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Facebook search problems and a rant

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So I just joined facebook and my name is not showing up in the public search. I checked all of my privacy settings to allow for my name to pop up and it just does not show up!!!


Also, I know of other people who do not show up in the public search but when I look at mutual friends, I see that they do indeed have a facebook page. Maybe they are set on private or maybe not. I am not on private yet I still don't show up! Any ideas on this?


FB is supposed to be so great but there are so many dead pages on it. The search engine is so unsophiscated. It's a mess. Some people have a common name and I have to go through over 500 results to find who I am looking for. The filters don't really help much, even if the person HAS the correct info on their profile page that SHOULD help you find them, but in fact don't always help. :-(


I am bummed.

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