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writing curriculum for struggling 8th grader?


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Hey guys!

I have a quick question for those of you with older children. I have a friend whose son is in 8th grade and has high functioning autism. He struggles quite a bit with writing. She wants to give him some extra help over the summer. I am just starting homeschooling so I really don't know what advice to give since he is so much older. She is looking into the idea of homeschooling so she thought trying to "practice homeschool" over the summer with some writing curriculum might be help her decide whether she "has what it takes" to homeschool. She is unsure of whether he is actually writing at an 8th grade level.


Any advice for her? All I really knew was that perhaps Calvert might be able to help? They offer placement testing, right? I also had heard of IEW or WWE but I wasn't sure if either of those were for 7/8th grade.


I'm running to Lowes to get some stuff for our garden but I'll check back in later with the hopes that someone on this board will know exactly what advice to give my friend! Thanks so much!



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Hmmm...I am not sure what the specific challenges are with this particular boy. Normally, I would recommend Sentence Composing and Write Shop.


IEW might be perfect also. If she can't spend the money on WriteShop or IEW, maybe Meaningful Composition? It's supposed to be like IEW, but easy on the teacher.


Writing took me a long time to figure out. It's difficult to match the program with the teacher's teaching style and the student's learning style.


Best of luck to your friend.

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Hmmm...I am not sure what the specific challenges are with this particular boy. Normally, I would recommend Sentence Composing and Write Shop.


IEW might be perfect also. If she can't spend the money on WriteShop or IEW, maybe Meaningful Composition? It's supposed to be like IEW, but easy on the teacher.


Writing took me a long time to figure out. It's difficult to match the program with the teacher's teaching style and the student's learning style.


Best of luck to your friend.


:iagree:with Lisa. My son is not autistic but struggles as well. I think if she can afford it that IEW SWI-B would be great. My friend has a son with Asperger's (he is a 7th grader) and he has done very well with IEW. Andrew Pudewa is very engaging and makes the writing process fun for boys (if there is such a thing). If not, once again, I totally agree with Lisa. From the samples, it seems to me that Meaningful Compositions holds the hand even tighter than Write Shop.


If sentence composition is an issue, it looks like Lisa's recommendation would also fit the bill. I just ordered Sentence Composing and am excited to receive it.


Whatever the case, I hope your friend finds the perfect match for her ds. Writing is always such a tough spot, especially for boys.





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Thank you so much! I will pass on your tips to her. She was saying that his hardest issue is formulating his thoughts and transferring them to paper. It sounds like some extra practice might be all he needs...


Thanks so much' date='



WWE might be an option too since he is struggling with getting his thoughts on paper.

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