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Which NOEO Science Kit for a 4 & 8yo?


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I read somewhere (can't find it now :( ) that Physics is slightly harder than the other two so I'm saving it until my middle ds is older. I asked my oldest which he wanted to do out of Chemistry and Biology and he picked Chemistry. It looks fun and I think that my little one will be able to tag along just fine. We're starting tomorrow.

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We did all of the level 1 Noeo courses. We enjoyed both chemistry and physics more than biology. Dd is saying that she really enjoyed the chemistry experiments, so maybe that would be our top choice. Super Science Concoctions is a great book. I think they recommend an experiment a day. If I recall correctly, a lot of that books is scheduled in the latter part of the course. Good stuff.

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We are finishing up Chemistry 1 now. It has been fun, although a little slow to start experiments :)


After completing the program, which I truly enjoyed, I'd do Chem and rec. a more hands on approach for physics when you get there...Thames and Kosmos has many "build" type kits that we will use in lieu of Noeo recs. Seems more enjoyable for my lil' guys :)

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