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Weird experience with dd6 last night

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Last night, dd6 came downstairs after being put to bed. She was crying because she was afraid of what would happen to her special things if we were to have a house fire. After some reassurance, we got her settled back to bed. About 10 minutes later, a fire truck with its lights on went down our street. We laughed about it, hoping Boo Boo was asleep and didn't see it. Another 10 minutes or so went by and we became aware of a strong burning smell coming from outside. Turns out that there was a house a block over that was on fire.

This is not the first time that she has seemed to sense things. It is very bizarre.

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I did things like this as a kid. It developed into what I consider a very strong gut feeling about things and I don't question it.


When I was about 10 years old, I woke up feeling "off". Not sick, just an overwhelming dread feeling. I told my mom, who chuckled and told me I wasn't getting out of school :). I ended up missing the bus and told my mom, "see! I told you I wasn't supposed to go to school!". My mom laughed and told me to hop in the car. It was snowy and we were slid into, head-on, less than a mile from our house. Now, I know many discount such things as coincidence, but it wasn't the first time and it wasn't the last time that I strongly felt I shouldn't be somewhere, or do something, and something ends up happening.

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I wouldn't discount it, either. Kids know. I still have strong feelings and totally believe in omens and signs. I have a very scary experience that could reinforce that, but I'll save it for another day. Let's just say I'll have permanent reminders of that one.


I remember once I had a sleepover when I was about 13 or 14. It was about 2 a.m. on a beautiful spring night, and my parents' house is on a very short dead-end street, so we were all sitting in the middle of the road (the grass was wet and we didn't want to sit on the porch lest we keep my parents and sister awake) talking and laughing. And suddenly I said, "Wouldn't it be weird if a car came down this road? If it did, we'd all have to hide because it'd be some crazy maniac driving." Not less than five minutes later a car came barreling down the cross street in front of my parents' street. I made everyone hide in the grass in the ditch because I just *knew* that it would turn our direction. It did and flew down the street past us. Some of the girls thought it was safe after that, figuring that it was someone coming home late (early?), but I made them keep hiding. About 15 seconds later, the car came BACK by. It shook everyone up.

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I do think she probably smelled it and didn't realize. Her bedroom window is directly over the line of sight for where the fire was and her window was cracked. I think she likely smelled something and not even realizing what it was, it triggered those thoughts for her. She is very in tune with the things around her.

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I wouldn't discount it, either. Kids know. I still have strong feelings and totally believe in omens and signs. I have a very scary experience that could reinforce that, but I'll save it for another day. Let's just say I'll have permanent reminders of that one.


I mentioned that we have had similar things with this child before. When she was 2 and we would visit my in laws, her first stop was always my FIL. She could sniff him out wherever he was at and she would go directly to him. After he became bedridden from cancer, she would always walk in the front door, turn right and head straight to him. On the morning he died, we went over to their house. Boo Boo had not been told anything about Grandpa dying at that point and when we went into the house, she just went straight ahead into the LR. She didn't even try to look for him but she just knew he wasn't there. It was really spooky.

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I also have had things like that happen to me.... I learned not to question my 'gut' for whatever reason.


I think my 'awareness' started when I was around 10. I seem to 'sense' things that others don't--- like electrical currents, smells that no one else smells (I averted a fire a few weeks ago when I 'smelled' burning in the bathroom--- the wires came undone from the switch and were nearly touching). I would also dream things that would later happen.


The most horrific dream was when the Challenger exploded--- the part that was in my dream was the news footage of the explosion and the pieces arcing in different directions. I was an emotional mess all that day and the next when I saw that footage and realized that was what I had dreamed!!


I would learn to trust your daughter's 'gut'. You don't need to overreact, but if she says she smells something, check things out. I'm acutely aware of my surroundings, and have often felt my 'little voice' has saved me more than once or twice--- like taking a different route home, only to find out a horrific accident had happened along my normal route, taking shelter during a storm and later finding out on the news that a tornado touched down nearby 'unexpectedly', etc.


It can be odd & spooky, but learn to trust her 'gut'; and teach her to listen to it, too.

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During the dream I woke up because an airplane had crashed into the field behind our barn and the pilot was dead. It was about 4 in the afternoon in my dream. (I just thought because my husband is a pilot is why I had the dream).


The next day an airplane crashed into the field IN Front of my house and the pilot died. It happened at 4pm.

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Trust her instincts/gut/sense. I have a little one who just "knows" things and it freaks me out, but she's always right. We have family members who know things. My mom can tell about a person instantly. I can too. Both of us would avoid one man at church and nothing you could tell us would change our minds. We kept children away from him. Turns out he was a pedophile - and no one knew. For all the world he looked like a family man.


Little ones aren't conditioned to ignore their sense about things. Teach her to honor it, even if it seems odd. You never really know, but I think she does.

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The only time I've ever had things like that happen have been traced back to purely physical (but very subtle) cues ... not an ahead-of-time premonition, just an awareness that something was going on, before we were officially made aware ... like the smelling smoke, or the time a plane I was on had engine trouble (could feel the barometric pressure changes as we kept changing altitude ... knew something was wrong but didn't know what till they made announcements later).


Definitely trust those senses, but don't overplay it or the poor kid might end up with anxiety issues. (Don't ask me how I know that one.)

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Both my hubby and my mother knew things that they had no way of knowing. My mother told us of several deaths before they were announced. My hubby told me I was pregnant with my 5th when I could only have been a day or so past ovulation. He saw the space shuttle that crashed in TX before it happened and he told me Carl Sagan died a week before it happened. He had told me he died and then I week later I saw it on the news and told him about it. He said that it must have been footage from the previous week but it turned out it was live and we verified the dates. He definitely told me before it happened. When he told me Princess Di died, I didn't believe it until I saw it on the news myself.


I myself, have only had very strong feelings like that two or three times in my life but I paid heed every time. They are a few other people in my family that I pay heed to as well.

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Definitely trust those senses, but don't overplay it or the poor kid might end up with anxiety issues. (Don't ask me how I know that one.)



Boo Boo doesn't even know there was a fire anywhere last night so we haven't made a big deal out of anything. I did ask her what made her think of fire last night when she did and she just said that she didn't know.

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I would also dream things that would later happen.


The most horrific dream was when the Challenger exploded--- the part that was in my dream was the news footage of the explosion and the pieces arcing in different directions. I was an emotional mess all that day and the next when I saw that footage and realized that was what I had dreamed!!


I just got chills... I had a dream once about an event, and it was over a year before I knew what it was... everyone sort of looks at you askance, when it's something that BIG, but I understand exactly the kind of dream you are talking about!


I can't remember how young I was when I first starting having the "feelings." I know they were well-developed enough that I listened to them by the time I was 16 and started driving. I've never regretted listening, but I have had one instance where I didn't listen, and I have definitely regretted that.

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Or insights. Whatever you want to call it. My husband talked to me for 3 years about a feeling or message he was receiving about a situation. He said he knew he would be away on travel when it all happened and that my son and I would be alone. He was very upset but I kept telling him he was just feeling insecure about all the travel required for his job.


The situation he "knew" was coming - the attack on 9/11. It was as he described and yes, he was on travel near Boston. We were living in Washington, DC at the time.


I don't want to freak anyone out. I think of myself as a reasonable and practical person - but, maybe we are given these messages for a reason. Just before the attacks, my husband came to me saying the message was becoming more urgent. Again, I reassured him that it was just an insecurity.


So, trust your dd.

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