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Would someone please tell mother nature that it is almost JUNE!

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We have had rain, lots of rain, for a week. The really wet rain IYKWIM. (I promise there are varying degrees of how wet rain is in the PNW)


Then a neighbor decides to burn some leaves. OMG, the wet, cold air mixed with the smell of burning, wet leaves makes it feel like October and Halloween.


Would someone please pass on the message that it is time for summer and camping not big simmering pots of food and snugly sweaters!


Ohh and the forecast...a couple days of possible sun and then....you guessed it rain again my Monday!

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We have had rain, lots of rain, for a week. The really wet rain IYKWIM. (I promise there are varying degrees of how wet rain is in the PNW)


Then a neighbor decides to burn some leaves. OMG, the wet, cold air mixed with the smell of burning, wet leaves makes it feel like October and Halloween.


Would someone please pass on the message that it is time for summer and camping not big simmering pots of food and snugly sweaters!


Ohh and the forecast...a couple days of possible sun and then....you guessed it rain again my Monday!



I think you must live by me. Sick and tired of the rain.....sigh.

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It's pure craziness here! I just saw that Portland had a record lohi. I didn't even know that existed. It's the lowest high temp recorded for a day. My roses are so ready to bloom, now they just need a bit of sun to nudge them open!


And I totally get what you mean about the rain. Really, thunderstorms and hail? We do still live in the PNW right?

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Goodness me, I'm so tired of this rain. I've lived here my whole life and generally don't mind the weather. But right now, I feel like throwing myself on the ground in a full on temper tantrum about how sick. I. am. about this RAIN! <rising hysteria here>


Is there a tizzy smilie anywhere? Gah!

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:iagree: We planted our garden two weeks ago and I'm really worried that the seeds are just sitting there rotting. I'm also worried about the strawberry harvest. I was poking around Weather Underground and discovered you can put in your city, click on weather history data and see a neat calendar with the icons and info for each day's weather. You can look by the day, week or month and even see weather in years past. It's a cool site, but today it was very depressing to see how few sunny days we've had in the last 3 months. :glare:


I'm an Oregonian who normally likes rain, but even I'm getting bathtub shrivel and the moss between my toes is starting to creep up my legs. Enough! We need some real sun!!!

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I don't live in the PNW but I do live in one of the top 10 sunniest cities in the US and today is the first non-windy fully sunny day in weeks. I just want winter to be over already. It snowed here yesterday. SNOW! We have plants we have been waiting weeks to put in the garden and it just isn't safe, until, maybe, cautiously, I am hoping today. The 10 day forecast says temps in the 70-80's and some actual days of sun. I sooooo hope winter is finally over because I am getting a little cabin feverish :w00t::willy_nilly::leaving:

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Opposite problem here! It is SCORCHING! There's been no rain for WEEKS! In MAY, which is still normally very spring-ish up here. My seedlings are all wilting, I have to water 3 times a day just to keep them alive. We had a full week of record- shattering temps this week. Not breaking - shattering. The previous high was 26.1C (79F), The new record? 33.2 (92F).

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Feel free to send some of that rain my way, but DON'T tell Mother Nature it's summer---we've only had a couple of days of triple digits so far then it cooled back down. The longer things wait to heat up, the happier I'll be!

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Okay, so I have figured out the problem.


We are staying inside and that is creating less air movement to woooosh the rain to the East. Maybe, just maybe if we all go outside, and wave our arms around like windmills, we can push all the rain to those who need it....anyone else want to try with me. :willy_nilly::willy_nilly::willy_nilly::thumbup:

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Okay, so I have figured out the problem.


We are staying inside and that is creating less air movement to woooosh the rain to the East. Maybe, just maybe if we all go outside, and wave our arms around like windmills, we can push all the rain to those who need it....anyone else want to try with me. :willy_nilly::willy_nilly::willy_nilly::thumbup:


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Okay, so I have figured out the problem.


We are staying inside and that is creating less air movement to woooosh the rain to the East. Maybe, just maybe if we all go outside, and wave our arms around like windmills, we can push all the rain to those who need it....anyone else want to try with me. :willy_nilly::willy_nilly::willy_nilly::thumbup:


All righty. Shall we set a time for all of us to do it? (how funny would it be to walk out the door with our kiddos and see someone else up the street doing this because they visit here too?):D

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