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Please share your 7th grade schedule....

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Math - Saxon Alg. 1/2

Spelling - SWO H combined w/ dictation

Grammar - R&S 6

Writing - Jump In!

Literature - LL7

Vocab. - Vocab. from Class. Roots A

Science - Apologia General Science

MFW ECC (no history this year, only a world geog. study)

Spanish - Learnables w/ Kimber's "The Fun Spanish"

art and music w/ MFW ECC and piano lessons (?)


The other options:

LLATL (level 8)

Art - Feed My Sheep or Lamb's Book of Art or God and the History or Art


Those are the plans...still subject to change in some areas. She'll be doing quite a bit of reading w/ MFW ECC and writing as well. There is the possibility of continuing LC1 that I plan to start over the summer or skipping Latin altogether until hs. Not sure. HTH I'm looking forward to other responses, too!

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Math-U-See, Calculadders, Daily Math

Analytical Grammar, season 2, and Daily Grams

Meaningful Composition

Vocab. from Classical Roots A

Apples Spelling I

Lively Latin

Tapestry of Grace

Logic LiftOff, Perplexors C, Fallacy Detective (not all of these everyday)

Apologia General Science

Visual Link Spanish

karate, Master's Academy of Fine Arts, Drama Club, Key Club, seasonal sports

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Teaching Textbooks Algebra I

History Odyssey Middle Ages Level 2

Writeshop I

Lightning Lit. 7

Magic Lens grammar

Word Roots B1

Geography Trails World Geography

Basic not Boring Physical Science worksheets with the Usborne internet linked science encyclopedia

a little bit of informal Spanish here and there

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Rod and Staff 7th math

Rod and Staff 7th english

Vocabulary from Classical Roots A

Mosdos Press Gold text

Language Lessons for the Secondary Child Vol 2 (because dd wants to)

Basic Life Science from Oak Meadow

Story of the World Vol 2,Famous Men of the Middle Ages, and Famous Men of the R&R

French-from Memoria Press

Critical Thinking Book 1

Exploring Careers


Dd needs half a credit each of art and music over the next 2 years but I don't think we've decided which to do for this upcoming year.

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Still tweaking mine...but so far...


math: BJU Pre-Algebra

History: BF Early American and World History (plus Guerber history books for that time period)

Writing: IEW

grammar: R&S 6

latin: Henle I (Memoria Press guide)

logic: Fallacy Detective

science: 18 weeks: Oceanography w/ WP S&S, 9 weeks of Weather w/ WP S&S and 9 weeks of Astronomy with both WP S&S AND Classical Astronomy: Signs and Seasons. (Also possibly reading the Walch Marine Biology text that I picked up for my high schooler.)


Also there is the history component of WP S&S that we will go through, but it looks pretty light. Lots of good projects with the Older Learners Guide.


Now to work on my literature list.

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Rod and Staff English 7

Lial's Introductory Alg.

Latin Prep 2

Tapestry of Grace

Some logic program

McGuffey's Readers (for spelling and read aloud practice)

Apologia Gen. Science (1st half of year) then Phys. Science

Wordly Wise or some roots program

(all the rest, like writing, geog., reading, etc. are included with history)

piano lessons, Cross Country running, and Boy Scouts

Bible history - read aloud daily.

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Math: Finished LBCM now Life of Fred Algebra

Latin: Latin Alive! I

History: Tapestry of Grace (TOG)

English: TOG, Lost Tools of Writing, Stewart's Grammar, Phonetic Zoo, Wordly Wise

Science: BJUP Life Science


We have finished Elementary Greek and The Art of Argument

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Algebra 1/2- Axon

Abeka Grammar and Composition 1

Abeka Science and health

Truthquest Middle Ages through Reformation

Literary Lessons in Lord of the Rings

IEW Medeival based Writing Lessons

Spelling Workout G

Rosetta Stone / Breaking the Spanish Barrier Spanish

Faith Factor Old / New Testament

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My upcoming 7th grader's schedule:


Bible: Rod & Staff 5 with family

Math: BJU Pre-Algebra

Science: BJU Life Science

History/geography/writing/literature: TOG year 1 redesign

English: BJU Writing & Grammar 7

Spelling: Rod & Staff 5

Latin: LFC A

Logic: The Fallacy Detective

Music: Music Ace

Art: Atelier level 6

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The Thinking Toolbox

IEW Medieval Themed lessons with SICCB (continuing co-op class)

Advanced Public Speaking (every other week)

Christian Light Education Language Arts 700

Lightening Literature

Latin Prep 2

Lial's Basic College Math

Apologia General with lapbook from Live and Learn

Mystery of History Volume 3 with Truthquest

NASB with commentaries for children by Nancy Gantz for Bible

2X weekly vocal lessons with daily practice

1X weekly guitar with daily practice

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I have to decide if we will rotate back to the Ancients next fall or do a worldview program(Starting Points) plus study of people groups/cultures world religions etc. (youngers will do Children Around the World)


other than that


a pre-algebra program (we are doing Life of Fred decimals and Rod and Staff now)


Elementry Greek (continue)

Finish Wordsmith -then?

Stewart English

Apologia General Science


continue Rosetta Spanish

Classical guitar and Piano lessons



I guess I have a lot that is still undecided-convention next week so hopefully I will have a more solid plan. We did LL7 this year so I could focus on doing Starting Points next fall. If we decide to do Ancients then we might continue with LL8.





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This fall my 7th grade boy will be doing:


King James Bible, Scripture Memory

Abeka Pre-Algebra

Abeka Science/Health 7

Rod and Staff English 6

Vocab Classical Roots A

Great books from Middle Ages Literature

Story of the World v. 2

Dictation/Written Summaries, Outlines

Latin Primer I / Latin Grammar I

Fallacy Detective

The Harp & The Laurel Wreath

Computer Science, Pure & Simple



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Lit - LL7

LA - CW Homer B/AG 2nd year

Math - NEM2 or ?

Science - SYRWTLS 2

Logic - The Book of Think

Spanish - restart SYRWTLS & RS

History - Mix of Trisms HM & SL 7 (with added readers from cores 200 & 300)

Latin LP 2

(Extras - continue Philosophy for Kids, Drama classes, PE, Art, and other enrichment classes)

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Math: TT Pre-Algebra

Spelling: MegaWords

Grammar: Winston Advanced

Writing: CW Homer B

Literature: LL 7

Science: BJU 7

History: MOH vol 3 - if out in time.

LAtin is still undecided.

PE: swimming and soccer

Art: creative design through local program

Bible: leaning toward Elizabeth George series.

Health: HealthQuest (AOP)

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Math - Algebra 1 (currently deciding between Foerster's, Dolciani, and Lial's)

(We just finished Singapore 6B)

Grammar - R&S 6

Spelling - Megawords

Vocabulary - Vocabulary from Classical Roots

Latin - Henle/Lingua Latina & some Cambridge

Writing - various sources, including TOG's Writing Aids

History - TOG

Science - PH Science Explorer series

Health - Abeka

Reading Comprehension - RC in Varied Subject Matter

Art - various, including Drawing Textbook

Music - weekly Irish fiddle lessons, including participation in Irish Seisun's

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We're doing 7th next year, and I'm still kind of wrapping my brain around it as well.


Math - either Dolciani or NEM


Latin - Latin Prep 2


Greek - EG 2


Writing/Grammar - CW Homer B and something for poetry


The Iliad


Early Modern/American history - right now my plan is to just throw books at him.


Science - possibly Bite-Size Physics/Conceptual Physics, or Singapore Interactive Science, and probably First Lego League


Music - piano lessons


Scouts, some kind of art, some kind of PE

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University of Chicago Transition Math (Pre Algebra)

Rod and Staff English 7

Veritas History (1815 to present)

Vocabulary from the Classical Roots

Maps, Charts and Graphs by Modern Curriculum Press



Co-op classes:

Apologia General Science






Outside activities:



Summer swim team

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Math - ACE Paces, 4 days per week


Language Arts - Daily Grammar, two days

IEW SWI A (Added in Jan.), four days

Apples Spelling, four days

Word Roots A1/B1, two days

Reading, 1 hour per day


Science - homemade physics course, two days


Mindbenders - 1 day


Bible - 1 day


History - BiblioPlan, 4 days (because we are behind - otherwise it would be 3 days)


World Geography - homeschool class that I am teaching, class one day a week and 15 minutes of homework per day four days a week


I think that is all. You will notice that I am not teaching Latin or another foreign language. I am waiting until high school for FL with him.

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English: R&S 7 (our first year with R&S; it's been an adjustment, but dd is encouraged that next year won't be nearly so rough!)


Math: finishing Math U See advanced (we have the "classic" edition from older siblings, which I prefer)


Science: finished Apologia General Science, on module 4 of Physical Science


History/Geography: Beautiful Feet's Ancient History


Latin: went through LC1 on her own. I gave her the student text and answer key and scheduled 3 half hours a week. Now she's in chapter 4 of Latin in the Christian Trivium, still the same 3 half hour periods a week, but she doesn't get the answer book anymore. :-)


Logic: went through Fallacy Detective on her own, now on The Thinking Toolbox. I planned 2 half hours per week for this.


Bible: Discovering Our Amazing God from deeperroots.org


She's also working in Building Thinking Skills Book 3, one book for verbal and one book for figural; we alternate.


I think that's all.

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Wow, y'all seem so organized. We're coming up on 7th, and I'm still waffling.


Math Jacob's Algebra. Or Life of Fred. Or both.

Latin Continue with LfC and Lingua Latina.

Lit LL7

Writing Supposedly CW Homer, but it's been sitting on the shelf for 6 months without leaping off and demanding to be done, so we'll see if that happens in the next few months.

Grammar I have the Harvey's to go with CW Homer, and am fighting the urge to purchase AG to use instead (because, you know, you can never have too many grammar programs sitting on your shelves).

Spanish Continue RS, although dd is sure she shall perish of boredom.

Science Dd is interested in Rainbow, but I'm having heart palpitations over the price.


Scouts -- work on Silver Award in Cadettes

Irish Dance -- wants to have all dances at Novice level by Jan. 2009


Dd also wants to start Greek. And learn more about the Vikings.

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