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Differences in CD Basic Math vs. Pre-algebra and rising 6th grader...

Magic Wand

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I'm considering using CD with my younger dd (rising 6th grader). I think it will be a better fit for her than older dd. I have the Pre-

algebra course already, which is slated for 7th grade.


I've reviewed the Basic Math course, for sixth grade, which appears to be a "less robust" version of Pre-algebra. My dd understands math well and I would say she is on grade level or slightly above grade level. I'd prefer to go ahead and try Pre-algebra with her, because I already own it.


From the reviews on the Chalkdust site, Mary Pride indicates that Basic Math is somewhat of a review or remediation course and that students can go from Basic Math directly to Algebra. I'm thinking we can go directly to Pre-algebra and then to Algebra. The TOC look similar for both, except that Pre-algebra is more ind-depth and includes geometry, whereas Basic Math does not.


Thoughts? What would you do? I think it's worth a try over the summer to see how it goes.

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Basic Math is mostly review, but introduces a few new concepts. I used it prior to Pre-Algebra to help solidify prior to moving forward. There are some things we skimmed right through, and others I was grateful for the additional review.

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I've seen too many rushed student FAIL in high school maths--or worse yet--even start to HATE Math because they were pushed into higher levels too early--MOST 8th graders are NOT menatlly mature enough for Geomentry or Algebra 2.... and if they survive those MOST 9th graders are NOT mentally mature for Pre-Calc--even most 11th graders are not there yet!


You CANNOT rush mathematical maturity.... and basic arithmetic skills, while being a prerequisite for Algebra-- are useless if the student is not ready to use these skills in multi-step/multi-formual problems.


Also I would NOT recommend using a high level program 'just because you have it' thinking you could just work SLOWLY through it--

Students can tell that they are not making progress--and staying with the SAME lesson for multiple days (when it is obvious that the lesson was really designed to be worked in one day) can be frustrating!'


From a professional Math teacher's prospective-- there are only very MINOR differences between middle school math levels... the MAIN reason is puberty---the next reason is to make sure the foundation is rock solid and the student MATHEMATICALLY mature enough for the next level of required reasoning... you just can't force advanced reasoning/logic on younger students... you just have to WAIT until they are ready.


I do have a FEW young students using my online high school math classes... but students like these are RARE and they are 'profoundly' gifted. Under normal circumstances I still (professionally) rather see students wait until 9th grade to begin Algebra 1--the extra year or two makes a HUGE difference and the material is learned on a much much deeper level with less effort on the student's part.

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I've seen too many rushed student FAIL in high school maths--or worse yet--even start to HATE Math because they were pushed into higher levels too early--MOST 8th graders are NOT menatlly mature enough for Geomentry or Algebra 2.... and if they survive those MOST 9th graders are NOT mentally mature for Pre-Calc--even most 11th graders are not there yet!


You CANNOT rush mathematical maturity.... and basic arithmetic skills, while being a prerequisite for Algebra-- are useless if the student is not ready to use these skills in multi-step/multi-formual problems.


Also I would NOT recommend using a high level program 'just because you have it' thinking you could just work SLOWLY through it--

Students can tell that they are not making progress--and staying with the SAME lesson for multiple days (when it is obvious that the lesson was really designed to be worked in one day) can be frustrating!'


From a professional Math teacher's prospective-- there are only very MINOR differences between middle school math levels... the MAIN reason is puberty---the next reason is to make sure the foundation is rock solid and the student MATHEMATICALLY mature enough for the next level of required reasoning... you just can't force advanced reasoning/logic on younger students... you just have to WAIT until they are ready.


I do have a FEW young students using my online high school math classes... but students like these are RARE and they are 'profoundly' gifted. Under normal circumstances I still (professionally) rather see students wait until 9th grade to begin Algebra 1--the extra year or two makes a HUGE difference and the material is learned on a much much deeper level with less effort on the student's part.


Thanks, Jann! and thanks OP for the thread, I wondered the same thing.

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Basic Math with my rising 6th grader and pre-algebra vs. algebra for my rising 8th grader, who has recently completed CLE 7 and performed very well.


I am so appreciative of you sharing your expertise in this area. Give me LA and I'm secure, throw math at me and the heart palpitations begin! We all know learning styles vary widely between children, however, do you have a math curricula recommendation for middle school/high school? If so, would you be willing to share? I'm less interested in using a "high level math program" than I am in finding a program that works for all of us. I'm including myself in "us" as I will be assisting and, although I've taken college algebra, it was many years ago and undoubtedly, I'll need a refresher and definitely desire the DVD component. I'd also like a program we can become familiar with and stay with for the duration of high school. (if that's possible)


Both girls have done quite well up to this point and I want them to continue doing well and ENJOYing math.


Thank you for helping.



I've seen too many rushed student FAIL in high school maths--or worse yet--even start to HATE Math because they were pushed into higher levels too early--MOST 8th graders are NOT menatlly mature enough for Geomentry or Algebra 2.... and if they survive those MOST 9th graders are NOT mentally mature for Pre-Calc--even most 11th graders are not there yet!


You CANNOT rush mathematical maturity.... and basic arithmetic skills, while being a prerequisite for Algebra-- are useless if the student is not ready to use these skills in multi-step/multi-formual problems.


Also I would NOT recommend using a high level program 'just because you have it' thinking you could just work SLOWLY through it--

Students can tell that they are not making progress--and staying with the SAME lesson for multiple days (when it is obvious that the lesson was really designed to be worked in one day) can be frustrating!'


From a professional Math teacher's prospective-- there are only very MINOR differences between middle school math levels... the MAIN reason is puberty---the next reason is to make sure the foundation is rock solid and the student MATHEMATICALLY mature enough for the next level of required reasoning... you just can't force advanced reasoning/logic on younger students... you just have to WAIT until they are ready.


I do have a FEW young students using my online high school math classes... but students like these are RARE and they are 'profoundly' gifted. Under normal circumstances I still (professionally) rather see students wait until 9th grade to begin Algebra 1--the extra year or two makes a HUGE difference and the material is learned on a much much deeper level with less effort on the student's part.

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that nagging thought in the back of my mind...more review might be a good thing as well as a confidence booster. Hmmm...back to the drawing board.


Thank you!



Basic Math is mostly review, but introduces a few new concepts. I used it prior to Pre-Algebra to help solidify prior to moving forward. There are some things we skimmed right through, and others I was grateful for the additional review.
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