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Can I just use one of those math workbooks from the bookstore as curriculum?

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My daughter is hating her math curriculum. Lifepacs from Alpha Omega. Too dry, pages too black and white, and she doesn't like the way they explain things. I can't say I'm crazy about it either.


I was looking at the bookstore (just a regular bookstore, not a homeschool store) at workbooks- "Total Math" or "The Complete Book of Math" and "Kumon" and a few others. Would something like that possibly be a complete curriculum for next year's math for her, or no? I'm at a loss for what to do.

Edited by Mrs. Lilac
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I'm not sure. I don't know how others will feel, but I would tend to think that it wouldn't be complete enough. I would use them as a supplement, if I needed too. I'm sorry she isn't enjoying her math. It's so hard when the little ones don't enjoy school....or certain subjects. Have you checked into something colorful like McRuffy? It might just be the thing to help her enjoy math. Sorry if this isn't much help.



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I would start looking into other math curriculums that are more colorful. Those workbooks may be technically enough, but I wouldn't take a chance on it personally. If there is a hazard in jumping from one math program to another due to "gaps" (which I've heard from others), I'd think that potential problem would be multiplied when using workbooks from the bookstore. I'd research some other math publishers, find something that works for your child, and then stick with it so you don't have any gaps. Just my 2 cents though.

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I think of these as "OTC supplements", rather than as solid curricula.


I don't blame your dd for disliking the LifePacs. I tried some during our first year of homeschooling, and nobody was happy.


As Shelly suggested, read up on various math programs, shift, and stick.


Hope you find a good match !

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Spectrum math workbooks (PK-3) the first few years I HSed. They were a colorful, fun math program. Ds#1 transfered fine into MUS after Spectrum 3. Ds#2 used Miquon along with Spectrum PK-3, then transfered to MUS. The Little Critter version of Spectrum workbooks were really attractive for my ds. I used the Spectrum phonics workbooks K-3 as well. They were inexpensive, fun additions to our studies. I found that they encouraged my dc to work independently.



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I started our DS1 in math by just using School Zone workbooks from the grocery store. They were enough to get him through the basics of number recognition, matching, comparing, and very basic one-digit addition and subtraction; but once he was ready to go beyond that, they really were not helpful except to provide problems to work, and I can get those online. The workbooks did not have very clear or helpful pictures to explain place value or multi-digit addition and subtraction.


I ended up purchasing the Singapore Math textbooks and I'm really glad I did. The graphics they show are helpful, and simple enough that he can draw them on his own paper to use to learn to work problems. They are colorful and to me, not boring to look at.


For our DS2, I am going to use the Singapore books from the start.

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We use Kumon for summer math, but to practice wrfiting skills. It really is just a fun supplement to Right Start for us. We think about the workbook the same way we do singing counting by 2s, 3s, 4s, etc. It is just gravy, fun, a supplement...



What are "wrfiting skills"? :lol:

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I usd the Little Critter Series Workbook you can order from the store since they were colorful. But I found that they really don't give any help to you in teaching math skills. They are just work sheets.


I decided for 2nd grade I would get used textbooks I bought off ebay. They are colorful and they give explanation about math such as what addedum, sum, etc. mean. You didn't mention what grade but you may want to search ebay for textbooks.


I bought the harcourt math grade 2 text book but they have a variety for various grades. I was also able to round up a teacher's manual off amazon used.


If I can't round up a calvert 2nd grade course I will probably still use the harcourt math as I didn't like Calvert's Kindergarten math that much so I may not like their grade 2.


Anyway, check out used textbooks.

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