doesn't even have to lie down, but has to stay on it. He has toys all around him so he can play, and the stereo is there so he listens to a book on CD.


Speaking of book on CD, this is what my 6-year-old LOVES to do during QT.


If I have a third child around, he goes into another room as well.


HIGHLY recommend QT!

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I separate them as much as possible. Toddler goes into the crib in her room. If the 3 yr old is cranky, I send her in there into her crib. They will sleep 2-3 hours. If the 3 yr old is behaving well, I just put her in the office (has a bed) and give her some books and put on some soft music/stories. The baby just floats about the house or sleeps in the crib in my room. The oldest 2 I do not separate but send downstairs to the basement/playroom if I need some QT. Otherwise, that is when we get the most schoolwork done. Sometimes the 5 yr old will go to her room (shared with 6.5 yr old) and read quietly. Of course, then the older wants to go too. No way! That almost always ends with a quarrel about some book or toy and then the younger 3 get woken up. :lol: So, I keep her at least on the main level. Hope that helps!



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When mine were little and shared, we just worked on having quiet time On Your Own Bed. No talking, no looking at each other.


I actually think that learning to give someone else space and create your own quiet space in a room with others is a useful and important skill. Sure, it's *easier* to stick kids in separate rooms. But I'm not sure it's better.

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