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OT Evaluation--What to expect?

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What will this be like? What will they ask or what should think through? Is it tiring for the dc? Our first appointment is Thursday (they take multiple visits?), and I keep trying to tell myself not to be nervous... I don't even know why I would be, just that sense of the unknown.

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OhElizabeth, you'll sail through this like you sailed through VT. You just prepare yourself like no one I've ever seen before; it's truly impressive and wonderful. Try, though, not to become anxious about it. The evaluation is no big deal.


The OT will put your child through a number of tests (the Beery motor skills is typical, among others), show her a few pieces of equipment and see how she handles them, chat with her, play a few games. You will probably have a sensory profile to fill out, perhaps an office form with other specifics. It shouldn't be tiring for Emily at this point, any more than a trip to the playground or a few games at home. Emily will probably really be intrigued by some of the stuff.


I am very curious to hear what the OT says to you afterwards, since you've seen such amazing progress with VT already. My personal suspicion is that something will show up on the spinning equipment, since you've mentioned your daughter becoming queasy with that kind of activity. At any rate, it will give you more information to add to your growing profile about your daughter and is in no way anything to pre-obsess over (says one who obsessed herself!). I'll be thinking of you two.

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Well that's really helpful!!! I looked up that Beery test, and it totally hadn't occurred to me there would be such concrete evaluations. Guess I figured she would have her wave her arms, whack her reflex spots, etc. or something, lol. Don't know WHAT I thought! Well concrete would be good. I'm very curious to see how they test for retained primitive reflexes.


It had not occurred to me dd might actually ENJOY this. I doubt it, but we'll see. And I'm now seeing I probably need Super Babysitter to come along to watch ds, or we're going to have a hard time staying focused and filling out all that paperwork. He's an angel, but he'd be all over that stuff, climbing and playing!

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You might call ahead and find out if they have a child's play room for your little one. My little was a toddler at the time of the big kids eval and they had a play area for her so she entertained herself while I filled out paperwork. Hopefully your place will have something similar.


:grouphug: I hope she enjoys it.

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Well our appointment got canceled. She's going to try to work us in next week. And no, pigs are likely to fly before my dd thinks it's fun to hang out on the equipment, but we'll see. I could be wrong. If you're right, I send you a Red Flyer wagon, eh? :)

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