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American History ?s

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I'm new to classical education. My kids are 2, 8, and 10. I'm having a hard time deciding what to do for History next year. Part of me says begin at the beginning with Ancient History. However we have covered quite a bit of Ancient History. Another part of me says go on to Middle Ages, which we've covered much less of. I'd also like to hit on American History more. I've bought the 10 book set of Hakim's The Story of US. Should I do start with Ancient, or Middle, and just read the coinciding chapters of Hakim's books, or read through the volumes concurrently beside whichever time period we focus one?


If I choose to focus more strongly on American History this year is there a guide that ties it altogether with related readings? I'm not interested in the Story of Us guides. I've previewed them and they're not what I'm looking for. More of a living books type of guide. I'm not wanting worksheets or comprehension questions. TIA :)

Edited by ThreeBlessings
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We're using Truth Quest History http://www.truthquesthistory.com/ This year we're starting with American History for Young Students 1. It's a living books curriculum. There are guides with commentaries on each part of history. Under each one is a list of books on that topic. It is definitely NOT expected that you read each book. Those are just some to give you ideas. You choose which ones to read or to have your children read, and decide on activities. It is a VERY flexible program that can be covered as quickly or slowly as you choose and in whatever depth you choose. No workbooks or anything like that. It's all real, living books. We love it.

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