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Anyone know about bees/wasps?

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We have had a large bee or wasp appear in our house twice in the past week or so. It was unlike anything we had ever seen before.


It had a brown face with black eyes; black/dark brown abdomen; biege thorax with black stripes; slightly fuzzy and HUGE! DH caught the second one in a jar and we were able to measure it - it was slightly under 2 inches long. DH thinks it only has one set of white, membranous (sp?), veiny wings but its hard to tell for sure if there's one set or two.


The first time I saw one it was first thing in the morning and it was buzzing around the skylight trying to get out.


Last night it didn't become active until we had turned out most of the lights and it seemed attracted by the light from the television.


Any ideas? This is totally creeping me out. I checked a bunch of identification websites and didn't see anything like it.

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I thought about it being a queen but it seems unlikely we'd see two of them in one week. DH just bought it back home (he had taken it to work to check with one of his employees). In looking at it again - the abdomen is furry but the thorax is not, which from what I've been seeing online indicates a wasp rather than a bee (bees have the furry appearance due to little hairs that collect pollen).


Okay, a little more searching on the paper wask idea and I think I know what it is - a European Hornet. Related to the paper wasp but larger, considered an invasive species that has been introduced in this country.


Thank you!

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I was going to guess hornet. We had a HUGE nest of hornets on our telephone pole of all places last year. My ds was playing basketball on the driveway and almost knocked it over! So, dh got some spray, saturated the nest as per instructions and poof! Gone. Hate to use chemicals, but those hornets are aggressive and nasty creatures. They sting repeatedly and are not afraid of you! Hope you find the nest.

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  • 4 weeks later...

If you've IDed correctly, be careful (bee careful? sorry couldn't resist!). European hornets, after they build their nests can be EXTREMELY aggressive in late summer/early fall. If you see any more, I recommend a professional to find and remove/eliminate the nest. Also look around the outside of your house under eaves/awnings for a nest...If you have an older house they could nest between the exterior/interior wall spaces.


Don't mean to alarm...I'm suggesting reasoned caution, not panic!

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We saw one more about a week after the original message (already dead) and nothing since. There is no sign of a nest anywhere outside the house or in the walls - no more seen anywhere. We are going to be tearing down this house in about 6-7 months. Until then we will have a lot of construction going on so I hope that will stir them up if they are out there and we can eliminate them.


Hopefully they are gone already.

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