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One of my d.s.' teammates was hit in the face with a line drive . . .

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I didn't see it happen. My son told me that Ben had a bloody nose. I pictured a simple bloody nose. He was hit in the face with a line drive. He went immediately down. He was taken to the ER and diagnosed with a fractured nose and face. They're watching him closely tonight.


This is my biggest fear as a baseball mom. Please pray for Ben and his family.

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The same thing happened to my dh. He was a pitcher, and a line drive hit him in the mouth. He lost an upper front tooth, which his dad stuck right back in his mouth. The tooth is still there 30 years later, and although dead, is firmly attached.


Until I read your post, I'd never considered that it could have been so much worse.


I will pray for your son's friend. :grouphug:

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Oh no!!! Baseball/softball really scares me. I played for years as a young/middle teen. I played on a fast pitch softball team. Then I got hit in the face three times in one year. The second time, which was the worst, really got me gun-shy about baseball/softball. I was stealing third base and sliding in...the catcher threw the ball (hard and fast) from home to third trying to get me out. Well, the third baseman missed the ball, but I caught it - in the face. Broke my nose. It still hurts to this day when it barely gets bumped. Now, even when playing baseball with the kids, I am very cautious of where that ball goes. I guess any sport has its dangers though.

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Praying for Ben here. Very scary. I pray for safety every game, and we have been blessed. OK, there was the time dh's ribs were broken by a line drive, the time a foul tip hit him in the eye, and the kid who drove ds's head into the ground on a play at 2nd on Monday. But all fixable. Hope that Ben's is, too.

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Baseball injuries can be horrific! I was a high school athletic trainer for many years and I had a hard time sitting in our open dug out. I treated more than one facial fracture as a result of a bat or ball.


Praying for Ben.

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This happened to a boy on my team when I used to play little league.


He had a couple of black eyes, and his face was bruised and swollen for a while. His nose was broken as well.


He healed well, but the poor boy couldn't ever play baseball after that, though. The fear of it happening again was too much.


I hope your son's teammate heals quickly and is comfortable playing again!

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

:grouphug: I am scared of baseball too. Last season my ds9 got hit in the stomach, knocked the wind out of him and he couldn't breathe for a little bit. He had a perfectly round bruise that lasted weeks.

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Our SS teacher, an older but very spry gentleman, had this happen on the men's retreat for our church. Broke his nose and face. Narrowly escaped surgery because there is a membrane surrounding the cheekbone that kept the bones in place. He couldn't chew, though, for literally 6 months while the bones were healing. Ugh. Poor guy. He's back at it now, good as new :o). Can't keep a good man (or boy) down :o).

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