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Experiences from the Bike Seat

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I hit the 150 mile mark this evening. My summer goal is 300 miles and I think I will make that soon.


If I would have stayed home to watch reruns of NCIS I would have missed:

A Heron


Mallards swimming in a flooded corn field



Canada Geese

A raccoon (which I thought was a stray dog and tried to avoid, rather silly of me)


I would not have heard:

tar bubbles popping under my tires

corn rustling in the breeze

birds calling to each other


I would not have been able to:

zoom down a hill at 28mph

see how fast I could go on a flat road (19.1mph)


I would not be halfway to my goal.


Other things I found out:

a tree lined trail that offers welcome shade in the daytime is kind of spooky at dusk


So, is missing DiNozzo's smile worth it? A big resounding yes.

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You forgot the turtle!


Do you have an odometer on your bike? Speedometer? I'm loaded up with lights and reflectors and a bell, but surely there must be room for more gadgets. I love to ride fast, so I'm curious to know how fast I really go. We have killer hills here. Literally killer. Since having children I do brake now down one particular hill because the thrill of speed pales when I think about my children motherless.


I will pick up my bike at the shop tomorrow during my lunch break. Exciting.


That is a wonderful list. I think it's so cool that you set a goal and are working toward it.

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You forgot the turtle!


Nope, didn't forget him. This is what I saw on my ride this evening. 90mins, 17 miles


I do have a computer attached to my bike. It cost about $25. It tells trip time, miles, speed, and it has an odometer. It is well worth the price.


I need to get some lights just in case I lose track of time and find myself on the roads in the twilight hours.

Edited by The Dragon Academy
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I would like to ride more often (it's good exercise), but a lot of the surrounding roads here are two lane roads (we're in TX)... seems scary, lol. Where do you ride?

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One of my students has started riding her bike to school. Yeah!


You're starting a revolution!


This morning I came early to campus to swim, inspired by you (and very aware of the extra five or, ahem, more, pounds I've put on). I'll pick up my bike at lunch and ride home. Woot! No cornfields here, though we do have plenty of interesting birds.

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You're starting a revolution!


This morning I came early to campus to swim, inspired by you (and very aware of the extra five or, ahem, more, pounds I've put on). I'll pick up my bike at lunch and ride home. Woot! No cornfields here, though we do have plenty of interesting birds.


Yeah!!!! Please share whatever you see and hear. There is so much to enjoy while bike riding.

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Ok, you made me just go and add up my miles :D I bought a bike the end of April so I could ride with my dh while he trains for his Half Marathon. He wanted ME to train for a 5K...um...no. I am LOVING biking! We biked with the girls (well, dh ran) along the river bike trail last Saturday.


87.5 miles since the end of April. I didn't think of planning a goal for the summer, what a great idea!


I do have a computer attached to my bike. It cost about $25. It tells trip time, miles, speed, and it has an odometer. It is well worth the price.



Could you tell me what kind you bought? Or better yet, a link? Dh has his Garmin, but it would be nice to have something for the times he's not with me.

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Ok, you made me just go and add up my miles :D I bought a bike the end of April so I could ride with my dh while he trains for his Half Marathon. He wanted ME to train for a 5K...um...no. I am LOVING biking! We biked with the girls (well, dh ran) along the river bike trail last Saturday.


87.5 miles since the end of April. I didn't think of planning a goal for the summer, what a great idea!




Could you tell me what kind you bought? Or better yet, a link? Dh has his Garmin, but it would be nice to have something for the times he's not with me.


I just did a quick search at REI and LL Bean -- they both have inexpensive computers. I have a couple Bean gift cards that have been sitting in my desk drawer for years, because I couldn't decide what to buy. Now I think I'll get one of those little gadgets. Fun!

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87.5 miles since the end of April. I didn't think of planning a goal for the summer, what a great idea!




Could you tell me what kind you bought? Or better yet, a link? Dh has his Garmin, but it would be nice to have something for the times he's not with me.


Congrats on the 87.5 miles. That is a great start. Want to join me in a summer riding challenge?


My computer is by Botranger. It was the brand offered at the Trek store. I bought it, they installed it.

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I love biking. You can always watch reruns when it snows and there's no room for bikes...or at late at night.


WHat kind of bike do you have?


A Trek Navigator 2.0, complete with book rack on the back and a wicker basket on the front. It is Rootbeer colored, with a tan leather seat and tan handle grips and I love it.

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Todays treasures:

110 mins; 17 miles along the Mississippi River


We enjoyed:

a synchronized swimming performance by a flock of pelicans. It was quite the show.

black ducks

mallard ducks

a squirrel which went running across the path and straight into the backwaters of the marsh. It was jumping very high to get out of the water. When it made it to the trees it looked back and was chattering at the ground.

turtles sunning on a log

water lilies


The wind was rather strong but that was okay.

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A Trek Navigator 2.0, complete with book rack on the back and a wicker basket on the front. It is Rootbeer colored, with a tan leather seat and tan handle grips and I love it.


I googled and now I'm drooling and jealous. That is one beautiful bike.


I have a Trek hybrid women's bike that I bought in an emergency ten years ago after my baby blue Schwinn 10 speed that I'd had since 8th grade was stolen. I'd ridden thousands of miles on that baby, so it was pretty devastating.


The only thing I love about my bike is that it's fast. The color is awful, but it was on sale because it was the previous year's model. Nowadays you can get women's bikes in many different sizes, but ten years ago there were two. Two sizes! So my seat is raised to the maximum height, which spoils the overall beauty of the thing. I wear skirts to work sometimes, so I prefer the dropped bar on a women's bike. I am gearing up (no pun intended, though that is totally something my punny dad would have said) to have a year without a car, so I am hoping that the money I'll save on gas and insurance will be enough to buy a real beauty like this root beer dream of yours.


I did not, by the way, get to pick up my bike at the shop today. I was kept running right through my lunch break. Tomorrow, hopefully, I can nip over there. Did I mention I scored a YAK trailer at our city-wide bike swap this year. It's like this one: http://www.amazon.com/BOB-Yak-Trailer-In-Black/dp/B000RH7GIU but it was significantly cheaper. I plan to paint it red.


That ride along the Mississippi sounds wonderful!

I love biking. You can always watch reruns when it snows and there's no room for bikes...or at late at night.


WHat kind of bike do you have?


What kind of bike do you have LibraryLover?

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DS blessed me yesterday. After I finished grading my papers he asked if we could go for a ride. We went on an 11 mile ride and had the best conversation. We talked about many things (including memory formation, Maslow's hierarchy, personality development) that were related to psychology. The conversation began with his private musings and thoughts and touched upon such deep topics for a 13 yo. His examples were dead on - like using the way people behave on the tv show I Shouldn't Be Alive to show how people's values can change amidst hardhip. His thoughts were very much along Maslow's beliefs so I told him about the hierarchy. He was disappointed that someone else proposed the theory before he did. It made me laugh.


When we arrived home he asked if we could continue because he was having so much fun. Unfortunately I had to go play tennis so I couldn't. That made me a little sad.


Last night before DS went to bed he came into the office and asked if we could go on another ride today. He has some things he wants t otalk to me about.


I love it, love it, love it.


BTW - we saw the biggest turtle in the lake yesterday. This turtle dwarfed the one I found last week.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Drum roll please - 300 miles on the bike!!! This was my initial summer goal. Woohoo and yipee!


I have raised the goal to 500 miles. I wonder if I can get that many by the end of July.


DS and I completed the 300 today with a 12 mile ride. The best part (other than DS's company and conversation) was riding through a gentle summer rain with the heat rising up from the street while the cool droplets fell from above. The sky was blue and the sun had a special glow. A totally awesome experience.

Edited by The Dragon Academy
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What a lovely, inspiring thread! My dh just recently surprised me and dd with wonderful new road bikes. We are thrilled. I have never owned such a nice bike in my life, and I couldn't believe what a difference it makes to be riding a bike that actually fits me, and that just soars! So we have been doing lots more biking, sometimes just for the exercise and fun of it, and sometimes to run nearby errands and such. But I hadn't thought about setting a specific mileage goal. You've gotten me really inspired, I'm going to do that!


One thing we have thought about is entering an organized ride. There's lots of them here in NM and CO this summer and fall. That seems like it would be really fun. My daughter is so excited about cycling lately, but she's really upset that there aren't any women in the Tour de France, and she wants to be the first! :D

Edited by GretaLynne
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Drum roll please - 300 miles on the bike!!! This was my initial summer goal. Woohoo and yipee!


:party: Congratulations! That's fantastic!


I am curious if your avatar was drawn by you or someone in your family. It certainly seems "customized" for you! :D

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:party:Congratulations!!!! Best wishes as you strive for you next goal!


I must say, I, too, love the new avatar. I must admit it's far better than the Wicked Witch with Toto (or with a turtle). :D

Drum roll please - 300 miles on the bike!!! This was my initial summer goal. Woohoo and yipee!


I have raised the goal to 500 miles. I wonder if I can get that many by the end of July.


DS and I completed the 300 today with a 12 mile ride. The best part (other than DS's company and conversation) was riding through a gentle summer rain with the heat rising up from the street while the cool droplets fell from above. The sky was blue and the sun had a special glow. A totally awesome experience.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

DS and I rode a local trail today, well, part of the trail. It is a great trail - old railroad bed, beautiful scenery, well maintained and not too busy for a Friday.


We found a garter snake (Butler's) in the middle of the path. We scooted it out of the way and congratulated ourselves on our good deed. About 90 minutes later, we were biking down the same stretch of path and the snake was back out in the cente,r stretched out in the sun. I ran over it before I realized it wasn't a stick. DS, who was riding right behind me, ran over it, too. So much for our good deed.


I hope to be able to make it back to the trail within the next couple of weeks. Our goal is to complete the entire 52 mile round trip before the temps. become too cold.


It was good to be back on the bike for a (medium) ride.

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Had the best and most difficult ride on Saturday. DS, DH and I rode the old railroad trail and managed to finish 42 of the 52 miles. We rode for 4 hours. I figure a 10 mph pace isn't too bad, especially when DH was riding a vintage bike from the 50's. Our new Treks were a slight advantage for me and DS but we all completed the ride.


It was a beautiful day with so many new experiences. DS passed his 300 mile mark. I passed 700 miles. It was our longest ride to date in both miles and time.


We are going to try to ride the whole 52 miles later this week. We will leave earlier in the day next time.

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