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If your inter-library loan system stinks, what do you do about books?

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Library funding in our state has been eliminated, and it looks like our fabulous ILL system will be gone as of June 30. Our home library is small and usually has maybe 1/3 of the books I'm looking for (general and school-related reading). If you have no real ILL access, what do you about books? Do you spent a ton of time searching for used books? I already use and love Paperbackswap, but after getting all our books for "free" for so long, it's going to painful to have to pay shipping for all those books :(


How will I survive without our awesome library system?! What are your best tips for acquiring the books you'll need for school?



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The thought of no ILL terrifies me!


It terrifies me too :( I think it's really going to happen though. Our new governor is making serious budget cuts, which I get, and which does need to happen. It sure is hitting me right in the pocket though *sigh*. And as much as I love book sales, I can't spend my whole life trawling for schoolbooks at every library in the state. My DH has never complained about our school budget before, but that might change now!

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We lost most ILL last year. I registered at the big-city library 2 hours away, using my BIL's address, but that doesn't really help all that much. We went totally broke last year, though, and I signed up with a charter school that pays for almost everything I ask for. So that's how I'm coping, but my amazon wishlist is very very long!

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Welcome to my world!!


I live somewhere where the library sucks!!! The DOD doesn't give much in the way of anything to the "public" library. I have access to the school system, but I'd rather not use it.


So, what do we do? We just buy books. I prefer to purchase e-books.



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Beans and rice?

Our library system rarely has the books I'm looking for, and borrowing outside the system takes so long that I almost never get what I need when I need it. I've never been any good at finding bargains in thrift stores, and there are no used book stores nearby. All of which motivates me to keep the food budget down in order to leave money to buy books (used, when possible) from Amazon!

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Ebooks. We're moving to a place with no library containing English books for children, and we'll only be able to take 100 pounds of books with us. That's not very many books for a family of five for two years. The "I'd like to read this on Kindle" button at Amazon is becoming my friend. The last time we lived in similar circumstances, my children were just learning to read and I was able to take lots of beginning readers. But I'm remembering again how much we rely on the library. I'm sorry yours isn't going to be a good option.

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