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How do I fix this? - Old house, no open windows and the heat

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It is starting to get hot here. Well, hot for here, anyway. It is 84*


We live in an older house, built in 1890. When spring came around I asked the landlady where the screens were for the downstairs windows so I could open the window. There are no screens. :001_huh: The upstairs windows are not original and can be opened.


So I thought I'd at least open the windows downstairs a crack to get a bit of air flow. They won't open. :glare:


Now it is hot in the house. The black flies are hideous outside so that is out of the question.


What are my options? Should I have dh go buy a window a/c or 2 and force open a window(s). There is the every slight chance that a window would break since everything down stairs is original. We were going to get a/c for each bedroom since heat rises and it is starting to get miserable trying to sleep. That means 4 window units running. Oy! Expensive!


Should we just suffer through? it will only be about 6 weeks. By mid-August the trees are starting to turn.

Those things are a bit heavy so I don't think it would be practical to move units from down to up stairs nightly.


What would you do?

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I would probably get the A/C units for upstairs as planned and just spend as much time as possible up there. If you don't already have a fan or two, you could get one to help. Since the cold air sinks, maybe that would cool it down a little downstairs. Another option would be to get the units for downstairs and sleep down there. That is of course if you can get the windows open to even put the AC unit in there.


Another option is a portable AC unit. We have one in our attic but the initial price is kind of high. It could travel through the house with you though if necessary. http://www.walmart.com/ip/DeLonghi-Pinguino-12-000-BTU-Portable-Air-Conditioner-With-Dehumidifier/10980215?wmlspartner=GPA&sourceid=44444444440421346135

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Are the windows painted shut? What we did was dislodge the paint, and use a LOT of elbow grease to get windows open. WD-40 the tracks space well, for each bit you can, as it will improve. I would buy screens at least for the windows. If they are double hung windows (most likely with age of house) then full screens would allow good air circulation from top and bottom once you get them open.

If you were looking at getting 2 a/c units, and are only looking at 6 weeks, maybe you could be flexible for those 6 weeks. Any partitioning off to cool just part of the downstairs with a/c, and the rest with air?


We have 3 floors - c 1860 house. Windows were replaced. Some rooms get great air circulation, and others don't. Our focus is opening windows first thing in the morning (if they were closed at all during the night) and closing them by 10am, along with pulling blinds down. Then once the day starts to cool down again, we open up the house again. A cool, dark house will rise about 1 degree per hour.

Now, we do have window a/c units, but don't know how they will work this year. 3rd floor windows were just replaced, and we don't know that the a/c unit will fit in the window anymore. Also, one unit last year almost caused an electrical fire. So I think we might be down 2.

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We have an old house also. I know you can buy screens in frames that can adjust to the window opening. All our windows have screens, but our upstairs is uninsulated so it can get hot even though the house is well shaded. If you can get some screens, I would get one AC unit to put in a bedroom or downstairs for sleeping. If it is really hot, everyone can camp out in there. You may want to make sure there are outlets that can handle an AC unit. We are running a big electric cord for ours (One outlet in the whole room). Our upstairs is an electric code nightmare but, we are working on it.


I would be very concerned about windows that don't open and would mention that to my landlord. I would not think that is very safe.

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The house my parents own that I grew up in is an old farmhouse from 1850's. The downstairs windows do not open there either. Luckily, the house is stone and the lower level actually stayed fairly cool all summer.


I would say not to mess up the original windows, but that is just me. Could you install ceiling fans or just get by with some heavy duty fans?

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If you get two larger A/C units for upstairs - like 24,000 BTU, you should be able to cool your whole house. It will feel like central air. Just keep the doors open, except when absolutely necessary for a short time, and the cold air from upstairs will drop down on its own. Try to keep them running as it's easier to keep a house cool than to take a hot one and try to cool it. :)


Make sure they've got a good energy efficiency rating to keep the electric bills in check.

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Depends on what the max heat is and if you have shade trees. If you are thinking a month of over 100* temps, I would make sure to have a/c in at least the master bedroom and a sleeping area for the kids. Some kids are tougher than others and may be able to get by without a/c and prefer their privacy. I can deal with high temps during the day, but weeks on end of no sleep gets to me.


I would get an over sized (whole house) window a/c upstairs for your room and then use some fans to blow some air around. It won't cool the whole house but at least you may be able to make it livable before bedtime and then turn it down.


If you have an attic, and attic exhaust fan can help a lot. I saw solar powered ones at Costco the other day. I suspect they may not need electricity or an outlet to plug the fan into and that would be a bonus, but I don't know for certain.


If your landlord will allow you to install a screened storm door over the front door (assuming it is a size that you can buy a door for) then you can open a section of one of those to get some day time air.


The portable a/c units may be a good option for you. You will need way to vent it but if you can get one of the downstairs windows open just enough to vent it, it will be a big blessing. I remember on an episode of This Old House that they found one of those to be the best option so the renter didn't have to hire contractors and cause issues with historic construction.

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No, they are not painted shut. I don't know why they are stuck. I should have dh look into that this weekend. He might be able to open them. I hesitate to have him do it though. Last time he used brute force he broke our bed frame. :lol:


Where would I buy adjustable screens? Lowes?

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We don't have A/C in our home. In the very early morning (4:30 or 5:00), we open everything up and use a fan to bring in as much of the cool air as possible. You could cosider making a 1x1" wood frame that would fit in all your exterior doorways and covering it with screen so that you could open all the downstairs doors and the upstairs windows. Get as much of that coolness in as you can to cool down even your floors and furniture.


When the outside temps begin to rise, close up all the windows and doors. Pull the curtains or blinds on the sunny side of the house. Use floor fans to keep the air circulating and take cool showers. Evaporation is your friend!


When the sun moves higher and begins to heat the roof of the house and the upstairs begins to really heat up, open the upstairs windows (at the tops is ideal, if yours will lower rather than raise) and use a window fan to shoot the hot air out the window. It will pull residual cooler air from the downstairs flooring into the main areas of the home.


As soon as the outside temperature is cooler than the indoor one, open the downstairs doors again and put the floor fan where it will pull in the cooler air from outside. This can be particularly effective if you have one downstairs bringing the cooler air in and one upstairs, shooting the hotter air out. If you have an extra fan, aim it up the stairs to get the flow going.


At bedtime, take another cool shower. Dry off in front of one of the fans. Use cool, cotton sheets. And if worst comes to worst, you can always use one or two window unit air conditioners and have everyone camp out in one or two rooms during those nights that are absolutely intolerable.


This is what works for us and we live in an area with typical summer temps in the mid to upper 90's and extreme humidity. We do have a window A/C unit, but we usually only use it maybe one or two weeks a year. Most years we don't even bother with getting it out. HTH!

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Depends on what the max heat is and if you have shade trees. If you are thinking a month of over 100* temps, I would make sure to have a/c in at least the master bedroom and a sleeping area for the kids. Some kids are tougher than others and may be able to get by without a/c and prefer their privacy. I can deal with high temps during the day, but weeks on end of no sleep gets to me.


I've got Restless Legs Syndrome that reacts to my feet being hot. I is almost medically necessary for me to need A/C to sleep in the summer. That is one of the reasons we headed north as soon as we could.


I would get an over sized (whole house) window a/c upstairs for your room and then use some fans to blow some air around. It won't cool the whole house but at least you may be able to make it livable before bedtime and then turn it down.

I didn't think about fans. I wonder why. We won't get anything much over what we got today. But it will be a steady 85-90 until the middle of August.


If you have an attic, and attic exhaust fan can help a lot. I saw solar powered ones at Costco the other day. I suspect they may not need electricity or an outlet to plug the fan into and that would be a bonus, but I don't know for certain.

I can open the door to the attic room and the "maid's room" up on the 3rd floor to let some of the heat out through the top. But there are no screens for those window either.


If your landlord will allow you to install a screened storm door over the front door (assuming it is a size that you can buy a door for) then you can open a section of one of those to get some day time air.

I do have a screen door for the front and kitchen door. But the dog will go through it. So they both have to be outside on their leads if I open the door. Heidi had her spay surgery two days ago and isn't allowed to be out side for any length of time. She is the one that would go through the screen.


The portable a/c units may be a good option for you. You will need way to vent it but if you can get one of the downstairs windows open just enough to vent it, it will be a big blessing. I remember on an episode of This Old House that they found one of those to be the best option so the renter didn't have to hire contractors and cause issues with historic construction.

Since this is a rental, I don't want to buy a bunch of A/C units. I'm thinking if we can get the window open without much damage dh can make frames for screens for all the windows for less than the cost of portable a/c


Thanks for helping me think it through.

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WAIT a MINUTE. You rent, right? I'm a landlord in FL (laws vary by state). By law each room in my rental homes must have at least one window that opens, this is a fire law. You must be able to exit by a window in the event of a fire. Also, here at least one window in each room must have a screen in it so tenants can open and use the window. Before you do anything look up what your rights are as a tenant. We have replaced TONS of screens that our tenants have broken before they move out. We have to keep replacing them because we're breaking the law if the new tenants don't have windows that open and screens (at least one per room). Check your law and see what the landlord owes you. That is scary that none of the downstairs windows open, it is a fire hazard (which the landlord must fix)!


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I wouldn't have dh force them open. They will break. Ask the landlord to force them open or you will end up paying for breaking the windows. Old windows break much more easily than modern windows. Windows are expensive.


Window A/C units are tenants' personal property around here, so if you do buy one, you take it with you, just like a blender or toaster.


We have a 200 year old house (the windows do open) and when it gets really hot, we air condition the whole thing with three window A/C units up in the bedrooms (where we like it colder.)

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It is starting to get hot here. Well, hot for here, anyway. It is 84*


We live in an older house, built in 1890. When spring came around I asked the landlady where the screens were for the downstairs windows so I could open the window. There are no screens. :001_huh: The upstairs windows are not original and can be opened.


So I thought I'd at least open the windows downstairs a crack to get a bit of air flow. They won't open. :glare:


Now it is hot in the house. The black flies are hideous outside so that is out of the question.


What are my options? Should I have dh go buy a window a/c or 2 and force open a window(s). There is the every slight chance that a window would break since everything down stairs is original. We were going to get a/c for each bedroom since heat rises and it is starting to get miserable trying to sleep. That means 4 window units running. Oy! Expensive!


Should we just suffer through? it will only be about 6 weeks. By mid-August the trees are starting to turn.

Those things are a bit heavy so I don't think it would be practical to move units from down to up stairs nightly.


What would you do?


Personally, I would talk to the landlady about her providing screens and getting the windows open.


FWIW, I live in a place without a/c. We do have a window unit in our bedroom during the summer, but this year we've (we've being my dh) found we can get it cool (like 68*) by placing a high velocity fan in the window. Of course, temps drop quite a bit here at night.

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Our home is an old farmhouse, and we have to have AC upstairs. The downstairs is nice, with breezes front and back, good circulation, but upstairs? No can do. We turn them on med-to low only at night, and if I wake for whatever reason after midnight, I lower all of them, or shut them off. It's really too hot to sleep without them, and I admire people who can manage.


They might be painted shut..maybe not from the bottom, but on the sides...I would run a putty knife along the sides and see what happens. They could also be swollen, so when it's not humid (if that happens) try them then. If your dh breaks one, at least you can then put an small AC unit in there. Small price to pay for a little relief.

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How hot is it in the house? Our A/C doesn't keep up. It is 78* at night and gets up to 85-86 during the day (in the house.)


You might get some relief with fans, especially those that will fit in the upstairs windows. If you can open one door (any with screens?) you may get enough breeze to help.


Then again, it is HOT here during the day, so 84 feels downright good!:lol:

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I haven't read the whole thread but...

not being able to open those downstairs windows is hazardous. I would find a way to get those windows open, at least one window in every room should open and open easily.


Regarding the air conditioning: once the windows can be opened I would install a portable unit in the room that is used the most.

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WAIT a MINUTE. You rent, right? I'm a landlord in FL (laws vary by state). By law each room in my rental homes must have at least one window that opens, this is a fire law. You must be able to exit by a window in the event of a fire. Also, here at least one window in each room must have a screen in it so tenants can open and use the window. Before you do anything look up what your rights are as a tenant. We have replaced TONS of screens that our tenants have broken before they move out. We have to keep replacing them because we're breaking the law if the new tenants don't have windows that open and screens (at least one per room). Check your law and see what the landlord owes you. That is scary that none of the downstairs windows open, it is a fire hazard (which the landlord must fix)!



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We live in a very old house with original windows downstairs, too. First, get the landlord to open at least some of the windows! Next, buy this type of fan. Ours were cheaper than that, I think about $19 at Wal-Mart.


They may not be as good as air conditioning, but they keep our upstairs nice and cool at night. They probably won't do much good during the heat of the day, but it sounds like you're planning on skipping the A/C anyway, so this might be a good (and much cheaper) alternative!

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I haven't read the whole thread but...

not being able to open those downstairs windows is hazardous. I would find a way to get those windows open, at least one window in every room should open and open easily.


Regarding the air conditioning: once the windows can be opened I would install a portable unit in the room that is used the most.

That makes sense, but I don't think it is a must here. So many people would be breaking the law. Winter storm windows and all that. The landlord actually came out one day this fall and put the storm windows on. It might be mandatory for houses built after a certain year. I'll look into it.


I'm not too worried about getting out because of the way the house is designed. I'm really never more than 10 feet from an outside door. There are three outside doors downstairs. There is one room that could be considered dangerous.


How hot is it in the house? Our A/C doesn't keep up. It is 78* at night and gets up to 85-86 during the day (in the house.)


You might get some relief with fans, especially those that will fit in the upstairs windows. If you can open one door (any with screens?) you may get enough breeze to help.


Then again, it is HOT here during the day, so 84 feels downright good!:lol:

I have no idea how you are able to breath in the heat you must be having without proper A/C.


I remember when i lived in Georgia. If it got below 71*F I was freezing looking for a jacket. Now at 60* I'm opening up what I can of the house and shedding clothes.

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I have no idea how you are able to breath in the heat you must be having without proper A/C.


I remember when i lived in Georgia. If it got below 71*F I was freezing looking for a jacket. Now at 60* I'm opening up what I can of the house and shedding clothes.


And I would freeze to death up there!:lol: The only thing that gets me is the electric bill - I hate that it is so high and we aren't even getting to enjoy it being cold in the house!:tongue_smilie:

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That makes sense, but I don't think it is a must here. So many people would be breaking the law. Winter storm windows and all that. The landlord actually came out one day this fall and put the storm windows on. It might be mandatory for houses built after a certain year. I'll look into it.


Given that we're in two different countries, never mind states and such, our laws are likely different.. but in one past rental that we had, they actually had to change the way that the winter windows were put on - the fire chief (or whoever kicks tail over these things) told the landlord that the windows couldn't be nailed in place anymore because people couldn't get out.. they had to change and have them attached via hooks that were *inside* where tenants could undo them.

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Our house isn't as old as yours but there are a few things you can do. We put ceiling fans in every room. Get the reversible kind. When the circle in one direction they push the cold air down. In the other direction they suck the cold air up and push the warm air down. We also made sure our house had lots of in situation. Ours had very little so Dh had to put quite a bit in but it did make a difference in cooling and warming house. We did have an attic fan which is something you might consider putting in. We would open windows on both sides of the house and turn it on before we went to bed and turn it off around 10. This was a suprisingly successful way of cooling house. We finally got 2 window unts because our temps are around 100 for about 3 weeks a year. You can live without A/C. We lived in our house 15 years before getting air and probably still would except for kids. You'd be surprised at how easy you will accommodate to the situation. Dh was used to it but I was always raised with A/C.

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Just sharing: There is over a 10 degree difference between the temp in the shade (92F) today and the temp inside the house(79F). No a/c.

What we did: This morning while it was still cool (it was actually up to 73 at 9:30am) we closed ALL windows, pulled all window blinds closed, and put quilts over the windows exposed to the most sunshine. All ceiling fans are on. We have 3 floors. It's nice and dark (compared to outside) and cool in here at 3:45pm. The fans keep the cool air circulating. The 3rd floor is the warmest at 81 degrees, but still very cool feeling, as the moisture/humidity of the day hasn't come in.

Granted we did take a nice dip in the pool, and will again, as we have one to enjoy. If we didn't we'd be outside in the sprinkler, because the weather is way too beautiful to not enjoy outside. But it is really nice to be able to come inside where it is nice and cool, comparatively.

For the record, I don't like to keep a/c cooler than 78, and 80 is fine for me. I don't like having such drastic changes from the inside to the outside.

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