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If you couldn't afford WWE?


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How would you implement the ideas? My budget is spent right now. I have really studied the parts online that I can see and I know this would really benefit all my girls right now. How can I put something together myself until I can find a good cheap used version?

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Sorry, I hope others will pipe in with more ideas but don't forget you can also buy the workbook download for less. ;) You can take sentences from anything they are reading for copywork and use history or read alouds for narration. I just don't have the prep time, but that is what many did before the workbooks came out. You could start with the workbook until you could get a copy of the main book, I read it and it sits on the shelf, the workbooks are a great time saver.

Edited by melmichigan
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Any chance you get WWE the text from the library? It's very doable from that and much more cost effective than the workbooks.


If not, I'd jump right in with having the girls do narrations and dictation. Do you use SOTW? That would be a good starting point as it has the comprehension questions as well as narration suggestions. You could pick one to three sentences directly from the text and use that for dictation.


WWE is set up the same each week. Day one is reading and narration, day two is a dictation passage, day three is another narration (usually from the same source as the first, but different part of the book) and day four is another dictation.


*I* would getting the kids interested in it by starting with using some of your kids' favorite story books. From there you can progress to using passages from your history and science selections. So, for example, pick a few paragraphs from Charlotte's Web. Your older two girls can read it to themselves. Then, ask them to do a narration on what they just read. Ask them either for specific details if the text lends itself to that, or for an overview of the plot if the text is better suited for that. Write down their narration.


On day 2 pick a different portion from Charlotte's Web and use it as a dictation passage. One sentence for 1st grade, up to about five for 4th grade. If you want your dds to work on usage of quotation marks, pick a sentence or two with quotation marks. If you want to introduce semi-colon, find a sentence that uses it, etc. Read the sentence(s) to them 3 times (more if necessary) and have them tell it back to you before writing it down. Make sure you watch them as they write and correct mistakes as they go. This isn't a drill in spelling, but the kids should be listening for pauses here commas and periods go.


Day 3 would be another narration exercise, as outlined above. If you have a child in grade 3, on day three after you've written down their narration, you dictate about 20 words back to them (one or two sentences) for them to use as dictation and getting used to writing their own narrations.


Day 4 is another dictation passage.


You could help your dds along with their narrations by prompting them with questions to help them review the text a bit before they do their narration. I use the workbook so I'm not entirely sure how to do that on my own :tongue_smilie: but maybe someone else can chime in. Another way to go would be to review CM techniques for narration.


I HTH a bit.

Edited by plain jane
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Any chance you get WWE the text from the library? It's very doable .


I figure it's almost always a question of if you have the time or the money. So, right now you don't have the money and you'll have to invest the time to do what is done in the workbooks.


Do get the text. You'll have all four years right there. Amazon has it for $19.

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The textbook explains the approach and gives 3 or 4 sample weeks per level, but the workbooks give you selections for every week for an entire year.


If you want to find your own selections for narration, copywork and dictation you've already been given excellent advice. My problem trying to do this was finding a passage (for narration) that was long enough to contain *something* but not too long. For me, one way around this problem has been to use shorter stories - Aesop fables, 50 Famous Stories, etc. rather than excerpts.

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So I think I was confused., You can either use the textbook which will cover all 4 level but the girls must use their own paper or you can buy a work book for each level? You don't need both?


I'd be happy to send you my copy of WWE text since I read it and I ordered the workbooks.


5wolfcubs GAVE me a copy of IEW Poetry -- so I am blessing you in her honor.


This is fun. :001_smile:

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The lowest cost option if you want more hand holding would be getting the main WWE text from the library and choosing your own selections for the actual copywork, narrating and dictating. The workbooks just do some of that grunt work for you and aren't necessary. It's totally doable without WWE though. Many of us with older kids have been teaching grammar stage writing with SWB's suggestions long before WWE existed. :) Not to knock WWE by any means. I probably would have loved it with my oldest! Since I've just winged it on my own with my oldest two kids I haven't been interested in buying a book to do it for me with the younger ones.


Here's a glimpse of how it works in our house without WWE. In first grade I put the focus on copywork, starting the year with small sentences copied 2-3 times a week. By the end of first grade they're comfortable with larger sentences and do copywork daily. Then I start targeting narration skills, even though they've gently worked with narration all year. In second grade the focus is on the narrations, and copywork starts to include some of their own sentences. In third dictation is introduced, starting small like the copywork in first grade, and gradually building it up as the child is able. Narrations get stronger, and they can copy their own. In fourth copywork is phased out as dictation takes it's place. Some kids are ready to write their own narrations/summaries without help.

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Yes, I plan to implement the same process but use Aesop and Story of the World. I'll probably also use passages from our read-alouds. It feels so much more connected to me this way.


For me, one way around this problem has been to use shorter stories - Aesop fables, 50 Famous Stories, etc. rather than excerpts.
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I'm listening to SWB's audio download on Writing for the Elementary grades and really enjoying it. It was only $3.99 off the Peace Hill Press website



Also, pay attention on the page where you are able to order and there is a link to view the slides that she has for each talk. You can either look at them while you listen or print them and take notes on them.


Listening to those lectures made it make much more sense to me and seems that it would be doable with or without WWE. Also, I see the WWE text for $15 or so at times on the for sale board.

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Now that you're getting the text :001_smile:...


I just sat down with our science books and read-alouds to pull out the dictation and copywork for each week. It wasn't hard, just a bit time consuming which I didn't mind that at all. SWB's instructions are clear and concise. I made an excel spreadsheet on my computer to keep track of my selections and then created my own copywork pages.


I could have gotten the workbook, but wanted it to correlate with our RAs and science.

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I'd be happy to send you my copy of WWE text since I read it and I ordered the workbooks.


5wolfcubs GAVE me a copy of IEW Poetry -- so I am blessing you in her honor.


This is fun. :001_smile:



This is so kind of you. How generous.

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Doing it without the workbooks is very doable. I do it, and not for financial reasons (though that is a huge plus!). It really doesn't take a lot of time, and it takes even less if you don't focus on the grammar aspect of it. (Sometimes the dictation passages that line up with that week's particular grammar focus can be difficult to find.)


I use the passages form my oldest son's science book and from my 2nd and 3rd children's chapter books they read for reading.

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So I think I was confused., You can either use the textbook which will cover all 4 level but the girls must use their own paper or you can buy a work book for each level? You don't need both?


No you do not need both. The workbooks can stand alone or the text can stand alone. I like the workbook since it is all spelled out for you for the year. The text is cheaper since it is usable for multiple grade levels:001_smile:

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then may I suggest you download her audio 3.99 mp3 playing of:


A plan for teaching writing, focus on the elementary grades



She describes exactly how to implement the method without having to purchase any book...just from the content areas.


The one about Literary analysis, what is it and how to teach it! AWESOME!


I'm going to go back and take notes, and I don't even school with the classical method, but I love the way she, SWB, teaches writing! She goes on to explain why we should do what we do, and what we shouldn't do because it's pointless.


I don't want to add too much on here, except to say, Spend the 3.99, and take notes! You won't regret it!


Dee :)

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WOW!! How kind you all have been! I have looked at WWE since we started and just haven't been able to budget it. We have a very small budget and I use the library and used books for everything. I was recently blessed with an older copy of Konos for $13 and that has been a huge blessing. I have had my girls doing copywork and some dictation. While it has worked some, I can't seem to get the narration part down. They answer in these huge summaries with way more detail than needed. I also haven't been able to figure out how to add the grammar into it. I just feel like WWE would really help me to implement these things in a better way. We were doing dictation all wrong and I just recently discovered that on these boards. You all are so kind for not only the books you have offered but all of the great advice. This being our first year I can honestly say I don't know how I would have made it without all of you. May God smile upon each and every one today!!!!! Thank you, thank you!!!!!

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I just realized that I have a copy of the workbook WWE 1 and it doesn't have the workbook pages, but you don't need them, you could just use a notebook. A lot of people don't even use the notebook pages and notebook it anyway. It's yours if you want it. Let me know...




pm me with your address...

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I can't seem to get the narration part down. They answer in these huge summaries with way more detail than needed. I also haven't been able to figure out how to add the grammar into it. I just feel like WWE would really help me to implement these things in a better way. We were doing dictation all wrong and I just recently discovered that on these boards. You all are so kind for not only the books you have offered


The WWE textbook will help you with all of this. And take up Beth on her offer - she really means it! She sent me something one time via computer, years ago, that really helped me, too.

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Have you looked at these on google books? I just discovered them but they may help with adding in some grammar.





(not sure why these links are so long?:confused:)




The first one also has dictation, copywork and some narration. The second has more grammar in it.


Just wanted to let you know that I have NOT used these yet and actually have a post asking for advice on using them as a WWE\FLL type combo. They look great to me though and they are FREE!

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Yikes! I still can't see where to download it.


Are you outside of the USA? Then Google books are not available to you because of copyright issues.

It's VERY frustrating to hear of these wonderful resources, but not be able to access them!

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Are you outside of the USA? Then Google books are not available to you because of copyright issues.

It's VERY frustrating to hear of these wonderful resources, but not be able to access them!


You can download them from archive.org. Search for the title, then click on "HTTP files" , then right click on the PDF link and Save to your computer.

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Wow! These are great.


Have you looked at these on google books? I just discovered them but they may help with adding in some grammar.





(not sure why these links are so long?:confused:)




The first one also has dictation, copywork and some narration. The second has more grammar in it.


Just wanted to let you know that I have NOT used these yet and actually have a post asking for advice on using them as a WWE\FLL type combo. They look great to me though and they are FREE!

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You can download them from archive.org. Search for the title, then click on "HTTP files" , then right click on the PDF link and Save to your computer.


I forgot about that! Thanks for the reminder.

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The same way all of us did it before WWE was published. :) You have great instructions here, and it will be even better if you listen to the lecture or read the main WWE text. It might be even better if you use the texts that you are already using in other subjects. Proceed with confidence.

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