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TOG Y2 and Bible Stuldy


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We started Tapestry of Grace this past year and LOVED it. We didn't have a formal Bible Study component because the year included so much scripture reading. I'm wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a Bible Study that will match the Y2 course? I have UG and D boys.

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Y2 is full of church history that will lead to a TON of scripture references worth studying. You're coming into the Great Chasm, Reformation, and the formation of a huge variety of denominations....tons of biographies....lots of church and bible study right there!


If that doesn't work for you, perhaps since your TOG studies will be so history heavy, you can just focus on the gospels for the year.

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Right, in taking a quick look at Y2, I realized that we will be covering a great deal of church history. Perhaps a better phrased question would be; what are the spiritual teachings that parrallel the year - faith in the midst of persecution, the sufficiency of scripture, what ??? I'm at a loss to know.


I do recognize that the leading for each family will be personal to them; however, I was wondering if anyone would share the specific studies they did with Y2?

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  • 4 weeks later...
Right, in taking a quick look at Y2, I realized that we will be covering a great deal of church history. Perhaps a better phrased question would be; what are the spiritual teachings that parrallel the year - faith in the midst of persecution, the sufficiency of scripture, what ??? I'm at a loss to know.


I do recognize that the leading for each family will be personal to them; however, I was wondering if anyone would share the specific studies they did with Y2?


Bumping this up as I'd really love to hear some feedback on this!

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