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Going Mac: Desktop or laptop?

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I've decided to go Mac and have convinced dh. Now...which do I want? Do I want an iMac or a MacBook? Both look tremendous! If you own a MacBook w/ a 13" screen...do you find it too small? We wouldn't be able to afford larger. If you own an iMac...do you wish you had the portability of the MacBook? I'm so torn! Help!

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I'm working right now on a MacBook with a 13" screen.




The only time it's too small is when all 5 dc want to watch a movie on it. Otherwise, we're golden.


We own an iMac (big one!) and two other mac laptops, oh, and another old iMac. (Can you tell my dad works for Apple?) I really, really NEVER want to go back to a desktop.

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We opted for the desktop. We use it as our family's main computer and I wanted the large screen. I also have a hard time typing on a laptop keyboard.


How are you going to use yours? Will you be taking it on vacations? Will you take it to a different corner of the house to use? I didn't want the portability, quite honestly, because I like having it sit in the main room of the house where I can monitor the kids' internet usage.


It's a fun decision to make!


PS I think Apple may still be offering the promo - buy a computer and get a free iPod Touch! That way, if you got a desktop, you would have the portability of the Touch too!

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We went desktop, but when the laptop dies, I'm 95% sure we'll be switching to Macbook as well. The only thing that would hold us back would be that we want to view videos from the laptop on the TV, and Mac doesn't have HDMI... It's a really minor thing, and I don't think it's enough to sway us, but DH might. FWIW he loves our desktop Mac.

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We have an iMac (27") and a 15" MacBook Pro - I love them both, but if I had to pick only one, I'd go with the portability of the MacBook. How I do love my iMac, but I also love doing stuff at the kitchen table with the kids during school time rather than having to go in the other room (for instance, taking their dictation during narration time). I also like that we can watch things on the couch. The screen is fine; sometimes they argue about being able to see it all "fairly" but just to give you perspective, they argue over being able to see the 27" iMac screen "fairly"! :lol:

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LOVE my 13 inch mac book - it has such a bright back light that the videos are easily seen. I love that I can download and save my dd's Elementary Spanish video, and that she can watch it in the car. I also love the iphoto - I have figured out on my own everything about it - the program just makes sense to me. Have fun becoming a mac convert!!!!

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As I sit in my favorite chair reading this thread on my 13" MacBook, I would have to give two thumbs up for the laptop because of the ease of portability. I would honestly be torn between this and the bigger screen too, but I do love being able to take my MacBook anywhere I want.


I've had many computers over the years, and have found firsthand that Macs have a much longer life than PC's. This is just one of the many reasons I'm a loyal Apple/Mac user. Enjoy your new tool!




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I don't think I could live without my MacBook! It's 13 inch and plenty big enough for us. We watch 90% of our TV and movies on it, and while the screen is small, it's not that much smaller than the television that we keep in the hall closet and rarely roll out. Ours is a few year old, but my husband just got a new one issued to him through work, and it is much nicer. The volume goes louder which makes the TV/movie viewing better. (Not that TV is all we do on the MacBook....there's a billion other great things to use it for as well. :-) )

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We had a 20" iMac and when it died we replaced it with a 13" macbook. I LOVE the macbook. I have it on the kitchen counter most of the day can take it to the lounge or kitchen table or kids rooms when we want to use it. We have adapter cords to show movies etc on the big TV. I don't miss my desktop one little bit and when it is time for a second computer it will be another macbook for sure. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!

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Have both, love both, if I had to choose one . . . I'd probably go with the desktop. Great big huge super clear screen, more bang for the buck, and frankly I feel more comfortable with the kids using the desktop (less likely to knock it on the floor). But either one will do you nicely--Macs are awesome!

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