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Day 1 of 31: Going sugar free

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I'm going sugar free for the next 31 days (or longer, but I'm setting a realistic target).


After the recent sugar addiction thread, I recognized the need for this and I'm posting to add some 'public accountability'. And as a reminder of my resolve when I log on again during my usual afternoon slump.


Anyone want to join me?

Any survival tips from those of you who've gone cold turkey on sugar?

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I'll join you, thanks for the incentive!


We were always sugar free but in the last few years we have fallen off horribly.


To go sugar free the first two weeks are the hardest (cranky, cranky) after that all is well.


It does help to eat a lot of vegetables and fruit as it takes away the sugar craving.


Looking forward to this!

Deb in NJ

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I've been sugar free for 30 days. I'm planning on another 30. I actually am doing a whole foods liver cleanse and went of dairy and red meat also. I've lost 8 lbs this month.


I am loving smoothies made with berries, bananas, pineapple and coconut milk.


I also do better when I have fruit ready to eat in the fridge.


When my family wants ice-cream, I have a watermelon cooler. (watermelon and kiwi blended in the Vitamix)


I also keep a snack bag of almonds in my purse so I'm not tempted to get something sweet when I'm away from home.


I'll be with you for the next 30 days!

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Be prepared to be in a really foul mood for a little while... and if your sugar craving is the result of yeast in the gut, be prepared for some upset tummy issues as well... It is possible, and you'll feel awesome after you get past the grumps :)

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What exactly are you cutting out of your diet to be sugar free? Is it just processed, refined sugar?

Sodas, candy, cake, frosting, cookies, Frosted Flakes, juice?


Are you allowing sugar free products that include Splenda, sucralose, Aspartame, etc? What about natural sugars like that found in fruit?


I have already cut out all of the second group (artificial sweeteners) and am willing to try cutting out refined sugars but I need a little bit of guidance.

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You may also be exhausted for a while but that will pass.


Stevia is a wonderful natural sweetener derived from the leaves of the stevia plant. I use it as a sweetener more than anything else. Just don't use a lot since it's way sweeter than sugar. In addition, xylitol is another natural sweetener that comes in powdered form and measures cup for cup just like sugar. So I use that in all breads, muffins, etc.


Simple sugars metabolize quickly. In addition to having fruit vs. dessert, try having other foods that are incredibly filling. For example, 100% whole grain toast with coconut oil and hemp seed sprinkled on top. A handful of dried goji berries. Lettuce leaves with homemade peanut butter and raw cacao nibs sprinkled on top. These types of things will give you a TON of "go-power" and satisfy hunger for hours, so you're less likely to crave sweets.


Good luck with it!

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It is amazing once you detox from the sugar!! You will probably loose weight too! :)




We use honey and agave for everything. Xylitol is also good but usually corn based.


We were told organic cane juice was ok cuz it was not refined or processed - but we honestly try to avoid that too. There are tons of great agave sweetened stuff like ketchup, BBQ sauce, etc.


It has been a process but it is well worth it! We all feel sooooo much better!


GL! LKM if you need any recipes :)

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Xylitol is also made from birch... I buy mine online. A warning about xylitol... it causes digestive problems to MANY people if you have much so don't go all crazy with it as a sub. lol


Good luck to you all! Going sugar free is so difficult but so worth it. Your health will thank you. ;)

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I'll join you, thanks for the incentive!


I'll be with you for the next 30 days!


I'm in. I've been thinking about doing this for a while.


By the way, count me in!


Thanks for joining in!! It will definitely help me to stay committed knowing that you're doing this with me!


Good luck to all of you participating.


Thank you!


What exactly are you cutting out of your diet to be sugar free? Is it just processed, refined sugar?

Sodas, candy, cake, frosting, cookies, Frosted Flakes, juice?


Yes to all of the above. I'm reading all labels very carefully for sugar.


Are you allowing sugar free products that include Splenda, sucralose, Aspartame, etc?

What about natural sugars like that found in fruit?


I'm going to be avoiding sugar free products as well, but am allowing myself 3 servings of fruit a day and unlimited vegetables. I also won't be using honey or stevia this month to let my pallet adjust.


My first day has gone well (its just after 8pm here). We went out and bought a hot air popcorn machine, so I snacked on popcorn this afternoon. I've also got a stash of baby carrots, baby corn and sugar snap peas that I've dipped into.


I hope its going well with the rest of you!!

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I'm going to be avoiding sugar free products as well, but am allowing myself 3 servings of fruit a day and unlimited vegetables. I also won't be using honey or stevia this month to let my pallet adjust.


My first day has gone well (its just after 8pm here). We went out and bought a hot air popcorn machine, so I snacked on popcorn this afternoon. I've also got a stash of baby carrots, baby corn and sugar snap peas that I've dipped into.


I hope its going well with the rest of you!!


Okay, count me in. I haven't had any sugar yet just in case. I have been eating raspberries and blackberries to satisfy my sweet tooth.


Good luck to all of us!

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I'll join in. I already gave up sodas and drink non sweetened tea several months ago. Have tried to eliminate stuff with corn syrup which means eating organic breads, etc. I used to be allergic to corn when kid so decided to give up corn chips and all that stuff. Seems to be working. My blood tested high for glucose so have to watch the sugar. But I did eat alot of pasta for a couple days before the test so something I have to watch. Great idea.

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You can buy these strange :) foods (and more!), as well as lots of yummy nuts of all kinds at nutsonline.com. Some local health food stores carry them.


This stuff's really yummy!!! The other day, my children brought goji berries to tennis as a quick energy snack. (a handful a day is all you need). All the other children and the coach wanted to try them. The coach is always curious about what we eat, because my dc have an incredible amount of stamina. I've had only one person not like gojis and we've shared them a lot.


Today I made some healthy muffins with homemade peanut butter and raw cacao nibs in them, sweetened with xylitol and a little orange juice. The house smelled like a warm peanut butter cup. Here's the recipe:


1 c. barley flour

1 c. golden wheat flour (aka white whole wheat - it is whole grain)

1/3 c. xylosweet (xylitol)

3 tsp. baking powder

1 dash salt

1/3 c. canola oil

1/2 c. orange juice

1/2 c. peanut butter (next time I may increase this to 3/4 and decrease oj to 1/4 or 1/3 c. to increase protein and pbutter flavor)

1 large egg

about 1/2-1 c. raw cacao nibs (I only put in 1/2 because we are so low on them right now!)


Mix all dry ingredients together (1st five). Mix next four ingredients in separate bowl. Make a well in the dry ingredients; stir wet ingredients in til combined. Fold in nibs. Use well greased muffin cups. Bake at 400 for about 20-23 min. depending on your oven. Hmmmm.....yes, I gave in and let the dc try them right away.

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Okay - I blew it already. I had a touch of ketchup (just a bit, not much at all, like 1/16 of a teaspoon) and it had high fructose corn syrup in it.


Do I get to continue? Wahh! This is going to be difficult!


Everyone blows it at some point (well except for in the land of rainbows and kittens where no one worries about sugar). Just get back up and keep at it. :D


Just remember, if it were easy, everyone would do it. Doing hard stuff has great rewards.

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I live in a small town and I don't of anywhere I could buy these things. Do I need to find a health food store?


Vitacost.com or maybe iherb.com (I love Vitacost though--there are always coupons and sales and they participate in ebates).


Good luck to all of you participating.


:lol: Is this like a "Better you than me!" kind of good luck wish?



We finished off the last of my (all-time favorite) birthday cake today. My mommy made it per my special request :001_wub: So I'll start the sugar cutoff with you first thing tomorrow morning!

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How are you doing?


I had a bit of a wobble last night (Friday) when we had a casual dinner with friends. I did not warn the hostess about not doing sugar, so I had a wrap and sauce that contained some.

Today has gone well. I've been enjoying vegetable soup as a good filler and comfort food.

My mood has been good, but I have had a dull headache for most of the day.

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I'm considering this, but I have one thing I'm not sure what to do about. My favorite thing to put sugar in is coffee. I drink 1-2 cups a day of decaf of light. Any suggestions of something good in coffee besides sugar. I also like half & half in it.

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I'm considering this, but I have one thing I'm not sure what to do about. My favorite thing to put sugar in is coffee. I drink 1-2 cups a day of decaf of light. Any suggestions of something good in coffee besides sugar. I also like half & half in it.


My solution to this was cinnamon and plenty of whole milk to add flavor that way. You might also add a touch of cocoa powder or a teeny splash of vanilla.

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How are you doing?



Not too bad; thanks for asking. I have found that there are trace amounts of sugar in more foods than I thought and I cannot cut out sugar 100% with the food I have on hand. Since I do not have the money to go shopping and buy new foods I am modifying my participation. I am cutting out the obvious sources of refined sugar - cereals, candy, soda, Koolaid, lemonade, cakes, cookies, etc. but I am not going to worry about the bread (I will still eat the whole grain, high fiber breads but if sugar is the tenth ingredient on the list than so be it),marinades or other such things.


My big victory is that I went to see Eclipse yesterday afternoon and made it through without soda and candy. It was rough but I drank my bottled water. I left the theater feeling somewhat victorious.

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(If sugar is the tenth ingredient on the list than so be it),marinades or other such things..

Everything within reason.


My big victory is that I went to see Eclipse yesterday afternoon and made it through without soda and candy. It was rough but I drank my bottled water. I left the theater feeling somewhat victorious.


Way to GO!!! Well done.

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