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Tell me this is normal (sprained ankle)

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I'm probably just impatient w/ the dc's interpretation of "clean" & dh's take on "food," but...my ankle is still swollen. (Should it be?) It's been a week. (I know, in print that doesn't sound long. It's been looooong, though. Dh has been SICK w/ allergies--like 1x/yr or less use of emergency inhaler-sick, & now he's got finals.)


I took a hot bath a few nights ago w/ some epsom salt, & it's felt...wiggy...ever since. Like the ankle's made out of jelly.


I've got a brace w/ gel in it that can be frozen/heated, & that's ok. But...it seems like it makes my ankle swell. Dh says authoritatively, "Then you have it on too tight." Duh. But no matter how loose I make it, it seems to make the swelling worse.


Really, it's the jelly feeling that's bothering me most of all. And trying to navigate the house that looks like a cold war between My Little Pony & Legos. Although the cars & their race tracks are pretty slippery. :001_smile:


(We've got the kids' toys packed up in the Toy Closet. They get a set of toys/mo, in order to keep things relatively under control. For ex, May is My Little Pony & Imaginext Castle plus accessories. They got into the closet. *Everything* is *everywhere.* :001_huh: We got it mostly picked up today, but it wasn't pretty. All I can say is that the crutches have only been used against toys, not children.)

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Sweetie, I was just thinking about you. I am sorry , but I am cracking up. The lil pony and legos and the crutches. I am rolling.


A week seems long, when I hurt my knee it was swollen four days.


I hope you feel better, and keep the crutches for the future when things get way out of hand.


Get better.

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Well...I'm almost 4 weeks out from spraining my ankle, and it is still swelling a little bit every day. The first two weeks were the worst, though. I think it's important to put your feet up as much as possible. :) My doctor told me it will take 4-6 weeks to heal, and I am only just now seeing noticeable improvement--in that I walked around all day and forgot I had a sprained ankle until I sat down for dinner.


Hope it feels better soon!

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Staying off of it I can swallow. (For a while, anyway.) But I want to see results! A week into it, I want to *know* it's getting better, lol. Because I've got things to do.


I walked on it (gently) the 2nd or 3rd day. The crutches were (are) just killing me. But it was awful that night, so I've been better about staying put since then. Actually, I've cataloged nearly 1000 books this week, thanks to the injury. :D


Still, when dh said I was expecting too much on the first night of this...I knew it was going to be a loooong recovery. (He fed the kids a package of turkey I'd frozen for casserole w/out any casserole around it. And split a bag of frozen veggies for 2 five ways. *shudder*)


It is pretty funny, though. More & more...if we go 4 days w/out a crisis, I cringe. I've really been waiting for dh to sprain his ankle. He's so clumsy anyway, that w/ the...junk...everywhere (the dishes piled up so bad that one actually got knocked in the floor & broken tonight!)...I figure it's inevitable.


You should have seen me storm out of the house Mon night. Took me about an hr. :lol:

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:grouphug:Are you warming or heating the pack around your ankle.


At this point you should be elevating it as much as possible, and icing it for 20 minutes at a time. Taking an anti inflammatory like Motrin/Aleve, in a high enough dose to work on the swelling (ask your dr for an appropriate dose for you, usually 600-800mg three-four times a day).


:grouphug: I hope you feel better soon, at least before the kids figure out they can outrun you.



Heat can make it feel worse at this point. Heat is good to relax muscles, but if you have swelling, it can bring more blood to the area. Propping your foot up as much as possible will help a lot. Laying on the couch with you leg up on the back works good. Or at least sleeping with your foot propped on a pillow. During time at the desk, another chair can be used to prop it up to at least level with your lower torso.

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A sprained ankle can take a long time to heal. If it's real bad don't expect to ever be "normal" again. My dd is volleyball player and has had two bad sprains, the ankle is permanently ( but not noticeably) larger then the other. Same with dh, sprained his about a year and half ago, it's still larger then the other.


Icing it, elevating it, and taking Ibuprofen will help. As long as it is continuing to get better I would think it's fine. Never hurts to get an X-ray when in doubt though.


Twist my ankle today...stupid! LOL It isn't bad though.

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Do you have a rolling chair in your house? or access to a wheelchair, some churches have extras you could borrow. I was in a cast for a long time two years ago and really crutches are the worst, you can do nothing. I remember the first day I made my cup of coffee, but of course I couldn't carry it to the table.:glare: I used an office chair until I borrowed a wheel chair.

Sadly, about the state of the house... I had to really be hard on the kids and hubby to have higher standards. I began the everybody help out for 15 minutes and then dessert. I know I shouldn't have to bribe them, but not helping was hard and I could pull out popsicles from the freezer. On the weekend with DH's help we prepared meals for the week - simple, simple, simple meals, crockpot stuff, frozen fish, etc. You can eat healthy and simple too. Make excellent grocery lists. I also used our barstools in the kitchen to sit at the counter. I had a kid be my assistant to get items for me out of the cupboard. Honestly, no one liked those five months, but that was how it was then.


Your foot will be swollen for a long time - sorry, but it is true. Elevate it above your heart as often as you can. The gel in your wrap doesn't get cold enough. You will need to use real ice. You should wrap it pretty tight to actually the keep swelling down (with an ace bandage). Also make sure you other foot is in a tennis shoe; never wear a flip flop while trying to negotiate on crutches.


Please take care of yourself, you can imagine how long this will last if you don't....

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I've had more than one doctor tell me (one is a sports medicine doc) that you'd be better off if you'd broken it, as far as healing time goes. I've got a friend at Judo and she sprained her ankle about 5-6 months ago while we were doing randori, and she still has to wear a brace and it's still swollen. Dh sprained his about 2 years ago and it still is a bit swollen. I sprained mine about 3 years ago, though, and it doesn't give me many problems (that's my bit of hope for you :001_huh:).

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It's been 3 weeks for me. My ankle is looking much more human, but still slightly swollen, particularly when I overexert myself. My doctor has sentenced me to 3 more weeks in the cam walker, but that could be mostly due to delaying xrays to check the fracture (which hasn't hurt for the past 2 weeks) b/c of pregnancy.


I just began catching up on some housework this past weekend. Even with dh lending a hand on Sunday, it's going to take a while. My kids were great about fetching/carrying things for me. Cleaning, not so much! Their bathroom looks like an unattended rest stop bathroom. :tongue_smilie:



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Oh, Aubrey, I'm so sorry! I can't believe you sprained your ankle badly enough to need crutches!


Yeah, you need to stay off it as much as possible. RICE it - rest, ice, compression and elevation. No heat - that really does make the swelling worse! Ibuprofen is your friend too - both for pain and swelling. Take 800 mg every 6 hours.


It really stinks when all the adults in the house are down for the count. :grouphug: It will be OK, though. Your oldest can make sandwiches and you CAN make the kids pick up. I really do identify with the toy closet - oy. We are in the midst of unpacking and Isaac gets determinedly into everything I try to put away. Gah.


Can your inlaws bring you some food or something? Does your church have a meal ministry? If you can take advantage of something like that, it would be great. I know you think you're not dying or anything, but really, your situation is a good example of why those ministries exist.


Oh, how I wish I were there to help you! I would come over and pick up the toys and fill your crock pot. Of course Isaac would take everything back out... :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest shasun



Just lying in bed with my right ankle propped up. Sprained it a week 1/2 ago. Have been doing this for a week 1/2. Cannot put any pressure on the foot, walking with crutches and was wearing a big heavy boot. Oh yeah I am 34 weeks pregnant and I have a 3 year old and a 2 year old. I am going absolutely out of my mind wondering how I am going to pull all this together?

Dr. says severe sprain may take 6-8weeks to heal. I fell like the weight of the boot is pulling the baby right out of my uterus. Besides the fact the metal bar has now aggrievated my pain to the extent I have choosen to forgo the boot and crawl to the bathroom to keep foot elevated so I feel no pain. Going back to doctor Friday morning to revisit my options and see if there is a better, lighter boot to wear. At anyrate I am watching my husband do everything at night with the kids, he is weary after running a business all day. And my mom has kept them for the past week 1/2 during the day..last night when I called she was already asleep by 7:00. I realize at this point we need help:ohmy: Last but not least both my children have come a month or so early do to high blood pressure. The positive. Maybe because I am off my feet this baby will have a longer stay? So here I am doing things I have never done before, like joining a forum. And sitting around doing nothing. Enjoyed reading about your misfortune...joke., but it does help to hear I m doing about all I can. Love the humor I am not there yet. Still having a few break downs. I am starting to realize this is it accept your reality and embrace:D Thanks for the entertainment and venting session!!!


9mnths and crawling

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My daughter is a gymnast and the best way to ice is to stick it in a bucket or pan with actual ice water. The deep chill will push blood away from the area and then when you pull it out later the blood will rush back into the area and really help get fresh blood deep into the ankle. Try doing it for 10 minutes minimum if you can handle it. Maybe 3 times a day. I know top level athletes play injured a lot and have to do whatever they can to speed up the healing process and control swelling. Do this along with the elevation and anti-inflammatories. We are dealing with wrist tendonitis and swelling at our house too. She will begin icing this afternoon. You can also alternate the ice water and warm water too. Just my 2 cents. Hope you feel better soon. Ruby

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