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Is Wandering away from Curricula OK?


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I'm not sure what train I recently fell off of...but in the last few months or so, I've really strayed from curricula with the 3rd grader and 2nd grader. Does anyone else use their own unique plan/curricula? If not, can someone lead me back to the herd? I'm not sure what happened to me, but we're really starting to wander away from things. I'm to the point where I don't even know "what kind of hsing" we do. :toetap05:


To give an example, here's what we've done recently (last couple of weeks):


Read 21 Balloons and Moby Dick (as read-alouds)


Reading through CHOW

Reading through a Kid's Encyclopedia about Climate/Geology - we're building a volcano

Mozart Composer Study

We've been doing Virtual Field Trips/Unit Studies online (oh, Geez, let's see...Endangered Species, Einstein, the Iditarod, Earth and Space-what is wrong with me?)

Mondrian Art Study and a unit on Matisse (with art projects)

Prima Latina and Conversational German

Lots of math still (THAT hasn't changed)

3rd Grader is reading The Lightning Thief and we're doing a "Literature Discussion Circle" with it (is Lightning Thief even Literature???)

We're still chugging away with WWE, CLE LA and McGuffey Readers :glare:


A couple of weeks ago, I gave 3rd grader a poem from Goethe. And she read it. What is my problem? I'm surprised my relatives haven't called the authorities!


Are we off on too many tangents?? :confused: Everybody seems happy. Have I just had too much coffee? :confused: Do I need to switch to decaf? Does anyone else homeschool like this?


What do I need to do to get back on track? :001_huh:

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We are the same. I start the year planning on one thing, and by the end (of which there is none in sight!!!) it doesn't even resemble what I was going for.


At this stage, I think it's okay. We are doing math almost daily now, they both read a lot, I read to them a lot, they are interested in everything, they spend hours outside exploring, playing, etc... I have different workbooks that they do, they love to quiz each other on state information, are constantly researching things; I could go on and on. But, no specific "curriculum", other than the math. We use FLL & WWE, as well as CLE LA, but nothing consistantly.:001_huh:


I honestly think it's okay. More than okay. They are happy, they are learning, and they are playing creatively. It's all good.:001_smile:


(Normally, I'm not this laid back-maybe I haven't had enough coffee)

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Sounds wonderful!!!


I'm not sure what train I recently fell off of...but in the last few months or so, I've really strayed from curricula with the 3rd grader and 2nd grader. Does anyone else use their own unique plan/curricula? If not, can someone lead me back to the herd? I'm not sure what happened to me, but we're really starting to wander away from things. I'm to the point where I don't even know "what kind of hsing" we do. :toetap05:


To give an example, here's what we've done recently (last couple of weeks):


Read 21 Balloons and Moby Dick (as read-alouds)


Reading through CHOW

Reading through a Kid's Encyclopedia about Climate/Geology - we're building a volcano

Mozart Composer Study

We've been doing Virtual Field Trips/Unit Studies online (oh, Geez, let's see...Endangered Species, Einstein, the Iditarod, Earth and Space-what is wrong with me?)

Mondrian Art Study and a unit on Matisse (with art projects)

Prima Latina and Conversational German

Lots of math still (THAT hasn't changed)

3rd Grader is reading The Lightning Thief and we're doing a "Literature Discussion Circle" with it (is Lightning Thief even Literature???)

We're still chugging away with WWE, CLE LA and McGuffey Readers :glare:


A couple of weeks ago, I gave 3rd grader a poem from Goethe. And she read it. What is my problem? I'm surprised my relatives haven't called the authorities!


Are we off on too many tangents?? :confused: Everybody seems happy. Have I just had too much coffee? :confused: Do I need to switch to decaf? Does anyone else homeschool like this?


What do I need to do to get back on track? :001_huh:

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Melissa Wiley had a great post on her blog a few years back about what she called "tidal" HS. Definitely worth a read!


Thanks for posting that. That sounds exactly like us - except for sign language :tongue_smilie:. My 7 yro did ask if I could put together a class on Lip Reading. :D


Thanks for the encouragement!!

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Starbuck, here's my "curriculum" lecture:


"Curriculum" does not mean "that stack of books there." It means "the course of education offered by an institution of education." It is what you want your dc to learn, the content.


You have "curriculum." What you don't have is a stack of books that look like school. You are using trade books and hands-on activities to cover your curriculum, as well as more formal instructional materials.

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Starbuck, here's my "curriculum" lecture:


"Curriculum" does not mean "that stack of books there." It means "the course of education offered by an institution of education." It is what you want your dc to learn, the content.


You have "curriculum." What you don't have is a stack of books that look like school. You are using trade books and hands-on activities to cover your curriculum, as well as more formal instructional materials.



and copywork can replace writing in the early years, so they get practice without stressing out about coming up with content for papers. Have fun.

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Starbuck, here's my "curriculum" lecture:


"Curriculum" does not mean "that stack of books there." It means "the course of education offered by an institution of education." It is what you want your dc to learn, the content.


You have "curriculum." What you don't have is a stack of books that look like school. You are using trade books and hands-on activities to cover your curriculum, as well as more formal instructional materials.


Yeah, you're right. I must be having a temporary episode of "I'm ruining my kids too" paranoia. It's contagious! :D


I also have an irrational fear of not mirroring the public school's curriculum. My two oldest kids don't seem to be fitting into clear-cut grade level molds anymore. I'm guessing the ps would say that is bad. :confused:


Thanks for the encouragement! :auto:

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One thing that helps me is to keep a log of what my DD does-both formally "School" and not. Often I'm finding that when we've wandered away from curriculum that she's still learning topics in the curriculum-only in her own time and season.

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