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In search of homeschooling moms who are missional/mission-driven!


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Hi everyone,


In addition to being a homeschooling mom, I'm a writer working on a book about missional motherhood. I'm looking for homeschooling moms for whom homeschooling has given them freedom to pursue ministry in some way--perhaps by being able to live in the inner city or overseas, for example--and who are very intentional about helping their children learn to be mission-minded as well.



If you fit this description or know someone who does, could you please PM me? I would really appreciate it!


Thanks so much.

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I am not there yet, but my husband and I are praying about the opportunity to arise in the future. We would very much like to serve in the mission field some day. I am hoping to incorporate some type of age-appropriate local mission activities for my DC into our school time in the fall. Right now I am looking for options. I would be so interested in your research and upcoming book!!

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I have an acquaintance from my daughter's gymnastics who home schools and leaves in the worst part of town as a ministry to her neighbors. The kids spend a lot of time in outreach, helping those around them, etc. Unfortunately I don't have any contact information for her!

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Great! I look forward to speaking with some of you in the future! You don't have to be a missionary overseas, but I am definitely looking for people who strive to reach out to others and for whom homeschooling has given them more flexibility to do this. Thanks, everyone!

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