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Book A Week in 2010 - Week 21

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Today is the start of book week 21 and the quest to read 52 books in 52 weeks. Have you started Book # 21 yet? Mr. Linky is all set up on the 52 books blog and ready for you to link to your reviews.


U is for ubiquitous ambiguity. Yep. What or who do you think of when you hear that?


Once again I'm between books and have no idea what I'll be reading yet. What are you all reading?

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My reading is finally starting to pick up again. Whew!


I finished Elegance of the Hedgehog which I loved. So many quotable moments!! Dutch Color by Douglas M. Jones III (a children's book set in the golden era of Dutch art) which was just okay. Time Travelers Never Die by Jack McDevitt which was entertaining, but not spectacular. (It was my husband's library book, not sure why I read it. :)) I did enjoy all of the historical references, though. Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller, which was wonderfully hilarious, vulnerable, profound, and rambling. (It will probably be required reading for my high schoolers, along with Mere Christianity and What's So Amazing About Grace.) Now I'm working on The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, which I'm enjoying.


Now that I'm reading again, my house is a disaster and projects undone. Wish I could find that perfect balance...

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I am still on book 29 - "Power to Heal: Receiving God's Everyday Miracles", by Joan Hunter. Allergies have been AWFUL plus I have a couple broken ribs from all the coughing and am in huge pain so I just haven't felt much like reading - a sure sign that I don't feel good . . .:glare:

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By the end of this week I'll be done The Double Comfort Safari Club. My parents are coming today so I probably won't be on later this week. I shouldn't even be on now as I'm in the middle of dusting this room & need to vacuum, clean the bathrooms, organize my dc, do more planting, etc. Nothing like guests coming to make lots of work I really should do anyway (but it's easy to postpone or spread it out when they don't come ;).)

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I finished "The Happiness Project" yesterday.


It was fine. She had a few good tips &/or insights. I'm not sure what I expected from the book, but it was somewhat different than I anticipated. Maybe I just didn't feel her 'joy' through her writing, kwim, but perhaps I expected to feel 'joy' while reading?

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Well, I guess while I'm on a roll I might as well finish The Last Apprentice series. It's easy and enjoyable to me.


I started The Last Apprentice: Night of the Soul Stealer today.


Good but the climax was lacking somehow. A little flat compared to the two previous books.

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I finished The Minds of Boys by Michael Gurian. I like his books.


I'm waiting for Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child from the library.


Next I'll be reading a book about hardy native plants for my area. No more plants dieing around here. :tongue_smilie:

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Just finished Silver Borne by Patricia Briggs; this is the most recent book in this series and I've enjoyed them all.


For a teachers as readers book group, I read and enjoyed That Girl Lucy Moon by Amy Timberlake. The title character is a strong teen who is a social activist.


Currently reading and learning from That Crumpled Paper Was Due Last Week: Helping Disorganized and Distracted Boys Succeed in School and Life by Ana Homayoun.




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I'm currently reading The Silent Cry by Kenzaburo Oe for my nobel lit class. May I just say "meh." Morbid and gross and icky - if I wasn't reading it for class, I'd toss it across the room and forget about it.


Looking forward to reading Silver Borne soon!!!!

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I don't think I posted last week. So, thanks to the fellow reader who led me to detective Flavia de Luce. I had read the second in the series earlier (sometimes things are just not available at the library) and finally got around to reading the first, The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. Improbable but enchanting mysteries.


Hats off to Tutor who mentioned the book Radical Homemakers: Reclaiming Domesticity From a Consumer Culture. I ordered it from the author and enjoyed it immensely.


Currently I am reading The Unlikely Disciple which my son stole out of the library bag first. He has been itching for me to finish it so that we can talk about it.

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Currently I am reading The Unlikely Disciple which my son stole out of the library bag first. He has been itching for me to finish it so that we can talk about it.


I suspect you'll have an interesting discussion. My daughter and I both read and enjoyed it and talked about it quite a bit. Lots of conversational fodder there.




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After 2 weeks I finally finished Crunchy Con- review on my blog. I liked it, but nothing earth shattering. Never did make it through Lipstick Jihad- I get how depressing cultural oppression is already. I did read Dogbert's Guide to Management. ;). Yep, I went for deep this week!

Hopefully I'm over the worst of this season's allergy attacks. It's good to be breathing and thinking again (and awake!).

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