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Where do you meet other homeschooling families?

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

If your local museums or amusment parks have homeschool days there are tons there. Also, try attending homeschool classes. Anything from art, karate, or homeschool at the zoo.

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you could try searching for local homeschool groups through the yahoo groups...maybe look at one of the communities here on WTM.


Homeschoolclassifieds.com has a section of local hs groups.


The local library? If they don't had a listing, maybe you could put up a poster to start a group.


Meetup.com does have some hs groups.


Not really sure where else. We found most our HS friends through the Yahoo groups and friend introductions.

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We joined a homeschool group on meetup.com. We have become closer with some families than with others.


We also joined a homeschool bowling league over the winter/spring, and I'm sure there are other places that have programs and activities just for homeschoolers. I know some museums do, for instance.

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Well, I've tried meetup.com but there is nothing within 30 miles. Nothing on Homeschoolclassified.com either. Yahoo groups revealed the groups I already know about but don't fit with (i.e. LDS, pagan, learning disabilities, Catholic, Christian). I googled HS'ing in my area and found businesses, curriculums, blogs, and the same ol' groups.


Our children's museum has 1/2 price for HS'er's on Tuesdays and we go at least 1-2 times/month but haven't met anyone. DS is enrolled in a HS science workshop there starting this Friday so maybe he'll find someone there.


Where do you find a co-op? I know about our regional learning academy but it is through the PS system and requires x number of hours/wk and requires you to sit in a room with your other kids for those hours which doesn't work w/ DD.


Honestly, I wouldn't even bother if it weren't for the fact that DS's best friend is moving away in August. We have lived here for 12 years and have found people to be less than welcoming to outsiders. I had the same experience when I decided to be a SAHM after DD was born, and now I'm experiencing it again as a HS'er.

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My girls belong to a homeschool Brownie troop and that is where their friends are. We are attempting a co-op for the first time this fall so we'll see where that takes us. However, we spend the majority of our time with family rather than friends. I don't do playdates and stuff like that except for with my best friend and her children.

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Oh, also 4H clubs.


And if you belong to or join a homeschool email list from your state, you can sometimes find people who are close to your area and if you hit it off getting to know each other in email a bit, you can set up a get together with them. I actually met at least 3 or 4 people that way- well, actually, we'd chat in email and then I'd tell them about the homeschool meetup group I belong to, and then they'd join :)

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I've meet other homeschoolers through the local park district classes specially for homeschoolers. For example classes at the nature center and zoo.




I have yet to find anything locally specifically for HS'ers (except the HS PE class at the Y which doesn't work for us). It's really frustrating!

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