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I just got a bonus year!

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One year ago tomorrow (June 25, 2009), I stepped on a prairie rattlesnake on our ranch, while building fence.

Thank goodness for health insurance! In case you're wondering, a healthy adult human can rack up about $100K in hospital/doctor/surgeon/physical therapy bills over 6 months from one silly little snakebite.

On Christmas 2009, exactly 6 months after the bite, I felt like my present from God was a bonus 6 months to enjoy my life and family.

So tomorrow is my one year bonus!

Makes all those little petty problems seem frivolous. And they are.

So enjoy life! Say thanks for all those little gifts. You know, the ones you're teaching to do math and English and spelling!

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Thanks for all the support! I knew I could count on my fellow HSers!

As a follow-up:

Yesterday was my dd's 8th Bday so we went to the dentist. (Hey, it was her choice. She thought it would be fun on her Bday!?) While in town, we dropped in at the local museum and were about to rush out the door when we were highjacked by an educator-in-residence who invited us into a conference room for a little demo.

We entered a room with a long table in front. On the table were a dozen jars. Each jar contained a SNAKE!!

What a hoot!

In the past year, I've learned everything I can about snakes. Forewarned is forearmed. I'm far less afraid of them now than I was last year. (I also have taller boots and very thick leather chaps. :)):)


Everybody give your kiddoes a big hug today!

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