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do you do report cards for special learners?

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Deep breath! What they are looking for is some evidence of current academic progress. You can explain that you don't issue traditional grades, and then proceed to give a short narrative of what his current function is for each subject area- bullet point format, rather than sentence format is easiest for busy professionals to scan.


For instance:


Spelling: currently working in 2nd grade curriculum x,y,z, on concepts x,y,z including words such as A, B, C. (replacing the letters with the actual information).


Math: currently working in 4th grade curriculum X, on concepts A, B, C.

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Does your state require any annual testing? WA requires annual testing starting at age 8, so when I had my dc tested I had a few years of progress levels to show. Also I found they really wanted someone in addition to parents filling out some of the forms so we asked looked for people who spend some time on a regular basis such as Awana leaders, Sunday school teachers, tutors, piano teachers, or scout leaders. I found once they learned they were homeschooled they relaxed on some of the requirements.

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