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s/o sick days

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If you deem your dc too sick to homeschool... are they in bed all day with no tv / video games / computer, etc...? My dh says if he was too sick to go to school he was in bed all day with nothing but books. If I was too sick to go to school I was allowed to spend the day in my parents bed - with books or TV. My mom didn't just let us stay home for no reason. I had horrible ear problems and if I didn't have something to take my mind off the pain (such as the tv) I would have been even more miserable. If I think my dds are too sick for school I let them make a bed in the living room (our only tv) and they may watch tv (we have no cable) or dvds. What says the hive?

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It depends on how sick is sick. A high fever with the flue, and they get assigned extra reading, and have to listen to afternoon schoolwork ( science and history) but don't have to do much else. if they have computer time they are aloud to use it. If they are vomiting etc. they are not required to do any schoolwork. they don't play on the computer etc.

If they have a really bad headache. they get to skip out on math, but have to do everything else.

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I agree with those who say that they probably would appreciate the distractions that books, tv, cards, video games, etc provide.


Obviously, going outside to play wouldn't usually happen. Neither would having young visitors.


If I had a kid who was routinely trying to get out of schoolwork by claiming sick, I guess I'd have to restrict everything; but I doubt that is usually the situation. Seems over the top (and mean) to restrict them extra because they are sick. Why punish a sick kid? I'd much more likely give extra (screen time, leeway, etc) for a short term illness.

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If you deem your dc too sick to homeschool... are they in bed all day with no tv / video games / computer, etc...? My dh says if he was too sick to go to school he was in bed all day with nothing but books. If I was too sick to go to school I was allowed to spend the day in my parents bed - with books or TV. My mom didn't just let us stay home for no reason. I had horrible ear problems and if I didn't have something to take my mind off the pain (such as the tv) I would have been even more miserable. If I think my dds are too sick for school I let them make a bed in the living room (our only tv) and they may watch tv (we have no cable) or dvds. What says the hive?



I don't make them stay in bed, but I do require that they rest plenty. We have always done some schoolwork on sick days unless the child was feverish/dizzy & reading makes it worse.


I have no problem determining if they are sick or not. I don't think it would even occur to my kids to feign illness to get out of schoolwork. They just have no experience with that. They know they'll eventually have to do it anyway. One of the "perks" of living with your teacher. :D

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When I'm sick, the last thing I want is for someone telling me all the things I can't do. I take my comfort where I can get it, and I am happy for my kids to do the same.




Do home schooled kids really fake being sick? Is this limiting activities something people do simply because their parents did it?


I hated going to school--and did occasionally claim sick to get out of it, so I'm familiar with the concept. I just don't see my kids even thinking of it. Not that they're such angels--they just don't go to school. What's there to get out of? You have to do it eventually anyway. :001_huh:

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To me there is a difference between being well enough to watch TV and well enough to pay attention to lessons and get anything out of it.


Ds is allowed TV when he is sick. When he's really sick he'll watch Star Wars, it's like his comfort show. He's either in bed or on the couch all day.

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There are certainly times when *I* don't feel well enough to guide lessons, but am perfectly capable of a few quiet, mindless, enjoyable activities. Not only would I laugh if someone suggested I lie in bed and do nothing all day, I'd be ticked as well!


I'm not sure why anyone would punish a child for not feeling well.

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Fever, stomach bugs, and the accompanying ick feeling: stay in bed, watch episodes of Bill Nye or Avatar on the PC, or maybe a movie (we don't have tv) -- OR listen to a book on CD, or nothing at all depending on how awful the patient feels.


Usually, the decision as to whether or not school work will be done is made on a case by case basis -- I can usually tell if I'm being snowed or not.;)

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Do home schooled kids really fake being sick? Is this limiting activities something people do simply because their parents did it?


I hated going to school--and did occasionally claim sick to get out of it, so I'm familiar with the concept. I just don't see my kids even thinking of it. Not that they're such angels--they just don't go to school. What's there to get out of? You have to do it eventually anyway. :001_huh:


I have one who will (and no, he has never been to school.) We've had several instances where he just couldn't do his schoolwork because he "didn't feel good" but he felt well enough to do lots of other things. He'll do anything he can to get out of it even though he knows he'll have to do it eventually.

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When I'm sick, the last thing I want is for someone telling me all the things I can't do. I take my comfort where I can get it, and I am happy for my kids to do the same.





DS5 threw up 4 or 5 different mornings this year. He watched tv until he was feeling better and then we did school.

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I usually just do what gets us through the day. Mine a young so its not like we are getting behind. I let them do what they feel up to. Sometimes when they are sick they want to do a little project or something. If it comforts them and entertains them then I let them do it. If they are really sick the world stops and I just pet them. I feel like everybody needs that at some time.


The one rule I have is that no matter how sick you are you have to spend at least a few minutes outside at some point. Fresh air is required--even if its in small doses. We live in the south so its never too cold to go out.

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When I'm sick, the last thing I want is for someone telling me all the things I can't do. I take my comfort where I can get it, and I am happy for my kids to do the same.




I do allow tv/movies/video games/etc for sick kiddos - I don't go with the "if you're too sick for school, then you're too sick for a video game" or whatever, because I think there's a difference between the concentration levels required there....if dd13 wants to sit on the couch and play her DS games in between coughing & sneezing fits, or ds11 wants to play with his Bop-It, all the power to them. Whatever makes them feel a bit better in the midst of that germ filled yuck.

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PS.... Just to explain, lately we have been a little too obsessed with video games here and I don't want "sickness" to become an excuse to miss other activities or school just so we can play more of them. I also don't see it as resting so much.... some of those games can really get the adrenaline flowing. I can tense up just trying to beat Baby Peach (she's quite the backstabber btw) on Mario Kart. LOL!

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Mine are allowed some movies while lying down. But, I am fairly strict. I do read out-loud to them.


I tend to go with dh's mother's perspective. Strict rest and fluids will strengthen the immune system and reduce the duration of symptoms. So, they have to have mandatory quiet time (i.e.sleep or attempt to sleep) in both the morning and afternoon. If there are respiratory symptoms, this takes place in a vapor tent which means no books or toys anyway. When they are in the steam tent, I usually play a book on tape in the room loud enough that they can hear it.



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