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"Get off my lawn!" neighbor issues...

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Okay, how about this? Getting about a dozen plastic flamingos, a "Rooster" weather vane, and orange Home Depot buckets filled with carefully planted "weeds" to place along the property line and then have the kids make "garland" out of tin cans and baler twine to string between the flamingoes? Consider it a temporary fence until the hedge grows in!

I just do not understand why we can't legally lock up the freaks and keep them safely away from decent society.




This is an idea I can get behind! :lol:

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Really? Hmmm...But if I knew my kids did it, then I'd feel morally responsible.

If someone puts themself into a position where they could assume that some sort of damage may be done them....... for instance, if they choose to stand facing the road in a backstop........ And they are injured or their property is damaged..... like the pitcher hits them in the back of the leg....... Then I'd say the moral responsibility was their own.


She put her car there to create an impediment. Should you, knowing the laws and knowing this is your own personal property on which your children are playing, choose to ignore the impediment, then I would say the moral responsibility lay on the stumbling block.


Hmm, imagine a person that decides they're going to block an exit. You have to get off the bus, but to do so you must get past this person. You try excuse me, you try being polite, but they refuse to move. Then, you push or squeeze past the person. They fall into a seat and complain because they dropped their cell phone. Is it your fault they dropped their cell phone, or their own fault for standing there for no other reason than to be a pain in the neck?

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Whatever you put up, make sure it goes to the edge of the property line so you don't give him ground to be a jerk in court and make his lawn a little bit bigger.


I'd go with the board fence, myself. It's there immediately and impregnable. Build it nice and high and explain that it's to cover your neighbours concerns about ball playing.


(Then get your kids a few vuvuzelas and a drum set :D:D:D)

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That is the saddest part. The guy's life is his lawn and driveway (he vacuums the driveway constantly with a gas-powered lawn vacuum.)


We had a neighbor like this when I was a kid. I'll call him OG (old guy.) He used to handpick the leaves off his trees in the fall so they didn't fall onto his lawn.


Once OG went after my brother when a ball went into his yard. When my dad came home, he stood in the street in front of OG's house (so he couldn't have him arrested for trespassing) and called him out. He planned to settle it once and for all. OG wouldn't come out, but my dad told him if he ever threatened his kids again, he'd be coming in. OG sort of left us alone after that.


A few months later, OG's wife was stung by a bee and had an allergic reaction. My dad was a volunteer paramedic, but he wouldn't go over. He stood on our deck and yelled instructions to OG over the hedge. Later, OG ran an ad in our local paper thanking "the neighbor" who helped save his wife's life. We moved shortly thereafter.


All that grief over a patch of grass. What a world. :001_rolleyes:

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I have never heard of such crazy stuff! I am spiteful, I guess, but I would be out there building a big, tall, wood fence on the property line and adding a "no tresspassing" sign to my yard. I would also contact the non-emergency police and tell them about the issues and the little girls. That way, they have documentation if anything ever happens. There is a "record." Do they have neighbors on the other side of them? If so, I wouldn't be surprised if you are not the first to call!


Mejane...I am rolling laughing at your dad yelling across the lawn how to save his wife and the ad in the paper. ROFL...that is just hilarious. Such a senseless thing had a "normal" OG been involved.

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Entertaining thread, here's my take (someone who moved 20 miles from the nearest city and whose neighbor is 1/4 mile away on one side:001_smile:)


You said you just want peace, so...My advice...ignore, ignore, ignore. No nodding, no scowling, no talking, just ignore.


Have your kids play on the other side of the yard. Ignore.


If you call the police, you aren't ignoring. The police will not protect you if this escalates into something dangerous. They will only investigate the crime after the fact, and even if he is convicted, some liberal judge will let him out. Ignore.


Recording his behavior will mean nothing except in a lawsuit. Ignore.


When he yells at you, don't look at him, don't flinch don't react. Ignore.


Don't tell him you are going to ignore him. Ignore.


Read THE GIFT OF FEAR, in particular the "stalkers" chapter. The author owned a consulting company used my countless celebrities, politicians, etc. to deal with crack-pots. His #1 advice is, IGNORE.


Your neighbor is a crackpot. He is satisfying SOMETHING in his pitiful, corrupted, twisted soul everytime you ackowledge he exists. That is his pattern. AND crackpots usually escalate in the face of a conflict. Crackpots never see irony or equivalent application of justice (daughter on your lawn was only "funny" to you). To get him to have a different behavior, you have to adjust your behavior. IGNORE.


Not as much fun as previous posts, SORRY, but I thought it might be helpful...IGNORE!

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Entertaining thread, here's my take (someone who moved 20 miles from the nearest city and whose neighbor is 1/4 mile away on one side:001_smile:)


You said you just want peace, so...My advice...ignore, ignore, ignore. No nodding, no scowling, no talking, just ignore.


Have your kids play on the other side of the yard. Ignore.


If you call the police, you aren't ignoring. The police will not protect you if this escalates into something dangerous. They will only investigate the crime after the fact, and even if he is convicted, some liberal judge will let him out. Ignore.


Recording his behavior will mean nothing except in a lawsuit. Ignore.


When he yells at you, don't look at him, don't flinch don't react. Ignore.


Don't tell him you are going to ignore him. Ignore.


Read THE GIFT OF FEAR, in particular the "stalkers" chapter. The author owned a consulting company used my countless celebrities, politicians, etc. to deal with crack-pots. His #1 advice is, IGNORE.


Your neighbor is a crackpot. He is satisfying SOMETHING in his pitiful, corrupted, twisted soul everytime you ackowledge he exists. That is his pattern. AND crackpots usually escalate in the face of a conflict. Crackpots never see irony or equivalent application of justice (daughter on your lawn was only "funny" to you). To get him to have a different behavior, you have to adjust your behavior. IGNORE.


Not as much fun as previous posts, SORRY, but I thought it might be helpful...IGNORE!


Wait a minute. I'm confused. What should she do again?













:D Joking. :lol:

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I thik it's okay to ignore unless someone is in danger. Those little girls were in danger and it should be reported. I would also tell the little girls' parents so they will know to keep their daughters away. It might prevent something terrible from happening.

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:hurray::hurray::hurray:Job well done.

Your story reminded me of when we first moved into town. My oldest two were 3 & 4, were used to living in the country where the world was theirs and the first month or so was pretty rough.

I get this call from a neighbor down about 3 houses yelling at me because my kids had gone into her yard the day before and messed with/moved a bunch of her garden tools from point A to point B.

I brought my two in and scolded them for going into someone elses yard and told them that we would be immediately going to her house and THEY WOULD APOLOGIZE TO HER.

All this time my oldest was saying repeatedly, "But Momma, we didn't do it!" Well, this made me even more upset as they were now lying to me, more scolding .........

I drug them both in tears to the neighbors front door, knock on the door, the lady answers. I tell my two dc to tell the nice lady what they came to tell her. They both in tears and almost in unison tell her they are sorry for moving her garden tools.

She looks at them and then at me and says, "Not those kids, your other two boys."

I looked at her, told her I don't have any 'other boys'. She slams the door in my face and walks away!:001_huh:

Well, I bet you know what I was doing as soon as we got back home. YUP, This momma had to apologize to her two dc and ask with a very repentant heart to be forgiven.

I can look back now and :lol::lol::lol: but it took me quite a while to get there.

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Read THE GIFT OF FEAR, in particular the "stalkers" chapter. The author owned a consulting company used my countless celebrities, politicians, etc. to deal with crack-pots. His #1 advice is, IGNORE.


Your neighbor is a crackpot. He is satisfying SOMETHING in his pitiful, corrupted, twisted soul everytime you ackowledge he exists. That is his pattern. AND crackpots usually escalate in the face of a conflict. Crackpots never see irony or equivalent application of justice (daughter on your lawn was only "funny" to you). To get him to have a different behavior, you have to adjust your behavior. IGNORE.


Not as much fun as previous posts, SORRY, but I thought it might be helpful...IGNORE!



This is good advice. We had a mentally ill OG next to us and so I sympathize. But mostly I'm posting so that once in my life I can say I agree with Barry Goldwater. :)

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I just thought I would share this with you, I thought it was pretty funny and maybe it'll lighten up your day :)


I was younger and at my mother's best friends house and some guy from across the street would park in front of her house for no reason when he had a driveway and no one parked in front of his house. Anyways, while we were over, he parked in front of her house again. She excused herself, rolled her trashcan from the back of her house to where the car was parked, and repeatedly rammed the trash can into the front of the man's car. She damaged both of his front headlights and dented his bumper. She then put the trashcan back where it was, and came into the house like nothing happened.


He could never prove she did it and never parked there again. :lol:


It is a funny anecdote but also a good idea. *wink, wink*

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OG wouldn't come out, but my dad told him if he ever threatened his kids again, he'd be coming in. OG sort of left us alone after that.


A few months later, OG's wife was stung by a bee and had an allergic reaction. My dad was a volunteer paramedic, but he wouldn't go over. He stood on our deck and yelled instructions to OG over the hedge.


I think I like your dad. Really, this should be a movie.

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This is good advice. We had a mentally ill OG next to us and so I sympathize. But mostly I'm posting so that once in my life I can say I agree with Barry Goldwater. :)


:lol: I can't see the name, but to think of the chant we hollared in school, ending with the word "garbagecan". Think of 30 grubby kids on opposite sides of the recess field shouting either Johnson, Johnson or Goldwater, Goldwater HE'S OUR MAN.....

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I think you need to start having parties on your front lawn.


I'm thinking balloons, streamers, noisemakers, music, picnic tables with piles of pb&j sandwiches & giant pitchers of kool-aid, all set up alongside several slipNslides, a wading pool, a few lazy daisy sprinklers, and a sandbox.


Mr. Grumpypants sounds like one of those kid-haters. None of this can 'hurt' his lawn or vehicles, but it stands an excellent chance of driving. him. bonkers. ;)


Oh, I really, really love this idea :lol:

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Golly, I agree. I think I'd even spend the money on a landscaper to come and a plant a fully grown hedge line to get this guy out of your face even faster. Though I agree with Remudamom--I wouldn't call it a Frisbee catcher, I'd call it the "a$$hole border."


My stomach is churning on your behalf too. I'm sorry you have to live next to them :( :grouphug:


:iagree: What a jerky neighbor - ugh.

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Entertaining thread, here's my take (someone who moved 20 miles from the nearest city and whose neighbor is 1/4 mile away on one side:001_smile:)


You said you just want peace, so...My advice...ignore, ignore, ignore. No nodding, no scowling, no talking, just ignore.


Have your kids play on the other side of the yard. Ignore.


If you call the police, you aren't ignoring. The police will not protect you if this escalates into something dangerous. They will only investigate the crime after the fact, and even if he is convicted, some liberal judge will let him out. Ignore.


Recording his behavior will mean nothing except in a lawsuit. Ignore.


When he yells at you, don't look at him, don't flinch don't react. Ignore.


Don't tell him you are going to ignore him. Ignore.


Read THE GIFT OF FEAR, in particular the "stalkers" chapter. The author owned a consulting company used my countless celebrities, politicians, etc. to deal with crack-pots. His #1 advice is, IGNORE.


Your neighbor is a crackpot. He is satisfying SOMETHING in his pitiful, corrupted, twisted soul everytime you ackowledge he exists. That is his pattern. AND crackpots usually escalate in the face of a conflict. Crackpots never see irony or equivalent application of justice (daughter on your lawn was only "funny" to you). To get him to have a different behavior, you have to adjust your behavior. IGNORE.


Not as much fun as previous posts, SORRY, but I thought it might be helpful...IGNORE!


My gut tells me you are correct. Thanks for the advice!

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I thik it's okay to ignore unless someone is in danger. Those little girls were in danger and it should be reported. I would also tell the little girls' parents so they will know to keep their daughters away. It might prevent something terrible from happening.


I would but I have no idea who the girls are. I didn't recognize them.

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:hurray::hurray::hurray:Job well done.

Your story reminded me of when we first moved into town. My oldest two were 3 & 4, were used to living in the country where the world was theirs and the first month or so was pretty rough.

I get this call from a neighbor down about 3 houses yelling at me because my kids had gone into her yard the day before and messed with/moved a bunch of her garden tools from point A to point B.

I brought my two in and scolded them for going into someone elses yard and told them that we would be immediately going to her house and THEY WOULD APOLOGIZE TO HER.

All this time my oldest was saying repeatedly, "But Momma, we didn't do it!" Well, this made me even more upset as they were now lying to me, more scolding .........

I drug them both in tears to the neighbors front door, knock on the door, the lady answers. I tell my two dc to tell the nice lady what they came to tell her. They both in tears and almost in unison tell her they are sorry for moving her garden tools.

She looks at them and then at me and says, "Not those kids, your other two boys."

I looked at her, told her I don't have any 'other boys'. She slams the door in my face and walks away!:001_huh:

Well, I bet you know what I was doing as soon as we got back home. YUP, This momma had to apologize to her two dc and ask with a very repentant heart to be forgiven.

I can look back now and :lol::lol: but it took me quite a while to get there.


That neighbor sounds like a charmer...not!


This is good advice. We had a mentally ill OG next to us and so I sympathize. But mostly I'm posting so that once in my life I can say I agree with Barry Goldwater. :)


I just thought I would share this with you, I thought it was pretty funny and maybe it'll lighten up your day :)


I was younger and at my mother's best friends house and some guy from across the street would park in front of her house for no reason when he had a driveway and no one parked in front of his house. Anyways, while we were over, he parked in front of her house again. She excused herself, rolled her trashcan from the back of her house to where the car was parked, and repeatedly rammed the trash can into the front of the man's car. She damaged both of his front headlights and dented his bumper. She then put the trashcan back where it was, and came into the house like nothing happened.


He could never prove she did it and never parked there again.


It is a funny anecdote but also a good idea. *wink, wink*


Wow! tough lady!

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Get some of the orange cones and stick a no parking sign in them to put out when the kids are playing. If they park there call 911! The cops might not be able to do anything, but the ruckus it would cause would make an impact.


I might get one of those safety signs "caution: kids playing"

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We used to have a neighbor that we called Mr. McGrumpy. He would always be at his front window watching everything going on outside. My dc were still babies but the older boys on the block would play street hockey (we have a very quiiet street, no traffic) and Mr. McG would scream at them. Finally one parent told him that he did not own the street and to stop screaming at the boys. The parent then put up a basketball hoop in his front yard facing the steet and mr. mcg house and he and the boys would play basketball. along with the street hockey.. Also once one of my cats stepped maybe 1 foot into Mr.McGrumpy's yard and he yelled out his window that he was going to call the police. I yelled back for him to do just that, that the police would just laugh at him


When he finally moved (to a nice quiet, boring seniors only housing community, I ran over the day that the new neighbors moved in with a plate of cookies. They said that he was the worst, most diagreeable person that they had ever had to deal with. THey still live here and are wonderful neighbors.


Your Mr. Mcgrumpy sounds much worse than my ever was and is probably not going to move soon but I had never thought that ours would move either so maybe there is hope.



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Do it all! BIG hedge with wire. Loud obnoxious decorations all over your yard, including the toilet planter. Put up a fence and paint it obnoxious colors. Have big parties and play loud music.


I wish I could come over and help. It would be therapy for all the nasty neighbors we've put up with over the years.


And definitely the crab grass!!!!!


Maybe a tree that sheds things like mulberries that hangs over his driveway?

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