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What disappears around your house?

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  • Ball point pens that actually work.
  • Soy sauce packets from the Chinese take-out (my husband is involved in this in some way).
  • Places to put things. Didn't I just clear that shelf OFF?
  • Cash.
  • Chocolate.
  • Coffee.
  • Quiet time. I had three children, and it all disappeared.....


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everything. EVERYTHING. And know what's absolutely fascinating about it? NOBODY ever takes anything, the items just grow legs and walk away on their own. Isn't that simply AMAZING???



I try not to get too worked up. I know I'll miss my kids when they're gone. But I have started to charge for items if I know who took them. Younger ds owes me for about 4 packs of pens, 2 boxes of paper clips (he bends them all up out of boredom) and a bag of rubber bands.


I'm ALWAYS saying, "Don't touch it if it isn't yours!!!"


I love them. Really, I do. :001_wub:It's just SO annoying.

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2 boxes of paper clips (he bends them all up out of boredom).


Funny story: We had a yard sale a few weeks ago and we needed to rubber band something. I went to get a rubber band out of the rubber band bag and much to my surprise, I pulled out a long, never-ending STRING of rubber bands...all TIED together end to end. Oh how fun that was for my kids to undo. :D

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There is no flashlight to be found when you need one OR they are ALL dead batteries. What's the deal with that?


I'll tell you the deal with that! Children who have toys with dead batteries take the good ones from the flashlights and put the dead ones in. They do it! I've seen it with my own eyes!:glare:

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According to my husband, EVERYTHING disappears! But that's only because he doesn't consistently put things in the same place so he can find them again. Of course, if they WERE in the right place he wouldn't be able to find them because they'd be behind something else, not right out in plain sight at eye level!




Gee, sounds like my husband.


Let's see:

MY hairbrush

Bailey's eye patch (but that may be intentional)

My ponytail holders


library books (even though I have a designated spot for them)

chocolates (turns out Bailey was sneaking chocolates, my oldest son found the wrappers under her bed)

Owen's favorite book that he cannot go to bed without

nail files (we are 2 girls and 4 boys, you figure that one out because I can't)


I have the same problem as Laurie4b, kids disappearing when its time for school work or chores, and the same problem as Cricket with the pepperoni and making pizza.

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Cordless phones here as well. Also tape and flashlights. There is no flashlight to be found when you need one OR they are ALL dead batteries. What's the deal with that?


all our flashlights have dead batteries because the kids seem to be incapable of turning them off.

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Bathroom: tweezers, nail clippers, MY comb, ponytail holders.


Kitchen: teaspoons, 1/4 cup measuring cups, dishes, scissors, screwdrivers


MY desk: pencils, tape, scissors, stapler, 3-hole punch, white-out


Laundry: socks, whatever piece of clothing they need right now


Living room: remotes, CDs, DVDs


House: shoes, money, time and whatever my food of choice is at any given time, games pieces, mini pool balls, phones handsets


My life: time, energy, sanity, my youth, patience

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I know you wanted us to list things other than food, but can I *please* give that answer? Pretty please?? I have a 15y/o boy and he just.doesn't.stop.eating. I don't remember my brother being like this, so I'm stunned. This boy is constantly chewing or preparing to chew something!!!


If I can't answer food, then I guess my answer would be... time. It just vanishes without a trace. :D


When my kids were younger, it was my tape (scotch, duct, masking), and rubber bands. To this very day, I have a big rubberband ball in my drawer that drives me nuts.

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Pencils, socks and bar shorts (to wear over leos, particularly in a CS). I think that pencils are breeding somewhere in the crevices under my floor molding. I can't come up with an explanation for the many dozen that evaporate around my house. AND tape. Masking tape, cellophane tape, duct tape (the disappearance is apparently non-discriminatory).

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Clean dishes disappear....all I can find is dirty ones. :D



DD11 used to have disappearing socks. I think they would get left at the house across the street that has 3 girls. I would ask the mom if she noticed any extras and she confesses that she doesn't really sort socks, that they live in a big laundry basket, and she really had no idea what was in there after 3 girls. I bought a rubber stamp with dds name on it. I stamped all her socks on the bottom with purple permanent ink and amazingly they stopped disappearing (or at least started returning home).


I only buy one brand at a time for the boys in my home. If they need socks, I throw away all the old ones, and buy new ones. I buy a dozen or so pairs so they last a year or more before they get down to less than a weeks supply. (DH is very hard on socks) Due to this, it is very obvious when misc socks show up from his friends.


I really think that this is part of most people's problem with missing socks. They are all living at their friends homes. I used to take a bag around the neighborhood with all the misc wayward socks and have the parents pick out the familiar ones.

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you have that dirty dish problem as well???


My dryer eats our socks :D


Clean dishes disappear....all I can find is dirty ones. :D



DD11 used to have disappearing socks. I think they would get left at the house across the street that has 3 girls. I would ask the mom if she noticed any extras and she confesses that she doesn't really sort socks, that they live in a big laundry basket, and she really had no idea what was in there after 3 girls. I bought a rubber stamp with dds name on it. I stamped all her socks on the bottom with purple permanent ink and amazingly they stopped disappearing (or at least started returning home).


I only buy one brand at a time for the boys in my home. If they need socks, I throw away all the old ones, and buy new ones. I buy a dozen or so pairs so they last a year or more before they get down to less than a weeks supply. (DH is very hard on socks) Due to this, it is very obvious when misc socks show up from his friends.


I really think that this is part of most people's problem with missing socks. They are all living at their friends homes. I used to take a bag around the neighborhood with all the misc wayward socks and have the parents pick out the familiar ones.

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Oh okay, since you asked so nicely. ;)


Oh, whew, thanks! Vanishing food is a *huge* problem around here! Yesterday's breakfast for said 15y/o ds was two eggs with toast, then about 15 minutes later, he was eating a banana while rooting in the fridge for 'something to eat'. :001_huh:

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