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Online book club??? 10 yr old


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I am planning out summer schedules for my children and my 10 year old daughter LOVES to read and write.... Does anyone know of any "online or interactive book clubs" that she could partake in? Do any homeschool programs offer this kind of thing? I really think she would enjoy the interaction between other students and it would give her a great opportunity to read, enjoy and discuss literature.

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Hi all, I am just getting back to this post and wanted to say thank you to everyone who responded.

I am going to take a look at the sights and see if it is something she would enjoy. It sounds like these might be just what I am looking for.

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forming your own irl book club is easier than you might think.


Get a list of about 10 names b/c not everyone will be able to participate. Start with a good friend so you have the comfort of having someone getting started with you. Make the phone calls. When you have what you think is enough, have a first meeting.


For our first meeting we met at the park. The kids played and I discussed with the moms my ideas for the book club. They were all on board and we talked about books, titles, et c.


I set it up to meet at the library in a meeting room but about half way through the second year, we starting meeting in our homes. I set it up for the library b/c I really didn't want to host it at my house every month. However, when we started meeting at each other's houses, we noticed that the girls were more engaged in the discussion and we all have a ton more fun. I don't know if that's just our group or if it would play out the same for most groups.


Ours is a mother/daughter book club. We meet once/month. One mom hosts, one leads discussion, one provides a snack, and one provides an activity. The snack and activity are supposed to be related in some way to the book.


We've been meeting for at least three years, I think. Yes, three, I'm pretty sure. There are a couple of families that have been there since the beginning; some are new this year.


I encourage you to consider starting one. The very hardest part was screwing up enough courage to call people I didn't know very well.


Some things I've learned over the years: select a semester's worth of books at a time, homes work better than library room, longer is better than shorter, if you let one mom be too extravagant with snack or activity ($), other moms may feel intimidated -- you might set a dollar limit. That last one is no longer a problem for us but in the begining we had a very insecure mom. She is no longer with us and our current group is very, very comfortable together. I see us lasting a long time.


As for format, we get together at 6.30. This gives dads time to get home and take over the siblings and moms to get to the host house (two are way off in the country). We spend a bit of time visiting and getting settled in. This is important. When we were meeting at the library we didnt' really have this time and when we changed, everyone remarked that it was important to them. After gabbing a bit and the girls visiting, we get settled in. We discuss the book usually begining with how each girl liked it and then the discussion leader begins with a series of questions or observations she's made over the book or author. It's the responsibility of the Discussion Mom and Discussion Daughter to come with their lists. After we've exhausted the discussion, we start snack and activity. Usually, but not always, we start snack while the mom and daughter set up the activity. One of the problems at the library was that, b/c of time constraints, we had to have snack and discussion at the same time. Everyone seems to like it our current way better, much better. After snack (and more visiting) we do the activity. After that, the moms clean up (and visit) while the girls play and visit (even more). We all love the book club and look forward to it every month. In fact, the first year, I set us up to meet Sept - Dec, Feb-May. That wasn't enough and everyone requested to meet in January, too. The next year, the girls made known their great desire to meet over the summer so we met in July with June and August off. Well, this year we're meeting year around! Every Single Month! Silly girls!


As for books, the moms and daughters choose together but we tend strongly toward classics except during the summer when the girls choose whatever drivel they want. Last summer they choose a Nancy Drew. This summer changing format for summer only. We're choosing books that have a movie. We'll read the book over the month and get together to watch the movie. Snack will be popcorn. We'll go back to our regular format for the school year.


Our book club has been such a success that I really want to encourage you to consider trying. Honestly, it was hard to make those first phone calls and there were some kinks to work out in the first year but it is so overwhelmingly a positive experience for both the moms and girls that those tiny trials arent' even worth thinking about.


If I can offer you any long distance help/advice, I'll be happy to!

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How about starting a "social group" here on this forum and seeing if there are kids in a particular age range who would be interested in coming onto the social group on our accounts and discussing their books or whatever? I have a 9 1/2 y/o daughter who might be interested! :)

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How about starting a "social group" here on this forum and seeing if there are kids in a particular age range who would be interested in coming onto the social group on our accounts and discussing their books or whatever? I have a 9 1/2 y/o daughter who might be interested! :)


I have a just turned 10 year old dd who might be interested as well.



Edited by jg_puppy
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