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My first ever....Calling Dr. Hive

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I saw the doctor for these symptoms today....but I don't think she's on the right track.


Shortness of breath (that sometimes results in hyperventilation if I'm not careful not to over-breathe)

Loss of appetite

Tightness in my neck/throat



The dizziness comes and goes in waves, in hand with the shortness of breath. The loss of appetite is all the time, mostly because whenever I eat I feel like I am suffocating. And it's hard to swallow. The thickness in my neck is all the time too.


I've had hints of this sort of thing over the past two years (mostly an inability to get a full, deep breath ever since I had a bad reaction to a medication) but it became acute with other symptoms this weekend. It was so bad that I was driving on the thruway with my sister and had to pull over and call 911, I was very close to passing out.


I am NOT prone to anxiety unless I drink caffeine the week before my period (I recently quick because of this reason. But I did have some on Friday, the day when I had to call the paramedics, but I was not PMSing and the symptoms have not gone away the past two days.) But doctor does not think it is anxiety related, nor do I. There is no trigger for the waves and the other symptoms are all the time.


On a downward wave I feel VERY ill, I am nervous being home with the kids by myself. She took bloodwork, looking at thyroid issues. I have a history of thyroid problems from when I was a teen, and this does NOT feel like that. She is just going to have me wait it out for the few days it will take to get the results back.


In the mean time, I'm not eating well and feel in the verge of panic most of the time...even though in my head I am very very calm.



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Bumping you for other ideas.

edited to add: I'm not necessarily right or saying this is the case/just that it has potential and is serious enough I'd want it ruled out if I were you.


How long has this been going on?

If it's new I'd wonder about your heart. Signs of impending heart attacks/heart issues in women are different than men and consistent with what you describe. Women experience symptoms sometimes for quite a while before a full heart attack. http://www.ynhh.org/healthlink/cardiac/cardiac_12_03.html I'd want my heart checked out. Did they already do that? If not I'd push and I'd google signs of women and heart attacks. http://ppbnews.blogspot.com/2008/09/nurses-heart-attack-experience.html


Outside of that--reflux causing asthma?

Edited by sbgrace
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I've had many of the symptoms when my heart goes into atrial fibrillation. From what I understand, unless my heart is in a fib at the time, an EKG would show nothing. I can always feel my heart when it's beating so differently, but I have been told from others that have the same condition that they only notice the symptoms in the body and can't feel the heart. (which I find amazing since I can feel the strange rhythm very strongly).


Before I was diagnosed, I really thought I had some sort of anxiety problem. Turns out, my heart goes into a-fib, I can't catch my breath, my blood pressure drops, I feel kind of nauseous.


Maybe something to check out?

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I had these symptoms plus a few more (fatigue, sinus congestion, burping, sweats,etc.) last fall. 5 doctors later, the cause appears to be mycoplasma pneumonia and a sinus infection (long gone now with antibiotics), gastro-esophageal reflux (GERD), along with pretty severe allergies I didn't know I had, and possible asthma or bronchospasms. I'm still dealing with the allergy issues. And for what it's worth I also have no significant family history of severe allergies or asthma.


There were a couple of times while driving that I got my phone out just in case I needed to call 911. For some reason the choking feeling of pressure in my throat was worse when driving (probably because my reflux was aggravated). I was not anxious or panicky, but I can see how it would strike one that way pretty easily.


Good luck getting to the bottom of this. It was a miserable feeling and I hope you get relief soon.

Edited by Kebo
typo correction :-)
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