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Human Geography AP Test Prep

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Ds1 took the APHomeschoolers Human Geography course and loved it! The teacher did a great job preparing ds for the exam; he made a 5. I'm sure ds used a test prep book as well, but I can't recall which one. Here's the course description.




ETA: Thought the link would take you right to the course page, but you can click on the link on the left.

Edited by FloridaLisa
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Ds1 took the APHomeschoolers Human Geography course and loved it! The teacher did a great job preparing ds for the exam; he made a 5. I'm sure ds used a test prep book as well, but I can't recall which one. Here's the course description.




ETA: Thought the link would take you right to the course page, but you can click on the link on the left.



My dd wants to take AP Human Geography in the fall (most likely thru' PA Homeschoolers). But, after searching thru' College Boards course ledger it looks like only 1 school in our area offers the test. I don't know if next year this hs will offer the test (depends if high schoolers take the class). Did you have any trouble finding a school for your son to take the exam? I am hesitant to pay the $600+ PAH course fee, then not have a school where dd can take the exam... any thoughts?



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No trouble at all. He tested at our local high school. I would call local schools, including any private schools. Also ask whether the school would be willing to order and proctor the test, even if not administering it to their students.




Thanks Lisa! I had another question (or two lol)!


Dd is our oldest so high school is new territory for us! When you said to call the school & see if they're willing to order the test & proctor - when should I call? Since dd needs to sign up for the class in the next few weeks, is there anyone at the school in the summer that could answer my questions? Who is the person I should speak to (like a guidance counselor or is there someone in charge of AP testing ordering??)... I hope this makes sense!


Also, dd is entering 9th grade and wants to try 1 AP class, we are trying to decide between AP Human Geography & US Govt - has your son taken AP Govt? Just trying to figure out which one might be best for a 9th grader in regards to work load. It AP Govt is offered a many more local schools than Human Geography, so it would be an easier test to sign up for. Also, it seems (maybe just a perception) some colleges like to see US Govt on a transcript. Any thoughts?


Thanks Lisa for helping me muddle through!!



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Dd is our oldest so high school is new territory for us! When you said to call the school & see if they're willing to order the test & proctor - when should I call? Since dd needs to sign up for the class in the next few weeks, is there anyone at the school in the summer that could answer my questions? Who is the person I should speak to (like a guidance counselor or is there someone in charge of AP testing ordering??)... I hope this makes sense!


Yes, I would call now and find out whether any local school can offer the examination. They should already know whether the class will be offered and, if not, whether the school could proctor the exam. I've always dealt with the guidance office for testing and our local school has always been very helpful. I usually contact them early fall for PSAT and by December for AP exams. But since you are researching options, I'd make the call now.


Also, dd is entering 9th grade and wants to try 1 AP class, we are trying to decide between AP Human Geography & US Govt - has your son taken AP Govt? Just trying to figure out which one might be best for a 9th grader in regards to work load. It AP Govt is offered a many more local schools than Human Geography, so it would be an easier test to sign up for. Also, it seems (maybe just a perception) some colleges like to see US Govt on a transcript. Any thoughts?



Ds1 took both and dd1 took AP USGov (in 9th). I think they are both considered easier AP classes. I taught APUSGov in a co-op and several of the kids were 9th graders. Those that were good students, employed solid study skills and kept on top of the class did very well. At least as well, or better, than some of the older students. So I think either class is accessible for a 9th grader who is willing to read a college-level text, work consistently and study for the year-end exam.





ETA: My son has only taken one PAHomeschoolers AP course, but my impression has been that PAH has veteran teachers who not only know and love their subject but do well in preparing their students for the AP exams. We would do more PAH, but our state virtual is free and accredited.

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Here is an older thread. I'm sure there is another not so long ago as we had a discussion about helpful books. I've tagged these, so try clicking the tag. And AP Human Geography is frequently taken, so if you do a google search, you might fare even better.



Edited by Joan in Geneva
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