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I'm a latin drop out....


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I have tried:

Latin for Children (older version)

Matin Latin

Latin Road to English Grammar.


Of the above, I liked Latin Road best, but it was teacher intensive. I do not want a beta or download program. I want hardcopy. I also do not know latin (other than what I learned from the above). Is there something easy, relatively inexpensive, fun, effective?

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Lively Latin if you buy the hard copy, though that is more expensive. I knew zero latin before we started. It was pretty easy to just pick up the book, have ds do 1-2 pages, and be done. I had him put together the flash cards, that is the only thing that isn't open and go, but it is hard to get around that.

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I really like Lively Latin. I haven't tried the others. DD tends to do it independently, although I usually try to look over her shoulder and talk about it some. At $125 for the hard copy, it is a little pricey, though.

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We are currently using Prima Latina and it is just right. I have never taken Latin, my husband has never taken Latin...and I was VERY worried about the Latin thing being overwhelming.


I can't remember how much I paid for it, but you have to buy the student manual and the TM. It was relatively cheap, though. I think I got it on www.christianbook.com . The TM comes with a CD and that has a lot of samples, pronunciations, and some recitations of prayer. I also googled "latin pronunciations" and there are a bunch of websites with audio clips.


Oh, I'm using it with a 7 yro and a 8 yro. The 8 yro absolutely loves it and is able to write the vocab and stuff. The 7 yro is struggling slightly and I have to review the vocab every day with him. He also can't remember how to correctly spell the words, but his English spelling is awful right now, too.


Good luck! I don't know what to do after Prima Latina, though! :confused:

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