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dd just got accidently hit in the nose with the dog's head while playing,its bleeding

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with as large a kleenex, rolled up, that will fit and make kidlet sit, head back, and be quiet (good luck!) for 10 minutes or so. Don't remove kleenex for at least ten minutes. If it still wants to bleed heavily, try again. if it STILL wants to bleed heavily - you may need professional help. My dad had to have his nose cauterized once to stop a nose bleed (but he was in S. Calif. during bad fires and the dry air and smoke are what irritated and caused his nose bleed. I think for a bump it should stop at home.)

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Some nosebleeds take longer than others to quell. JudoMom's advice is basically what we do here. The tipping head forward is just to keep the blood from trickling down the throat, which can cause upset in some. There is also a pressure point inside the mouth, on the upper gum, just on that membrane that runs down the middle from the upper lip, directly beneath the nose (make sense?). You can apply pressure there if needed. Or so I'm told. My oldest dd and husband get nose bleeds if you look at them funny. The youngest has had her share as well. Me? Never. Not once. Go figure.


Oh, and discourage her from blowing or picking it today. The blood clot will feel like a big boogie up there :D, and she'll be inclined to want it out. But, that clot is really a scab and removing it may cause the bleeding to start again.


Sorry for her. Hope she's okay now.



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ok, we got the bleeding to stop and there is a big bruise on her nose :sad:

we are holding ice on it.

She is having a hard time understanding that she really shouldnt be blowing her nose, so it can clot up. So, she is watching Anne of Green Gables movies for morning school...lol

WOw, that was not fun.

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ok, we got the bleeding to stop and there is a big bruise on her nose :sad:

we are holding ice on it.

She is having a hard time understanding that she really shouldnt be blowing her nose, so it can clot up. So, she is watching Anne of Green Gables movies for morning school...lol

WOw, that was not fun.



She could end up with a black eye...or two. Don't let it scare you if that's what happens. Poor baby! I'm sure it was really scary for her. And you.



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My mom had to have her nose surgically reset after her dog knocked her inthe nose. They actually sent a social worker in to ask if she was being abused. I guess they didn't buy her dog story, LOL.


The worst nose bleed I've ever dealt with on a kid was our friend's son who fell face first off of a small wall. It was gushing, I thought he was going to need to go in to the hospital. We got it stopped and 30 min later he was playing again. It was remarkable. Ah kids....(and dogs)

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just give it a week or so. If it looks funky or she's having trouble breathing, then I'd take her to your doc. My mom's surgery was done weeks later, so it's not an emergency. Sorry to scare you!



I didn't bring it up because in all likelihood that's not the case (OP doesn't mention anything obviously out of place), and because it's very hard to tell at this point anyway. Here's a site that will help.

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I posted a few weeks ago that my DD might have broken her nose and it turned out it was. She ended up having surgery to repair it ( The day after my ds had his seizure and I never posted @ it cause I figured everyone would think I was a troll lol)


I'd have it looked at to make sure it's stright and doesn't need to be set.

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The 'tilt forward' thing with a bloody nose is to prevent aspirating the blood more than concerns about it going to the stomach.


Take half a cup of red-dyed water (with kool aid or food coloring). Pour it on the ground then soak it up with a towel. That's how much blood a small child can lose without it being dangerous. It looks like more than it is when all spread out and dripping everywhere.


I hope your DD is okay, no breakage etc.

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