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Who's had mono as an adult?

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After weeks of screwy symptoms and a bunch of other tests, they tested my thyroid and for mono. I have BOTH thyroiditis (neither hyper nor hypo at this point) and was positive for mono. They sent the mono test back out for a break down...I'm not sure why. But I don't have much of a fatigue problem. For three weeks it's been breathlessness and loss of appetite (lost 6 pounds in 2 weeks). A little bit of anxiety that's weird for me. Probably because I feel like I can't breath a lot of the time and that an be concerning. No fever. No sore throat. Some dr's think I'm just a-typical for this diagnosis and other ones think there is something else going on that they are trying to get to the bottom of.


Anyway, just wondering everyone else's experiences with mono!

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I had it and was in the hospital for 5 days. My spleen was enlarged and they could not get my fever under control. I never had a sore throat. My fever was 103 when they checked me into the hospital and they had a hard time controlling it.


It took me about a month before I fully recovered.

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I always get bronchotis on top of it so I just feel run down and sleeply in addition to being sick. We had it a few years ago. I got it and then passed it on to my children and dh who came down with it two months later.


My husband was tired. He would work hard all week and come home and sleep all weekend for about a month until he was over the symptoms. I was sick for more than 3 weeks.:001_smile:

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I came down with it at the end of a college semester (cliche, no?). It started out with a ton of raised lymph nodes all over my scalp at the base of my head. Then I developed mild flu-like symptoms (mainly nausea), severe fatigue, and I itched like crazy. Even the soles of my feet and the palms of my hands. I slept all the time. I remember one day I took a shower and that exhausted me so much I laid down, wrapped in a towel, and slept for two hours before I even bothered getting dressed. It was a good 2-3 weeks before I was back to normal.


Mine was caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, which doesn't really mean a lot for me, except that now when I'm coming down with something else, I sometimes get mono-ish symptoms.

Edited by LemonPie
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started out with a ton of raised lymph nodes all over my scalp at the base of my head.

:confused::001_huh: I've had things like these coming and going for about 4 months. They seems to be connected to my cycle some how. But yours had something to do with the mono huh? I thought mine were randomly unconnected.

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:confused::001_huh: I've had things like these coming and going for about 4 months. They seems to be connected to my cycle some how. But yours had something to do with the mono huh? I thought mine were randomly unconnected.


Yeah, my family practitioner at the time told me they were pretty indicative of mono. I've never had them before or since though. Up to that point, I had no idea there were even lymph nodes in my scalp!

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I had mono about five years ago. For about 3-4 weeks I felt exhausted no matter how much sleep I was able to get. At first, I had an extremely sore throat and flu-like symptoms. The doctor thought I had strep throat, but the tests came back negative for that and positive for mono. After a couple months I was pretty much feeling back to normal.

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I've been struggling with "something" for several months. Finally, last month, I saw my "real" doctor (iow, not the one I live with;)) and she was fairly certain that I had mono. She didn't test, as I didn't want to take the time (typical of me), and I also had a major case of tonsillitis that had to be treated, anyway.


I had very swollen glands in my neck, and a terribly sore throat, (see above). I am still dealing with the exhaustion and shortness of breath, and I, too, have those odd bumps at the base of my skull. So strange.


It's been a rough few months around here, and that's made it harder to recover, for sure.


I hope you feel better.

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I had mono as a college student (at the end of a semester as well). My spleen was so enlarged I could not sit up straight in a car and my parents had to come get me and bring me home. Raging fever, enlarged lymph nodes, extreme exhaustion, and enlarged spleen were my symptoms. They kept testing my blood all summer. I was still sick when fall semester came 'round and was forced, under doctor's orders, to take a reduced course load because I was still recovering, though no longer contagious. It took me another three months to feel human again.


I will never make fun of someone with Mono ever. It can be the nastiest thing!

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