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Looking for a US History based writing program...


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I personally think that IEW's US History Writing Lessons would be a bit advanced for a 4th grader anyway. I'm not sure I know of any other writing lessons that are specific to US History. Could you have dc do copywork/dictation ala WWE using your US History books? Narrations + copywork and dictation should be enough writing for 4th grade, IMHO. :)

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I personally think that IEW's US History Writing Lessons would be a bit advanced for a 4th grader anyway. I'm not sure I know of any other writing lessons that are specific to US History. Could you have dc do copywork/dictation ala WWE using your US History books? Narrations + copywork and dictation should be enough writing for 4th grade, IMHO. :)


That sounds like a good idea!


On a side note though, does anyone have any experience with Writing Trails in American History?

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IEW (Institute of Excellence for Writing) - is a little advanced for 4th grade - however, it's an EXCELLENT (no pun intended) writing program - I've used it for my 7 and 9 yr old daughters last year for the 1st time - we did the Ancient History theme based one - and their writing improved TREMENDOUSLY! We're going to do Medieval history next year. US History is geared, I believe, to 5th-6th graders - but, as in all of the programs, can be scaled up or down as needed. It doesn't have a particular religious element to it - but we use it in our Classical Conversations curriculum (which is faith-based).


Another thought about history is Story of the World - isn't volume 3 and 4 more geared to US History?

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To clarify about the "Christian" content in IEW ....


I have just scanned through my US History volume one book and didn't find any religious overtones of any kind. I can tell you from experience that there wasn't any in the Ancient History one I used last year. I'm thinking that the "Christian" connection is based on the fact that the IEW curriculum is used closely with the Classical Conversations groups, which are faith-based. But the IEW program is not religious in itself.


Hope this helps.

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I don't know if you are looking for Writing spefically,, but Donna Young has Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior from George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Lincoln quotes for hand writing/ penmanship that my boys did when they were that age. These pages are free. I used Language Arts Through Literature when the boys were young and Donna's pages corresponded nicely with it.

Her site is donnayoung.org. She has everything from penmanship pages to Apologia schedules.


We did attempt IEW History vol 1 in 6th grade - it looked like it would go well with my son's Abeka History at the time - but we stopped because the Abeka had their own writing activities and it became overwhelming for the boys to do both- I bought the pdf CD-rom along with the books which I am still using as a resource in High School.



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