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The fragility of life

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Reading about another child being lost has really affected me. I have been having a hard time lately with the approaching anniversary of the death of my friends' 3 year old son last summer. He drowned in their family pool. To make it worse, his mother was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer shortly before he drowned. So, in addition to grieving over this past year, she has gone through chemo, radiation, a double mastectomy and a second round of chemo. I can barely type this through the tears. I can hardly bear to think of my friend and I have to say I haven't been the best friend to her that I can be because I'm so unbearably sad for her and all she has had to go through in this past year.


I am so grateful that my sister's car accident yesterday was not life threatening. I am so thankful for every second I have to spend with my children, my husband, my friends, my family. It can all end in an instant. It is important to keep that in mind to keep things in perspective.

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Guest ToGMom
I can hardly bear to think of my friend and I have to say I haven't been the best friend to her that I can be because I'm so unbearably sad for her and all she has had to go through in this past year.




I am so grateful that my sister's car accident yesterday was not life threatening. I am so thankful for every second I have to spend with my children, my husband, my friends, my family. It can all end in an instant. It is important to keep that in mind to keep things in perspective.


:iagree: and more :grouphug: to you...

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I am so sorry that you are experiencing such a difficult season in your life. Just know you are not alone. I truly understand your situation. I pray that you will see the light at the end of the tunnel soon.




Dina :grouphug:


P.S. Know that all the sadness you feel for your friend reflects what a good friend you are! :001_smile:

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:grouphug: I have been thinking about the same thing recently. My dh's supervisor lost her teenage son yesterday to a freak virus or something. One day healthy and thriving, the next clinging to life in a hospital bed and then...he died. Today, I hear about Ben. It's all so senseless and tragic and just, plain sad.

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You are right. Each day, we should stop and think about all we have. Life is too short to take for granted. It can be gone in an instant.


My hypochondria (when I am not on meds) works against me in these type situations. I question, "why not me? I am no better than anyone else!" But I know that God has a purpose for us all and the best comfort I find is that God holds on to us during the storm. I see people fighting cancer, losing children, but still speaking about God and their faith. I read Ben's dad's comments on his caring bridge page and he was still thanking God - still Praising Him. I know God is giving them peace that passes all understanding right now. He is carrying them. That gives me comfort like nothing else.


My dh's supervisor lost her teenage son yesterday to a freak virus or something. One day healthy and thriving, the next clinging to life in a hospital bed and then...he died.


Could this have been H1N1 still floating around?

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