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Does this make me mean?

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Yes, they should be able to pack for themselves! I have my DDs make a packing list and then I look it over to be sure they haven't left off anything vital. They can then pack from the list.


I still use a list for myself every single time I travel. I've never forgotten anything vital. On the other hand, my DH managed to forget underwear once on a weeklong trip. Good thing that Walmarts are easy to find!



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All three of my bigs can pack for themselves. I do have them give me a "tour" of their bags before we go -- "We're only going for two nights. You don't need four pairs of pants." -- but that's it. Sheesh, they don't bother waiting around for mom. Usually they're chomping at the bit to pack and get going. "We're not leaving for another week! Enough already!" :lol:

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Ha!Ha! I have a 7, 9, and 11 year old. They all pack for week-long vacations by themselves. I check for enough socks and undies with the seven year old, but that's it! :lol:.


We've traveled a great deal by now, so they know the routine. The 11 year old forgot his bathing suit last trip and ponied up the $15.00 for a new one, no questions or whining:001_smile:.

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My 11 year old makes sure I haven't forgotten anything.:blush: She started quite young when Daddy made her Responsible-Person-in Charge-of-Making-Sure-Mommy's-Contact-Lense-Soulution-Gets-Packed. She moved up from there to making sure everyone's swimmer gets packed. She definately does her own packing.

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On the other hand, my DH managed to forget underwear once on a weeklong trip. Good thing that Walmarts are easy to find!


Yep -- the first day of our only family vacation, dh is in the bathroom at the motel and announces "I forgot my underwear." I thought he meant he didn't take clean underwear out of his suitcase when he went to take his shower. Thankfully, we were near a mall with a JCPenney store.


OTOH, 16yos did a fantastic job of packing for his 2 week summer session at college. His roommate just posted on his FB wall that ds left all of his dress clothes hanging in the closet. Luckily, roommate is there for a sports camp for another week, so I guess we can send him money and have him ship the clothes to ds.

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My 11 year old makes sure I haven't forgotten anything.:blush: She started quite young when Daddy made her Responsible-Person-in Charge-of-Making-Sure-Mommy's-Contact-Lense-Soulution-Gets-Packed. She moved up from there to making sure everyone's swimmer gets packed. She definately does her own packing.


This is my 10 year old dd. She is always asking if I have my purse, keys, etc. I once forgot my wallet at home and she hasn't allowed me to since. She definately packs by herself as does her 8 year old sister.

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you're not mean. :001_smile:

altho, i would probably make a list and check behind. my 12 yo has packed herself for 7 day camp since she was 8, but she always asks me to check behind her. that doesn't take long and then i know she has enough underwear and her toothbrush! :D


eta: i don't know what's up with the red angry face?! but i can't make it go away.

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Yes, they should pack. If you *want* to help, ask *them* to make a list and then you go over it with them and ask questions about areas you deem...lacking. ;) But for heaven's sake don't write it *for* them! They're not 8! ;) Once they have a decent list, it's up to them to pack.


If they're missing something, they'll be likely to be more careful next time.

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My dd11 has packed herself for at least 3 years. We go over a check list at the end but otherwise she does it all.


She also packs herself for vacation and any trips we take.


Same with ds15. They just took over the task without being asked. I think it was the excitement of the trip, but whatever their motivation was....it worked.

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My 14 year old packs for herself. I do however help her come up with a list though.


I do the same for myself and just did as well for my husband when he went on his camping trip. That way she can mark off the list or add to it!

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Our camp sends out a checklist which I then give to the children (they start camp at age 11) and tell them to check everything off as they put it in their luggage.


My hubby, on the other hand, refuses to make a checklist so even though I ask him about every item he needs when he travels he still manages to forget something.

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