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American History Memorization for 4th Grade


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What do you suggest? Preamble to the Constitution? Gettysburg Address? Presidents? Others? We're doing a condensed mini-study for American History this year (while doing SOTW vol two) and I want to add about 5 different memorization pieces. Thanks for your suggestions!

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We did 1850-present this past year - dd memorized The Gettysburg Address & an excerpt from MLK Jr's "I Have A Dream" speech. She also memorized Whitman's "O Captain My Captain." I meant to have her do FDR's four freedoms speech but we just didn't get to it. Maybe over the summer. ;)


If you're focusing solely on American History, depending on the amount of memory work you're otherwise doing, I'd consider the entire Declaration, the Preamble, the freedoms in each of the first ten Amendments (if not the exact wording), The Star-Spangled Banner, the presidents, and the capitals of each state.


HTH. :)

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