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Classic Housekeeping: Rituals, Sayings, and Traditions.

Guest Virginia Dawn

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"Poor planning on your part does not make an emergency on my part." This is usually related to belongings (ballet tights, wallets, shoes) or school books not being put away properly, with panic ensuing when said items cannot be found. Seriously, people, we homeschool. How can you lose one or the other school book every other day? And where are all the dang pencils? And your coat?


It drives me slightly crazy, so now I refuse to participate in the hunt, and just repeat that little saying.

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I do this, too, and DH hates it. It's funny, but nightwear that wouldn't embarrass me in front of the firefighters (or on the 6 a.m. news!) isn't what he considers appealing. :lol:


Keep the cars cleaned out, too. You never know when someone's going to say "toss me your keys and I'll move your car".



My dh doesn't like my granny gowns or my flannel pjs. He says it's like I've hung a sign around my neck saying "DO NOT TOUCH ME!"

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Regarding square corners: I once had a boss who spoke of another employee as having square corners. When I asked what he meant he said that she was thorough and didn't take short cuts when doing her work, sort of like when you vacuum into the corners instead of rounding them. That was over 25 years ago and I've never forgotten that!



Reading this made me think of "square corners" when making a bed the old fashioned way before fitted sheets. I remember a nurse making a huge deal of this when I was training to be a nursing assistant.


Do I get a prize? :D

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I heard this one on this board many years ago:


"Don't let the corners get round."


I don't know who said it, but I've always loved that one.


The first mental image that came to me when I read this was corners in certain public restrooms I've seen (esp. gas stations). They definitely looked round.:ack2:


Mine's not really a saying, just how things seem to get done around here: have company over at least once a week. :D

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"Poor planning on your part does not make an emergency on my part." This is usually related to belongings (ballet tights, wallets, shoes) or school books not being put away properly, with panic ensuing when said items cannot be found. Seriously, people, we homeschool. How can you lose one or the other school book every other day? And where are all the dang pencils? And your coat?


It drives me slightly crazy, so now I refuse to participate in the hunt, and just repeat that little saying.


I am going to get a lot of leverage out of this one. THANKS.

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my mom always told me to wash the light fixtures every time you change a bulb, so that the nastiness doesn't build up.


Not sure this can apply anymore with the CFL's lasting so long. We haven't changed a light bulb in a long time so the nastiness would build up for sure if we waited for when we have to change them.

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and sleep in decent attire in case of a fire.


and in case of earthquakes, learned this the hard way recently. We had a 5.8 here and it was at 1 am :sleep: all I had on was a T-shirt no pants :eek: :blushing:. Unfortunately I don't have full PJ's because I am used to just using shirts (it is hot here even at night) but after this experience I have PJ's on my shopping list soon ;)

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My family was very much a "mess it up, clean it up" kind of family. The house didn't stay neat for long--we cleaned like crazy before people came over. One of our family jokes was to ask someone else, "Cleaning out a drawer, huh?" if they were dawdling or doing something seemingly unimportant when we were supposed to be cleaning. Apparently when my parents were first married my mom was rushing around to get the house ready for company and couldn't figure out where my dad went. She found him in the kitchen meticulously organizing the junk drawer :lol: !

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Give it a lick and a promise and call it done.


Use thusly: "I was running out of time so I gave the dusting a lick and a promise and called it done."


It means do a fast job and promise to get back to it or do better next time, then move on.



My furniture regularly calls me a liar!

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Don't make work!!!!


Translated: Don't set your cup on the counter when you can put it in the dishwasher because it just gives mom another job--you do not need to make more tasks for her; she has quite enough already in the basic needs of the family--cleaning the bathroom, doing the laundry, making meals and such. Don't put your socks in the laundry in a wad. Don't toss your clothing into the basket inside out. Don't track dirt into the house without sweeping it up. Don't scatter the newspapers across the floor and leave them there. DON'T MAKE WORK!

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Well, I always tell my family & my childcare children...


If you make the mess, you clean it up. We also use the Barney song quite often. :001_smile:


I want these little guys to learn that we can play and have fun, but we want to clean up and keep things nice and neat too.


I also like the idea of "a home for everything". It just makes things so much easier to put away and find if needed.


My mom always told me to make my bed first and then clean everything else in my room afterwards. It did seem like the room was neater just by making my bed, so I have always done it before clearing other clutter that may be in the room.

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Finish what you start

Don't bite off more than you can chew.

Never start a major cleaning project after 5:00 at night.

Don't jump around.

Don't start a new job before you finish the first.


These were all from my Mom...she could tell that I was already Type A, compulsive and perfectionistic even when I was little! :lol:

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Don't make work!!!!


Translated: Don't set your cup on the counter when you can put it in the dishwasher because it just gives mom another job--you do not need to make more tasks for her; she has quite enough already in the basic needs of the family--cleaning the bathroom, doing the laundry, making meals and such. Don't put your socks in the laundry in a wad. Don't toss your clothing into the basket inside out. Don't track dirt into the house without sweeping it up. Don't scatter the newspapers across the floor and leave them there. DON'T MAKE WORK!


I do believe this is my favorite- simple and to the point.

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I'm loving this thread!


How about this one?


"You never hear of a husband being shot by his wife while he is doing the dishes."


I'm so NOT-dull, that when I tell the kids it's time to clean up, they inevitably ask, "Why? Who's coming over?" :lol:


I used to keep a pretty clean house. Then I had kids. And it's been a struggle ever since!

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Our standard laundry rhyme:


They that wash on Monday

Have all the week to dry.

They that wash on Tuesday

Are not so much awry.

They that wash on Wednesday

Are not so much to blame.

They that wash on Thursday,

Wash for shame.

They that wash on Friday,

Wash in need.

And they that wash on Saturday,

Oh ! they're sluts indeed.


Admittedly the last line is, these days, subject to ambiguity.


Some days, I just find myself shouting instead, "I'm doing laundry!!" Those are the same days when loading the dishwasher is accompanied by cries of "Spoooooon!" But I didn't learn those from a human person. :D

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My family was very much a "mess it up, clean it up" kind of family. The house didn't stay neat for long--we cleaned like crazy before people came over. One of our family jokes was to ask someone else, "Cleaning out a drawer, huh?" if they were dawdling or doing something seemingly unimportant when we were supposed to be cleaning. Apparently when my parents were first married my mom was rushing around to get the house ready for company and couldn't figure out where my dad went. She found him in the kitchen meticulously organizing the junk drawer :lol: !



LOL!! :lol: OMgosh, this is a serious issue between me and dh!! That and hurry we need to pick-up!!! so he goes up stairs and starts folding laundry :001_huh:

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When someone can't find what they're looking for, I say: Look with your hands! And that person usually then finds what they were looking for...



No wonder I could never find anything at home when I was a kid! Whenever we were at a store, my mom told me, "Look with your eyes, not with your hands!" because I would touch everything I saw. Never fear, though, I can find anything now. I get LOTS of practice.


I'm so NOT-dull, that when I tell the kids it's time to clean up, they inevitably ask, "Why? Who's coming over?" :lol:


Sometimes I'll clean a room up really well while my kids are spending the night with their daddy. When they get home, DD always exclaims, "Mommy! I didn't know you cleaned the livingroom!!!"


My mom cross stitched this one:


Altho you'll find our house a mess

come in - sit down


It doesn't always look like this

Sometimes - it's even worse

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"Poor planning on your part does not make an emergency on my part." This is usually related to belongings (ballet tights, wallets, shoes) or school books not being put away properly, with panic ensuing when said items cannot be found. Seriously, people, we homeschool. How can you lose one or the other school book every other day? And where are all the dang pencils? And your coat?


It drives me slightly crazy, so now I refuse to participate in the hunt, and just repeat that little saying.


Yes! Where do the pencils go?! My dd8 loses her assignment sheet everyday. I mean, it has to be in the school room!

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