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PhD in Parenting's post on homeschooling -- GO READ!

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Here is a point made by a commentor that I feel is grossly overlooked in all the homeschooling articles I've ever read:


And finally, I am a fan of public schools. But the U. S. school system is groaning under the burden of more students with more significant issues, and dwindling dollars. Schools are designed to teach the greatest number of children possible, to teach to the middle. If you’d ever spent time advocating for a child with special needs or a child who learns in a very different way, or just pressing for higher academic standards in schools just struggling to satisfy the burdens imposed by legislation like No Child Left Behind, you’d understand that just advocating for change is daunting at best, and expecting a straining unwieldy system to adapt to an individual child’s needs is unrealistic.


Although my list for home educating is long and is somewehat based on ideology/religious reasons, the longer I homeschool (especially hs'ing classically) the more the quality of the public school education becomes a huge factor to me. I read it all the time on this board. People taking their dc out of ps because they are struggling to learn the way being taught at ps or their dc are bored and can do so much more than what is presented in the ps structure. I wish this point of view received more press.


Thanks! I wrote that. :-) Thanks to Smrtmama for posting the link to the blog post, too, it was an interesting read.



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Oh my :blushing::blush: I reread the post...please accept my apologies :) I missed that vital word "don't"!! I have learned my lesson and will certainly read posts at least twice before responding. I am sorry to you smrtmama!! It seems we do agree :)


Secular homeschooler I may be, but I have a deep respect and admiration for many of the religious homeschoolers on this board. The idea of any of them being told they weren't allowed to teach children their beliefs is horrifying to me! Smacks of "thoughtcrime" to me!


Apology accepted. ;)

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I tried reading the article but got too annoyed.... someone trying to sound smart and reasonable is actually a handwringing, self-contradicting, busybody ignoramus.


I was really impressed what seemed like a willingness to learn on her part. Sadly, that didn't turn out to be accurate. How DARE you religious people teach your children that the truth you know isn't the actual truth?!?! Her recent tweet just chaps my...rear-hiney.



I got a bunch of comments that did a great job refuting my concerns about homeschooling. Then I got a bunch that completely confirmed them.

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Or would the movement be even bigger of right extremists were allowed to homeschool their children and teach them that the Holocaust is a lie and foreigners are ruining their lives?


While I have some disagreements with some of what she says this really bothers me. Being in Germany herself she should know (but apparently doesn't) that the Nazi's were the far left party of Germany. Also, thinking of the Holocaust deniers of today they are far left dictators. Even the race issues in the U.S. have been distorted by the media and the schools. It was conservatives that were against slavery and wanted the salves freed. In more recent history 80% of democrats voted against the Civil Rights Amendment. I'm so tired of the politicians, media and schools making conservatives out as racists just for their own political gain. It's really dishearten how many believe it not only here in the U.S. but world wide.

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While I have some disagreements with some of what she says this really bothers me. Being in Germany herself she should know (but apparently doesn't) that the Nazi's were the far left party of Germany. Also, thinking of the Holocaust deniers of today they are far left dictators. Even the race issues in the U.S. have been distorted by the media and the schools. It was conservatives that were against slavery and wanted the salves freed. In more recent history 80% of democrats voted against the Civil Rights Amendment. I'm so tired of the politicians, media and schools making conservatives out as racists just for their own political gain. It's really dishearten how many believe it not only here in the U.S. but world wide.


To be fair, the Democratic and Republican parties have shifted in their ideologies over the last century. The names have stayed the same, but the politics have changed.

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While I have some disagreements with some of what she says this really bothers me. Being in Germany herself she should know (but apparently doesn't) that the Nazi's were the far left party of Germany. Also, thinking of the Holocaust deniers of today they are far left dictators. Even the race issues in the U.S. have been distorted by the media and the schools. It was conservatives that were against slavery and wanted the salves freed. In more recent history 80% of democrats voted against the Civil Rights Amendment. I'm so tired of the politicians, media and schools making conservatives out as racists just for their own political gain. It's really dishearten how many believe it not only here in the U.S. but world wide.



Really? I read that Nazis were on the far right of the political spectrum. They were fascists. They didn't take away the property of the wealthy; they tried to cultivate their support.


When you speak of those that deny the Holocaust, do you mean the president of Iran? I would say that Iran is a far right dictatorship, supported by conservative clerics.


Conservatives were against slavery? Where? The abolitionists were what we would today call liberals -- Quakers, for example.


What happened to those Democrats who did not support the Civil Rights Amendment? Didn't they become Republicans?


I think there's some confusion about what far right and far left mean -- though the totalitarianism both far ends espouse may look pretty similar.

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When I understood that someone's moniker was "PhD in Parenting" <==seriously , all I thought was, yeah ...eyeroll, yawn. (Maybe I will be more interested when she postdocs in grannyhood, which will be a while from now since her 2 were apparently born in 2004 and 2007.)

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When I understood that someone's moniker was "PhD in Parenting" <==seriously , all I thought was, yeah ...eyeroll, yawn. (Maybe I will be more interested when she postdocs in grannyhood, which will be a while from now since her 2 were apparently born in 2004 and 2007.)


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I got a bunch of comments that did a great job refuting my concerns about homeschooling. Then I got a bunch that completely confirmed them.


My dh told me not to bother entering a dialogue [i know it 'spelled' wrong, but I like it this way. :tongue_smilie:] with this woman. I did anyway. All I can say about that tweet.



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  • 4 weeks later...

She also misses the group of homeschoolers who bring their children home because they feel their child's right to an education is not being met by inadequate schools within their area. Many parents simply want to provide their children with a more academically rigorous curriculum than is available at public schools or private schools within their district (myself being one of them). I think a lot of "classical" homeschoolers would fall into this category.

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