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Reading Tom Sawyer

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I am needing some guidance on how to read Tom Sawyer outloud. Should we stop and look up words we don't understand. What about descriptions that make no sense to us (ie- the bit about sewing on the collar, the description of clothing).


It had us going...huh? at a couple of points.


So how do you all read classics aloud to your kids? How do you keep the interest (yours and theirs). We were kinda "done" after the first chapter (sorry if that makes us sound like unclassical sloths).


Please give us your wisdom!

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We're reading Tom Sawyer right now as our family read-aloud. I do stop and mention certain things to my son if I think he'll really not understand it. Otherwise, he'll pick up many things just from context and get some familiarity. He asks some questions when something is really unclear to him; otherwise we just keep going!


We did the chapter of the school presentations last night. That was quite the slog with student essays that Twain is mocking. It was rather painful to read, but the payoff at the end with the cat and the teacher's wig made my son laugh aloud. :D

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We also just began reading Tom Sawyer. I don't know what the thing is with the collars being sewn on, but overall my kids have been enjoying it! It helps that they saw a play put on by a local group a few months ago, however. I'd say just read through it chapter by chapter and stop for discussion, questions, etc. in between. . .

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