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Well, I think dd is going to school next year--(vent and whine)

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I'm burnt out, between drama with ds18 (years worth) and other things. We need more income, even tho ds18 is not going to Radford. I still have debt, tho it's better.

I'm pretty sure I'll be sending dd to school for 5th grade. It's public school, where she went in 3rd grade. I'm sad about it, but school isn't getting done here the way I want. I am depressed, I think. While we were successful in completing her math book and starting another, and we did SOTW almost all the way, along with grammar and spelling, we never really got around to completing science, only did Bible half-way, never got finished with the Africa study--

In short, I'm lacking motivation, feeling weepy almost all the time, and short changing my child.


A couple of years in public school may be the answer. I know that's ananthema (is that spelled right?) to some.


I'm just beat.


I'm not even looking forward to the summer.

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Hey Chris. :grouphug: You know that I was in your position last year but only with more kids and less the 18yo drama. I wish I had words of wisdom for you, but I do not. I just have prayers and lots of them. Oh, and a few words of encouragement from someone not as experienced as you but who has btdt at least once :tongue_smilie::


1. Your dd will not be permanently harmed or even hindered b/c you had a rough year and did not complete your studies. You do know that, right? :)


2. If you have to put her in ps for a year or even more, she also will not be permanently harmed! :D


3. Taking care of yourself is the best gift you can give to your dc (you know that as well!).


4. Guilt and regret do not help. Ask me how I know. ;)


All that being said, don't make any decisions in LOW TIDE. Pray, seek God, get to your dr. for meds if you have to and make sure you are taking enough time for YOU. I'm going to PM you...perhaps we can get together some Saturday for lunch and prayer. Sound good?

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Don't decide anything today. You just had disheartening news. Let things settle a little before you make any judgment calls.

Can your dd do one or two of those subjects during the summer in form of experiments and some reading on a science subject she is interested in? Perhaps instead of the Bible curriculum you could get her an inspiring book that deals with growing up and faith issues.


What I learned in years of homeschooling is that never underestimate how God can teach our children. It is not always through the curriculum we so lovingly and diligently selected - and it's certainly not always by completing everything to the last page even though I am bit compulsive that way myself.


Sleep on it, pray on it, see what happens.


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It wasn't being tested, so they hadn't done science OR social studies. (this was in February, BTW) The kids were begging for science, so she was "taking pity on them" and doing a 3 week unit on science, then a 3 week unit on social studies. So don't beat yourself up too much.


That said, if you need to put her in PS for a year or two, it's really okay. She'll be fine.

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:grouphug: Sounds like you do need a break and to focus on you. It's true you know, what the airline stewards say: put the mask on yourself first, because you're no use to anyone if you pass out. Here's to feeling better soon. :grouphug:


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Don't decide anything today. You just had disheartening news. Let things settle a little before you make any judgment calls.

Can your dd do one or two of those subjects during the summer in form of experiments and some reading on a science subject she is interested in? Perhaps instead of the Bible curriculum you could get her an inspiring book that deals with growing up and faith issues.


What I learned in years of homeschooling is that never underestimate how God can teach our children. It is not always through the curriculum we so lovingly and diligently selected - and it's certainly not always by completing everything to the last page even though I am bit compulsive that way myself.


Sleep on it, pray on it, see what happens.



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Don't decide anything today. You just had disheartening news. Let things settle a little before you make any judgment calls.

Can your dd do one or two of those subjects during the summer in form of experiments and some reading on a science subject she is interested in? Perhaps instead of the Bible curriculum you could get her an inspiring book that deals with growing up and faith issues.


What I learned in years of homeschooling is that never underestimate how God can teach our children. It is not always through the curriculum we so lovingly and diligently selected - and it's certainly not always by completing everything to the last page even though I am bit compulsive that way myself.


Sleep on it, pray on it, see what happens.


:iagree: I'll tell you my story:



I can tell you that dd pretty much schooled herself this year because I was suffering burn out pretty badly. I did not even have enough to put into a portfolio. She took the CAT-E and scored 85.


Now I'm feeling pretty good about getting back in the saddle this fall.

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I'm sorry you're feeling so weepy. This probably doesn't help, given your sadness, and I know you're facing a different issue with a younger child...but my youngest son really wanted to go to school, and it has worked out well for him. He is very happy, and I like his friends. We always have kids over for pizza/basketball/movies/XBox. He is the same lovely, thinking boy he has always been. He's a good brother and a steady guy. He's 16 and just one of the nicest boys you'd want to know. It's possible it will all be OK.


I struggle all the time with knowing I could help so much with college costs if we were not hsing.

Edited by LibraryLover
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I am in the same shoes. My high schoolers are graduating this year and the littles are both going to school next year. I am at the end of my journey and I can barely limp over the finish line. You and I have done our hard time. I say we need a few years to recuperate. :grouphug:

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