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Keeping records and schoolwork: How much is enough?

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I planned to keep all of DS's tests and quizzes from the CLE LU's we did (Math, LA's, a few science and social studies that fed into our WTM choices), the binder with his SOTW work (including photos of projects, narrations/dictations/copywork, coloring sheets, maps), the binder with his FLL and WWE work, and a word document with charts of time spent per subject per day, field trips and outings, and a list of books and other materials used.


Is this enough? I live in WA and they don't require we keep anything in specific but I don't want to be short-handed if the government comes knocking.

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Someone gave me such a good idea at co-op last year...

Keep one 3 ring binder for each student for each year.

Ex: Breena 09/10 1st grade

In it, I keep her copies of pages from the checklists in 'What Your Child Needs To Know When' in page protectors so I have access to them all the time. I save samples of her work to compare, all her quizes, tests and diagnostic tests divided by subject. I will also keep her big tests in there. I think it's a great idea, and it's helped us organize quite a bit! Also, since we're using CLE next year for most subjects, we'll just save their light units.

I think that should cover it. ;)

Good luck!

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Also, since we're using CLE next year for most subjects, we'll just save their light units.

I think that should cover it. ;)

Good luck!


So you are saving every workbook? 10 per subject? I was thinking about just keeping the teachers guide and the tests/quizzes out of each LU.

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Someone gave me such a good idea at co-op last year...

Keep one 3 ring binder for each student for each year.

Ex: Breena 09/10 1st grade

In it, I keep her copies of pages from the checklists in 'What Your Child Needs To Know When' in page protectors so I have access to them all the time. I save samples of her work to compare, all her quizes, tests and diagnostic tests divided by subject. I will also keep her big tests in there. I think it's a great idea, and it's helped us organize quite a bit! Also, since we're using CLE next year for most subjects, we'll just save their light units.

I think that should cover it. ;)

Good luck!

I really like that idea!

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I am in WA too. We have always done some sort of testing each year. Once I have the results, I toss everything! If someone comes knocking, and decided that my child needed to prove learning, I would say tell me a grade, I will tell you what I used and if they still wanted proof .... test them.


This all changes during the high school years. but during elementary, it all goes ba-bye.



During the year, I keep a binder with first work done in core subjects only. Toward the end of the year, I put a page that shows mastery. This is usually a comprehensive sample of a math test, writing sample, spelling, etc.

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I planned to keep all of DS's tests and quizzes from the CLE LU's we did (Math, LA's, a few science and social studies that fed into our WTM choices), the binder with his SOTW work (including photos of projects, narrations/dictations/copywork, coloring sheets, maps), the binder with his FLL and WWE work, and a word document with charts of time spent per subject per day, field trips and outings, and a list of books and other materials used.


Is this enough? I live in WA and they don't require we keep anything in specific but I don't want to be short-handed if the government comes knocking.

Here's your civics lesson for the day: If the government comes knocking, your job will be to stand your ground and demand that They follow the laws just as you do. You should NEVER provide information not required by law.


You keep just enough so that you can see where you came from and where you need to go. That's it.

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Ellie, thanks for reminding me of that! You are so right! I don't have to provide any more than what the law requires!



I agree with Ellie. I just keep a lot of that stuff because I'm sentimental, and if it were up to me, I'd hoard every workbook! :lol:


I'm a thrower and I live with 4 hoarders. It's a strange form of torture that mostly results in me keeping absolutely nothing to make room for their absolutely everything!

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